A Piece Of Cake!! {Always Open}

"Hey this is pretty nice man, you've got some talent." He smiles, looking at the drawing. He looks up for a moment, "and who is this beautiful woman?" He ask, looking at Cana
Rio smiles, "That's pretty cool man, I just came back from taking some pictures of the baseball team.." He holds up his camera.

"Hey if you two aren't busy this weekend, me and a few friends in class 5-B are going to have a night out on the town. You guys should come.."
"Like around 7 maybe, meet at the Ramen Shack at that time.." He smiles at Cana, "See you then." He waves at Coko and Cana before heading down the road.

"Are you actually going to go?" Cana ask Coko
Coko blushed lightly. "O-Okay...oh! So...I instruct a martial art class and I was wondering if you'd like to attend."
"Well, now you do." Coko sighs of relief. "Now I can take this hood off!" Coko takes off the hood, revealing his long, spiky black hair, and blood reds eyes that seemingly glistened in the sun. After scrathing his head, he starts the engine, and starts driving.
Cana stares at Coko from the passenger seat. Shocked at what he looked like, her eyes scan over his face, looking at his blood shot red eyes, "You look like you haven't had any sleep in weeks.." Cana says softly.

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