A Piece Of Cake!! {Always Open}

Rio smiles and grabs Yoru's hand, "Sorry if it took to long to get here but I want to make this night special for you.." he says, his voice serious.

Leo blushes a bit but steps back, "C.J..we're not dating, it'll be...weird to start anything between us after everything that happen.." Le says, feeling a bit stupid for saying it. Just then we hear a little cheer and see Naomi comes out the limo.

(Naomi's outfit and same hair style as in the picture)(she's wearing the long one):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Blue-Prom-Dresses-2013-Navy.png.e6a64d358c27203d6f5152989320dd05.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Blue-Prom-Dresses-2013-Navy.png.e6a64d358c27203d6f5152989320dd05.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Blue-Prom-Dresses-2013-Navy.png
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Yoru blushes and nods slightly. "That takes a lot to do that for a girl like me. This night better be very special then if I'm going to remember it."

C.J. steps a little away from Leo to make him feel better. Just then, Naomi gets out of her limo. Now she can distract Lyon and take his mind off of me. YES!! For once, Cari was glad to see Naomi.
Naomi comes up to where Lyon and C.J. were standing, "Hey Leo, you look great in that." She smiles at him. Leo raises an eyebrow and smiles back, "I can say the same, you look great Naomi." They both smile at each before Naomi turns and leaves back inside.

Rio smile, "I promise.." he says before Lyon comes over to sit, "wow Yoru, you look great." Lyon smiles a bit before taking a sip of his drink, "where did Leo go?" He ask them.
Yoru smiles. "Thanks Lyon, I like the suit." She looks through a window and spots him. "There's Leo...Naomi's here, Lyon are you going to hide?" Yoru points to Leo and Naomi walking in.

"Well if you want to talk to me, I'll be by the table over there, or getting a drink." C.J. points to a table by a huge window against the wall. Cari waves goodbye and goes to get a drink.

(Is there alcohol there?)
(Yeah, there is)

Lyon shrugs his shoulders and sit back in his seat, taking another sip of his drink. "I don't care, I'm enjoying myself tonight." Lyon smiles as Naomi and Leo come to the table, "Hey Lyon.." Naomi smiles as him, taking a seat next to Lyon.
(I said yes in a whisper yell when I read that there was alcohol! YES!!)

"I love your dress Naomi!" Yoru looks at it then her simple ponytail. She thought of doing that, but seeing how it would turn out, Yoru's glad she didn't do that.

C.J. looks at the drink table and decides on a Beerita. She sits down at her table with some friends and starts drinking her margarita.
Naomi gives Yoru a smile, "thank you, your hair and dress is amazing too.." She looks at Lyon, smiling, "so, my dad said he'll save the pent house suite for his at the hotel he owns. We can totally party hard all night!" She says.

"Sounds like a plan, you up for that Rio?" Leo ask, taking a few sips of his drink and looking over a few times at C.J.

"Yeah, as long as Yoru is up for a sleepover at the hotel.." Rio looks at Yoru, "I can take you home after this is you didn't want to go to the hotel."
Yoru blushes lightly at the thought of going to a hotel with a guy. "Uh, yea. I'm fine with going to the hotel, it'll be fun." She glances at Leo looking back at C.J. every now and then.

C.J. takes a sip of her drink and smiles at Leo looking at her from a distance. Wanting to get drunk, Cari drink it fast and waits a while before picking another drink.
Naomi smiles happily, "alright then it's settled!" a sounds comes on and Naomi begs Lyon to dance with her. He finally gives in and stumbles to the dance floor, a bit tippys.

Rio looks at Yoru, "do you want to dance or go somewhere private?" He ask, blushing a bit.
Yoru finishes her drink and shakes her head lightly. "I guess somewhere private..." She couldn't really control what she was doing or what she said. Yoru was always a light drinker but she accidentally drunk a strong glass of alcohol.

C.J. picks up a stronger drink and takes a big sip of it.
Rio looks at Yoru a bit confused, "are you okay? You seem a bit...off.."

Naomi and Lyon dance most of the night, drinking and laughing until it's finally mid-night and the dance it over. Leo waits outside for the others to come out.
Yoru nods and walks outside leaning to one side as she got closer to Leo, Yoru stopped at him and focused her energy on walking straight.

