A Piece Of Cake!! {Always Open}

Rio smiles and kisses Yoru gently, "now how about breakfast?" He ask laughing.

"For once would you stop bullshitting me!?" Leo says loudly, "what's the matter with you huh? You act like you're happy one minute then the next you're running out crying. Then you act like you have feelings for Lyon but then you turn around and flirt with me!"
"Oh well SORRY FOR BEING ME! My life SUCKED as a kid!! Why don't you try thinking how others feel before you start yelling at them!" C.J. runs off crying and her throat hurting.

Yoru nods and follows Rio.
"Oh so you want to talk about how people feel huh? You push people and play with them for YOUR own game but you never cared how they feel!!" Leo yells back.

Rio and Yoru go back upstairs to find the house empty. Rio sits on the couch and sighs, "I guess we'll have to wait for Lyon.."
C.J. stops and looks at Leo, hurt filled her eyes. "You don't even know my past! How can you say that, you don't even know what I've been through!! You're being a real jerk right now!"

Yoru sighs and sits next to Rio blushing lightly.
"I know I'm begin jerk, and yes. I don't know about your past but it's not like you cared to let people know that you 'love'!!" He looks at C.J. before moving his hands through his hair, "you know what, forget. I'm tired of having to chase after you and get you to realize what you're doing but I'm done, go back to doing what you were doing.." Leo turns to leave.
C.J. takes a deep breath and holds back any more tears. "I never told anyone that because I don't like trusting people. When I told it to Lyon, nothing really sparked or anything. He seamed happy so I went with it. The one I really love is...you. You're always there for me when I'm confused or sad. My parents always fought and people made fun of me for not having a 'normal' family. I learned not to trust anyone and went on with life like that...I hope that's enough for you...." C.J. falls to the ground and her tears start flowing again as she looks at the pavement, her tears staining it.

(Whoo...a big one!! xD )
Leo closes his eyes and sighs before kneeling in front of C.J. "When I was 5, my father hit me for the first time because I got B on a math test.." Leo looks back at the house then back to C.J. "my mother used to call me useless and my father beat me just because of no reason and I hate him....both of them actually. When I was 14, they won the lottery and took off with their money. Not saying a word about and now I live alone, I still have the scares.." Leo confesses it all.

(Lol I know right!!)
Her head slowly faces to Leo. "Your life was worse than mine. All you had to say was you had it better or something you didn't need to tell me all that..." C.J. looks a bit worried for Leo then thinks, why did I just tell him all that then?! She blushes at what she said and looks away.
"No, I told you so you know that yes, you don't have it worse than me. And yes, my life sucked but you don't see me sitting around crying and having mood swings. So you can either sit here and cry with your little pity or get up and move on with your life.." Leo looks at C.J.
C.J. smiles and makes a pouty face. "I don't wanna move on though! It's so much effort." I roll over on my back. "I feel lazy today.."
Leo smirks and shakes his head before laying down next to C.J. "it gets better, you just have to know what you want and just go for it.." He turns his head and looks at C.J.
C.J. looks at Leo and starts blushing brightly. She wants to say something but her words are stuck in her throat. ​What should I do?!?!
Leo closes his eyes, "I want to kiss you but...you're in love with Lyon and I don't kiss girls who are involved.." Leo sighs and turns his head to look at the sky.
C.J. lets out quiet whimper. "Didn't you listen to what I said?!" She starts blushing brighter and repeats herself. "No sparks really appeared with Lyon, he seemed happy so I went with it. The one I really love is....you..Leo..I love you. It didn't feel right being with him." Cari looks at Leo with relief and happiness in her eyes.
"Then why say you love him then? I mean, he didn't know you'd say it to him. And you've been 'going with it' for the pass 24 hours." Leo ask calmly. I love you too C.J...but we just can't right now... He thinks to himself. "plus you slept with him!!" Leo places his hands over his face.
"I wanted to see if it would help with the pain in my chest but it didn't. Lyon just...doesn't feel like he's the one I'm supposed to be with. And with the sleeping part, it happened WAY to fast. Everything just zoomed by like it never happened." C.J. makes a rocket with her hands and shows it blasting off. "Understand me a bit?" She looks at Leo again with more happiness in her.
Leo laughs and shakes his head, "I'm tired Cari....I should get going home.." Leo sits up and looks down at C.J. "Go back to Lyon.." Leo stands up and begins walking home.
"I'm not going back." C.J. sits down on the pavement in a crisscross position and sat straight. "My decision is final, I'm not leaving this spot until you kiss me." She looked at Leo seriously.
Leo sighs and leans down. His lips inches from C.J. before he smiles and kisses her on the cheek. "There.." He leans back up and puts his hands in his pockets. "Now I'm going home!"
C.J. softens her look a little bit but doesn't move. "You have to kiss me. Not a kiss on the cheek, although I liked it a little." Cari looks up at Leo and stares at him.
"A kiss is a kiss no matter where it is." Leo looks down at C.J. serious, "and I told you, I don't kiss girls who are involved with someone else. I don't like things to be complicated.." He rubs the back of his neck, "so just go back so I can leave.."
"I'm going to break up with Lyon tonight even if you didn't talk to me. I'm staying here and that't final!" C.J. continues to protest and a drop of rain fell from the sky.
Leo looks up and seeing that it's starting to rain. He takes off his jacket and puts it over Cari's head. "You can stay here as long as you want then. I'm tired and hungry so I'm going home.." He pats C.J. on the head before turning and leaving home.
C.J. crawls into a rectangle cement box that was built for anything. Leo's coat was a blanket for her and she waited for him to come back when the sun starting setting. This was the one thing she was super serious about, which is rare! Cari tries to stay awake but fails and falls asleep soon after.
Lyon comes back down from his shower and notice Rio and Yoru both taking a nap on the couch. He smiles and shakes his head before looking out the window at it rains. He notices a cement box randomly in the middle of the sidewalk. Lyon shrugs his shoulders and quickly dials C.J.'s number, waiting for her to pick up.

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