A Piece Of Cake!! {Always Open}

Yoru buries her head into her arms so he can't see her face at all. She's now blushing more. I can't let him see me like this!

"No, it's okay. I was just wondering, nothing more." C.J. smiles a bit and stares forward.
Cana smiles, "Why thank you." she walks inside the art department and takes a seat in the back, patting the chair next to her.


Rio laughs a little more as Yoru hides her face, "Hahaha, aw you're so adorable." He smiles, "So, are you joining any clubs?" He ask


Lyon takes a sip of his drink, "So how come you don't seem so interested in school?"
"Well, I draw a lot of pictures like cities and stuff but I'm not that good.." Cana says before Mr. Roh comes around, handing up paper and many different colors of paint, pens, and paint brushes. "Now I want everyone to have fun while drawing, this is only the first day so don't pressure yourselves." Mr. Roh smiles as he begins painting.

"What do you mostly draw Coko?" Cana ask, putting on a apron so her clothes don't get messy and tying up her hair in a bun.
Mr. Roh looks up, "Oh hello Coko and Cana, glad you two sweet-hearts decided to join the first art club at the school" He smiles.

"Sweet-hearts!!?!.." Cana blush a bright red, looking up at Coko shyly.
"Ahh no it's not...it's just a little to warm in here!!!" She says nervously as she begins drawing out her picture.

Mr. Roh laughs, "I'm just messing with you two." He waves at us.
Cana gets up quickly, "Yes, I'll go get a drink of water." She rushes out the room.

Mr. Roh raises an eyebrow, "You don't know what sweethearts are Coko?" He looks confused at him. Mr. Roh clears his throat, "Well, it's a thing where two high school kids have feelings for each other, and do little cute things for one another.." He smiles, "I guess it's kind of like the first stage before coming an offical boyfriend girlfriend couple."
"You must not know that neither.." Mr. Roh laughs, "A couple is a boy who likes a girl and the boy has to ask the girl out on a date first. If she agrees then you take her to a nice place, like a dinner and a movie kind of thing. Then you both become sweet hearts and then boyfriend and girlfriend, which is a couple."
The club goes on for another hour before Mr. Roh stops, "Okay, if you can please clean up your mess and you can put your paintings and drawing over on that table and we can continue tomorrow."

Cana gets up quickly, putting the paint and apron away. She grabs her bag and quickly head tot he front of the school.
Rio was walking out from behind the school with his camera, he sees Coko and a cute girl standing by the front of the school, "Oh hey man what's up?" He ask smiling.

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