A Piece Of Cake!! {Always Open}

Coko continued drawing. He smiled very lightly, it was almost unnoticeable. "Maybe I should add this..." he scribbled on the paper some more, then whispered, "Good....now to detail..."
Rio is sitting at his desk as he tries to take a nap but he keeps hearing scribbling noises. He leans his head up, a little bit of drool coming from his mouth as he rubs his sleepy eyes. He looks over at a kid scribbling in a notebook and Rio smiles, "Hey what are you drawing?" He ask the kid.
Coko looks back rather startled. "Wha...oh...a vampire..." Coko still didn't show the drawing, in fact, he covered it up.
Rio smiles widely, "Okay it's a promise so I'll be looking for you when you're done." He says as he puts his head back down.

"Okay class, today we're going to start with a book called, The Hunger Games. I'm sure some of you have heard of it." Mr. Roh smiles as he begins handing out the books. "I'll be keeping track of if you're reading the book or not. But for today I want to get to know everyone since we're all stuck together for the whole school year so, who wants to go first?" He smiles.
Mr.Roh looks around at the class, "Okay I guess I'll go first.." He rolls up his selves and clears his throat. "Well, I'm Mr. Roh, I've been teaching for quite sometime now, I have a puppy who's really cute." He smiles at the class and the bell rings. "Okay guys don't forget to read the first three chapters of the book and make sure you're on time for your next class." He yells at the students as they leave.

Cana grabs her bag as she leaves with the other students to her next class, "Math.." She mumbles as she looks down at her form. "You have math next?" A boy ask, Cana looks up and notice one of the guys from the fight earlier, "Um...yeah I do." "Well so do I, lets walk there together." He smiles little as they walk, "I'm Leo and you must be.." "Cana" "Oooh, weird name." He chuckles a bit as they walk into their next class, 5-7.
Coko walks into the math and sits by a girl. Wanting to know her name, he looks at her paper. "Ca...na...Cana." Coko realizes he spoke her name aloud and looked away quickly.
Coko whispered, "Coko....Otnyz...the last names pretty weird, I know..." Coko continued drawing the picture from last period.
"It's fine, it's your picture." She smiles.

"Okay my babies, since it is the first day I'm not going to any of your homework." Mrs. G smiles sweetly at the class.

"Oh hell yes, no homework!!" Leo yells, waking up Rio who was sleeping next to him.
Cana giggles as the rest of the class cheers. "Okay now since this is a new school year things have changed so after this class you all get 10 minutes extra break in the hallways between this class period and the next so us your time wisely. Also, we've just built a greenhouse out in the back of the school where students can garden or just go there to relax." Mrs. G says.

"Wow, that sounds great." Cana says.
"Agreed..." Coko continues drawing.

Hey I won't be on durring the week days starting tomorrow, but I will be active durring the weekends, so please don't kick me off this thread.
Yoru starts talking with some people around her, but doesn't go to long. She notices a guy drawing something in front of her. He starts talking with a girl and Yoru slumps in her chair a little.

Cari groans, she hated gardening. Anything to get her out of the school though, she'd be apart of. She starts daydreaming about if the guy who looked back at her would like her. C.J. shook her head and tried to clear her mind of him. She started falling asleep, and soon after, she did.
"First class went well I suppose..I hope they like me..but no one said hi, hm. Maybe I need to be more social.." thought Savannah as she slowly walked down the hall, focusing on her feet.

She didn't know exactly which way she was supposed to go yet, so she decided to keep a lookout for people she recognized.

"Sigh, why is it so hard for me to talk to people?" She asked herself. "Maybe I should just go check out the photography club, so I know where everything is."
Cari wakes up slowly and is blinded by the light from outside. She mumbles something and outs her head inside her arms and looks around once more before burrying her face once more in her arms. A minutes later, she feels a tap on her shoulder and it quickly stops as she looks up. To her right, a girl is giggling away. C.J. shrugs it off, a moment later it happens again. Since the teacher seemed like she didn't really care, she got up and went to the bathroom. Cari rinsed her face and went back in. The tapping stopped after awhile.
Finally the bell rings and the students begin leaving the class room.

"Hey guys, I've got some food for lunch, let's go eat it on the roof." Rio says to everyone in the class, some rejected it since they've brought their own lunch but others gladly accepted the offer. "You're welcome to come with us.." Rio says to a girl, he leans over and looks at her paper, "Savannah." He smiles at her. "And you too shy girl with the cute smile [Yoru]" He smiles at her as the group leaves upstairs to the roof.

"Does that mean Lyon would have to come too?" Leo groans.

"Shut up man!" Lyon yells as he picks up his bag. He notices a girl still sleeping at a desk, "I should wake her up.." He thought to himself. He walks over to the desk and gently taps the girl on the shoulder, "Hey, wake up it's lunch." He says

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