A Piece Of Cake!! {Always Open}

Yoru zones out, thinking about what to do with the Rio situation.

C.J. sits back and daydreams also about everyone together. (( Mostly Lyon xD ))
May I join?

Character Sheet:

Name: Staci Ray

Age: 15

Gender: F

Club or Sport(Or neither is fine): Neither, but wants to start one

Personality(no "developmental" I want description): She's very original in personality, being that for someone so small, she thinks she can tak on the world. She's loud, and about, and not afraid to say exactly whats on her mind.

Backround: She has 4 older brothers, so she's used to sticking up for herself

Hobbies/likes: Skatboarding, dirtbikes, singing, and dancing

Fears/Dislikes: Dresses, skirts, andthing thats pink

Other: N/A

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):

View attachment 13143

Name: D'shante and Riley White

Age: both 16

Gender: Both Boys

Club or Sport(Or neither is fine): D'shante plays Basketball. Riley Plays football

Personality(no "developmental" I want description): They're complete oppositses. D'shante's a calm, level headed flirt. Riley's a loud and about older brother type. But both are very loyal and protective when it comes to eachother and friends

Backround: The twins came from a very broken home, and were adopted by the Whited when they were just 3.

Hobbies/likes: Any sports, especially football and basketball, and confusing people who don't know that they're twins

Fears/Dislikes: They don't like feeling helpless, or when other people assume that they're stupid

Other: Identical twin brothers

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):
View attachment 13144

Lyon clears his throat, "Okay then. Lets go.." Everyone gets up and leave the ramen job. Walking down the lighten up street at night.

They arrive to the spot and order a private room for them to sing in.

"Who's going first?" Rio smiles.
Yoru scoots closer to Rio. "I don't want to sing..." She blushes lightly as she looks down.

C.J. shakes her head. "Count me out, I like to sing but not in front of people."
Rio look down at Yoru, "if you don't want to sing then it's fine.." He whisper to her smiling.

"Oh come on!" Leo sighs loudly, "If you didn't want to sing then why come! We should be having fun and not caring what people think!!"
"Thanks...." Yoru smiles cutely at Rio and takes a sip of the drink she bought when they came in.

"Say whatever you want, I'm not singin'!" C.J. stands close to Leo looking a little mad.
Rio smiles but looks up to C.J. standing, "C'mon Leo, if they don't want to sing then don't try to pressure them.."

Leo snorts at C.J. "okay fine, be a party popper the.." Lyon rolls his eyes.

"Can we just have some fun without the yelling, it's really giving me a headache.."
"I don't see you singing!" C.J. wasn't done yet, not for a while.

Yoru is to focused on C.J. and Leo that she didn't notice her hand on Rio's.
Rio sits still blushing that Yoru and his hand are touching.

Lyon looks up at C.J. "wow, okay then.." He stands up and grabs a mic, "Leo..." he hands the other one to him.

Leo smiles and nods his head, taking the mic, "watch and learn princess.." He whisper in C.J.'s ear.
She blushes as he gets close. Out of reflex, C.J. grabs his wrist but doesn't move. "Tch.." Cari runs out of the room and outside, starting to run a little slower once she hit the outside air.

Yoru tighten her hand as she sees C.J. run out. "C.J...." I'm really worried about her, is she really okay?
"Oh c'mon C.J.!" Rio calls out.

Leo sighs loudly, "what's her deal?"

"You, now go say sorry.." Lyon points at him.

Leo rolls his eyes and goes to follow C.J. Once he gets outside he sees her, "What was that all about?" He ask, approaching her.
"It's just......you remind me of my ex-boyfriend. He used to pick fights with me and he said that exact line to me. 'Watch and learn princess' is what he said when I got punched o-over and over again." C.J. fell on her knees and started sobbing.

Yoru can hear quiet crying from outside so she tries to cover it up. "So u-uh, how are things going between you and C.J.?" That was all she could think of.
(I was thinking for the singing part, you can just posted the link of a video from youtube of a song :3)

Rio begins to hear the sobs from out, "should we go see if Leo made her cry?" He looks from Yoru to Lyon

Lyon shrugs his shoulders, "yeah, lets go check.."

Leo looks down at C.J. before kneeling in front of her and wrapping his arms around her, not saying anything.
C.J. stops briefly. "Wh-what are you doing?" Cari starts blushing more.

"No. Um...lets give them some time, then we can go check. Okay?" Yoru didn't want to ruin a moment between them, if one if happening.

(I like that idea :3)
"L-Leo, please answer me! Why are you h-hugging me?" C.J. grips his shirt and puts her head on his chest.

Yoru starts laughing quietly as he sings.
Rio begins to laugh hard and Lyon. When Lyon finishes he throws the mic at Rio, "you sing something then!" Lyon face is bright red when he sits down. Rio stops laughing for a minute and looks down at where his hand is, "do you want me to sing?" He looks up at Yoru. Just then, Naomi walks in with Cana, "I knew I heard that beautiful voice!!" Naomi gushes and runs over to give Lyon a hug. "Oh hey Cana you made it" Rio smiles.

Leo holds C.J. shoulders and pull her back to look at her, "because I know how it feels to get hit..." he says, his voice serious.
Her face gets sadder with a hint of seriousness. "But still, isn't there a girl you like. You shouldn't be hugging me..." C.J. looks away blushing brightly.

"I'd like to hear you sing." Yoru smiles cutely as she looks at Rio. "After you sing, I guess I'll give it a shot."
Leo chuckles and shakes his head, "I'm about to tell you something about me that only two people know and you're worrying now about me hugging you?" Leo looks at C.J.

"Okay, wish me luck.." Rio smiles and gets up. Everyone is the room claps as Rio gets up, "Go Rio!" "Show us your talent yeah!"

Rio clears his throat and begins singing (this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBM_srNAOk8 )

Cana sits next to Yoru, "hey, I remember you, we've talked before.." She smiles at her.
Yoru smiles. "Uh yeah, your name was Cana..right?"

C.J. looks a bit more confused. "What do you mean? Why are you going to tell me something that important?
Cana smiles, "Yup, and you're Yoru." *Rio sings louder* "Are you and Rio a couple?" She ask.

"Well, why would you tell me something that important? You know, about your ex and what not?" Leo looks at C.J.
Yoru blushes and looks down. "I don't r-really know....would you say that we w-were?" She looks at Cana while looking a little desperate.

"I d-don't know! It just slipped out...I couldn't really control my self. I'm sorry." C.J. hangs her head in defeat and smiles slightly.
Cana smiles, "I mean, I would think so.." She looks at Rio as he finish singing. "Thank you very much!!" He says into the mic, going back to sitting next to Yoru.

Leo looks at C.J. confused before he stands up, lighting his cig. "Well, are you just going to sit out here bored or are you going to come back in?" He ask, looking at her.

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