A Piece Of Cake!! {Always Open}

Rio nods his head and lets Yoru rest her head on his shoulder.

Naomi gasp loudly at C.J. "STOP THE CAR!!" She yells. The car comes to a complete stop, "get out...all of you.." she says between teeth, her face red with anger.

Leo sighs and gets up first out of the car.
C.J. was the last one to get out of the car. Before she got out Cari made this comment, "I guess I won this game." Then jumped out.

Yoru didn't wake up when Naomi shouted. The only person who could wake her up would be Rio, or her parents.
Rio helps Yoru out the limo and carries her on his back. "Now what?" He ask as the limo drives off.

Lyon turns and looks at C.J. "why did you do that? I told you not t pay here any attention.."

"Does it really matter, let's just all go home. This night pissed me off.." Leo turns and walks back to the ramen shop.
"Sorry, it's just something I did when I was little." C.J. smiles fakely and whispers to Lyon. "Do you want to continue where we left off later?"

Yoru leans her head close to Rio and falls into a deep sleep.
Lyon blushes a little and looks away, "I thought you were too embrass to kiss me in front of people?" He ask as they walk to his car.

Rio walks up to Leo who was ahead of everyone else, "hey, you okay man?" He whisper, so not to wake up Yoru, "you seemed a bit...off after you came back from outside with C.J."

Leo shakes his head, "I don't know, I like her..but she's in love with Lyon.." "So you pushed her away?" "Yup."
C.J. walks in front of him. "Who said anything about in front people?" She points with her thumb at his car. "Your place?"

Yoru mumbles in her sleep and she wraps her arms around Rio's neck gently. "Leo....don't..don't be sad...mnm"
Lyon rubs the back of his neck, "ah...um..." He looks around nervously.

Leo and Rio both look at Yoru as she mumbles, "she was tired.." Rio whispers, "anyways, I think you should spend sometime away from Lyon and C.J." Leo thinks, "I think it'll be for the best.."
"I'm...half..half awake..." Yoru rubs her eyes as she looks at Leo. He looks blurry when she stares at him. "There there's two Leos!" She points at him then falls asleep.

C.J. leans against his car. "So?"
Rio laughs, "she's so cute.." he smiles as they get inside the car.

Lyon sighs, "Okay, fine.." Lyon grabs his car keys and begins to pull off.
C.J. smiles at Lyon. Deep inside, she was scared of what might happen. "You won't regret your decision~." Cari sticks her tongue out a little at Lyon playfully.

Yoru talks in her sleep about Rio and finally falls into a deeper sleep.
Lyon smiles and pokes C.J. in the nose, "I'm sure I won't.."

Rio links his hand in Yoru's hand, "hey, if you can hear me...I wanted to ask you to be my date for the dance.." He whispers.

Leo sits in the back, watching Lyon and C.J. He sighs and puts in his headphones.
Yoru's eyes flash open as she hears Rio's voice. A gentle smile appeared on her face as she nods slowly. "I..love..you Rio...." Yoru trails off, slipping into a happy dream with everybody in it. She smiles and a tear rolls down her cheek.

C.J. laughs. "Off we go!" She leans back while putting her fist up in the air.
Rio blushes one of his many rare ones and smile, "Yeah let go!!" He yells happily whipping Yoru's cheek gently.

Lyon laughs and drives off to his places. In about 10 minutes they pull up, "My parents are asleep so we'll have to go to the basement." He says as they all get out the car.
Yoru slowly wakes up and drags herself out of the car. "I'm so tired!!" She quietly yells and slumps down the stairs.

"Nice house though..." C.J. looks around and follows everybody downstairs.
Rio scoops Yoru up and carries her to the couch in the basement.

"Thanks, I mostly sleep down here.." Lyon sits on the bed in the corner of the basement, "there's drinks and snakes in that closet over there.." He points.

Leo pulls up a chair and turns on the tv and the playsation.
"I..can..walk.." Yoru falls back asleep in Rio's arms.

C.J. sits next to Lyon and makes a pouty face. "I thought it was going to be just us."
Rio smiles and sets Yoru down on the couch and pulls a blanket over her.

Lyon grabs C.J.'s hand, "come with me.." He whisper, walking back up the stairs to his room.

"I guess we lost them two huh?" Rio laughs.
Yoru curls up into a tight ball and continues her dream.

C.J. blushes, she knows where they're going. It's okay, calm down! This is for Lyon, not for me!
They go inside Lyon's room and he turns on the light, "this is where no magic happen.." He smiles looking at C.J. Keep it cool Lyon...

Rio moves off the couch and pulls up a chair next to Leo and plays the game with him.
C.J. laughs and she gets close to Lyon, making sure to close the door. "You're funny." A peck on the cheek may start it so that's what she did.
He finally makes his move. C.J. kisses him back and pushes against him to make him want control. I want him to do the work.
C.J. opens her mouth to let his tongue in and runs her fingers through his hair.

Yoru dreams on as she hears the game music in the background.
(I'm going to skip the little *whispers* sex scene, to the next morning..)

Lyon takes off his clothes and helps C.J. with hers, "you sure about this?" He ask looking down at here.

Rio and Leo continues playing the game.

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