A Piece Of Cake!! {Always Open}

C.J. blushes and smiles. "Yeah, I'm sure. Just go easy on me, I haven't done this in a while." She looks away and remembers when she had drunk *cough* sex with a random guy. She never got pregnant from it but she never forgot that day.
In a while..!? Lyon thinks about it, she must have done it before with a boyfriend, lucky for me then..

Lyon nods his head and kisses C.J.NEXT DAY!!!:

Lyon wakes up naked in his bed with C.J. next to him.

Downstairs in the basement, Leo is crashed out on the bed and Rio asleep in the chair next to the couch.
Yoru crawls into Rio's lap and falls back asleep like that.

C.J. grabs Lyon's arm and pulls it close to her. "I'm still tired..."
Lyon nods his head and wraps his arm around C.J. He looks at the clock on his nightstand and see that it's already 8 in the morning which means his mother is already at work.

Rio wakes up a little to feel Yoru on his lap. He smile sleepily and wraps his arms around her waist before drifting back off to sleep.
Yoru leans in closer to Rio and kisses his forehead gently and closed her eyes but didn't go back to sleep.

"What do you want to do?" C.J. rubs her eyes while still holding onto Lyon.
Rio pulls Yoru closer to him as he holds her.

"I guess get out of bed.." Lyon gets up out of bed and quickly change into shorts and a tshirt, "the bathroom is down the hall if you wanted a bath.."
"You can go first, I need to get changed anyways..." C.J. gets out of the with no clothes on and starts searching for them. She bends over to look under the bed. "Where are they...?"
Lyon blushes and looks away, "I don't know, check on my side.." He says, "I'm going to go get breakfast started." He closes his bedroom door and goes downstairs to the kitchen.

Leo falls out of bed which wakes him up quickly, "shhhhiiiittt!" He rubs his head as he check his phone, noticing that it's going on 8. Leo gets up, "hey Rio, lets go get some breakfast man.." He stretches.

Rio opens his eyes and little, "tell Lyon I'll pay for breakfast.." he mumbles before looking up and Yoru.
C.J. finds them on his side and gets into a bath. After that she gets dressed and heads downstairs sitting down on the couch.

Yoru stretches out and gets out of Rio's lap. "I'm hungry..." She looks at her stomach and it makes a noise.
Rio gets up and stretches his arms, "Lets go out to eat..." He says.

Leo gets his phone and head upstairs, spotting C.J. on the couch. Leo leans into the doorway, "oh please don't tell me you guys did it last night?" He ask.
"Why? Would you be jealous if I said yes??" C.J. playfully crawl towards Leo and starts circling him like a cat, smiling.

Yoru nods and follows Rio, not leaving his side.
Leo chuckles, "And if I say I was jealous what would you do then?" He ask, keeping his eyes on her.

"Wait.." Rio says before the step into the living room. Rio takes Yoru face in his hands and looks at her.
Yoru's still half asleep and doesn't know what's going on. Her vision's blurry and she just stares into Rio's eyes.

C.J. starts going through his legs, doing a figure eight over and over again. "I might just have to kiss you...." She doesn't know why but that's what she would do in that situation. Cari doesn't say it loud enough for Lyon to hear in the next room, but Leo sure heard it.
Rio raise his eyebrows as he looks down at Yoru, then hears the conversation in the living room. Rio leans up against the wall, pulling Yoru close to him. What the hell are they talking about..?

Leo closes his eyes and shakes his head, "I didn't know you were that kind of girl.." His tone serious as he moves her hands away from his legs and moves away from her.
C.J. tilts her head to the right like a cat and held her hand in front of her. "What do you mean? I was saying that in a joking way...you took that seriously?" She was lying terribly to him and she knew it but how else could Cari evade this conversation.

"Rio..? Are you going to k-kiss me?" Yoru's vision starts coming back but still doesn't know what's going on.
Rio looks down and Yoru and puts his index finger to his lips,"shh.." he points to the living room.

"And now you're lying.." Leo stands up, "you never used to joke with me before, so I don't know what game you're playing at but I don't like it.." He turns to leave the room.
C.J. grabs his hand. "Okay fine, yes I was lying but I don't know why I said what I said. I really didn't mean it, it just slipped out." She looks up at him with her puppy dog eyes.

Yoru gets a little frustrated. "Answer my question!" She tries not to be so loud so she quietly yells it at Rio.
Leo pulls his hand away, "you're dating Lyon now, so start acting like it.." He leaves out the room to the kitchen where Lyon is cleaning dishes with his headphone in. Sorry...it's for the best..

Rio hears the conversation, but Yoru begins to whisper loudly. Rio leans down and gives her a soft kiss on the lips, "better?" He ask smiling.
Yoru blushes and smiles. "Yes.." She goes back downstairs and sits down on the couch.

C.J. sits on the floor in front of the coffee table, her hair covering her eyes. "Why do those two have to be so complicated....." She starts saying under her breath.
"Don't you want anything to eat?" Rio ask following Yoru back down to the basement.

Leo leans on the counter and looks at Lyon. "What is it?" Lyon ask. Should I tell him how I feel about C.J...? He thinks.

"Nothing, just the others want to go out to eat, that's all.." Leo goes out the front door and lights himself a cig.
"No...I'm fine for now.." Yoru's stomach makes a noise again and she covers it up. "Ahahaha...."

C.J. stays on the ground looking at the floor with a sad look on her face.
Rio smiles and take Yoru hand, "Come on, we'll go get something then.."

Lyon comes back into the living room and sees C.J. looking sad, "what's wrong?" He ask, kneeling down next to her.
C.J. jumps slightly when she heard his voice, all she could do was force a smile. "I'm fine...nothing's wrong.." Cari gets up and walks out of his house to take a walk, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

Yoru stops and looks at Rio. "Do you love me, Rio?" She looks up at him more innocently.
"Wait-" Lyon tries to call out but C.J. was already out the door. Leo is sitting on the steps of Lyon's house and sees C.J. running pass him. Lyon comes out, "can you go get her for me, I need to change.." Leo rolls his eyes and gets up, putting out his cig. "Hey C.J.!!" He yells as he follows her.

Rio looks down at Yoru, taking her face in his hands "of course I love you.."
"I just needed to make sure.." Yoru smiles and holds his hands on her face.

C.J. stops dead in her tracks and wipes the tears. "Wh-what do you need?" She turns around and a fake smile is shown to Leo.

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