C.J. stumbles out of the door and walks over to Leo giggling. Before anybody comes out, she kisses Leo on the lips quickly but gently. "I..l-love you Leo. Please accept m-my feelings..." Cari holds onto his arm so she won't fall.
Rio wraps his arms around Yoru waist to help her to the car, "I didn't know you were a light drinker.." Rio mumbles, chuckling. Lyon and Naomi come out after them but they all stop when they see C.J. kissing Leo.

Leo quickly pushes C.J. away but it's to late. Looking up, he to sees the others staring at him and C.J.
C.J. looks up to see everybody looking at us. "I'm..sorry guys..I'm I'm really drunk...right now.." She steps away from Leo and stands straight while holding her head.

Yoru starts giggling cutely. "I didn't know that you were this cute..." She looks up at Rio and kisses his cheek, close to his lips.
Lyon has his eyes on Leo before Naomi's limo driver pulls up. Without saying a word, Lyon walks pass both Leo and C.J. before getting in the limo.

"Lyon bro, wait just let me explain!" Leo yells as he watches his close friends get in the limo.

Rio sets Yoru in before walking to C.J. "Begin drunk doesn't mean you have to act like a slut C.J. I thought you were better than that but you're not. You play with people and now you just fuucked up a close friendship.." Rio turns and hands Leo the car keys, "you can take the car.." and with that he gets in the limo and it pulls off.

Leo looks as the limo drives off then at the car keys, feeling like it's the end of their friendship.
Yoru feels sorry for C.J. so tears start forming in her eyes. "That was a little rude Rio! She was super drunk, C.J. probably didn't know what was going on. She did say sorry!" This was one of the many times Yoru ever raised her voice at anybody.

C.J. starts crying as she gets more sober. "I HATE RIO!! Why did I have to drink tonight?!" She was ready to punch herself, but stopped and started walking home with her pair of sneakers she brought.
Rio sits back in his seat with a serious face, not looking or feeling sorry about what he said. "She knew what she was doing.." he says calmly to Yoru, "we'll take you home first.."

Leo sighs and follows C.J. "Why do you hate Rio for?" Leo ask with a blank face.
C.J. stops and looks behind her to see Leo. "First of all, he called me a slut, and second of all why are you talking to me? I thought you hated girls like." Cari doesn't smile or laugh, she just stands there with tears in her eyes.

"Stop the car, I'm walking home." Yoru doesn't look at anybody except Rio and speaks seriously.
Leo keeps his blank expression, "I don't like girls like that, I've told you time and time again how I felt and that I didn't want us to kiss but guess what!? You disrespect my wishes tonight!!"

The limo stops and Rio gets out to follow her, "You can hate me if that'll make you feel better.." He says softly as they walk in the dead of night.
Yoru doesn't look at Rio. "Don't follow me!" She's really mad right now at Rio. Even if she did kiss Leo, she was drunk and couldn't control what she was doing.

"Now that I'm sober, I see why you're yelling at me. I was drunk when I did that. Everything was black when that happened. Things got clearer afterwards and I saw everybody staring at me and people whispering saying that I kissed you. All I really can do is apologize and not talk to you again, so sorry and possibly goodbye..." C.J. looks at Leo with more tears forming, she wipes them away and turns back around planning to keep walking.
Rio continues to walk next to Yoru, not saying anything else.

"Yeah you should be sorry.." Leo says, running his hands through his hair, showing the first sign of emotion since they've been walking, "I'm crazy about you C.J. but when you do stuff like that..it really pisses me off!" He says loudly, "begin drunk isn't a excuse you can use every time you have a few drinks. How would you like it if I kissed Naomi and use, 'I was drunk' as an excuse huh?"
C.J. thought about it for a second. "I would be mad like you are at me, but since you were drunk, it was an accident. I would forgive you, but if it happened again I wouldn't forgive you." She spoke sternly and looked at him seriously.

Yoru turned around and faces Rio. "I told you not to follow me! You were being a real jerk to C.J. and I'm not forgiving you until you sincerely apologize. Leave me alone until you do that!!" She yells at Rio and starts walking to her house without looking back at him or saying anything else.
"So what makes you think I'll trust you then? I mean, what if you get drunk again and kiss some guy you 'pretend' you love huh? Then what, am I suppose to just let you go or wait like an idiot for you to get your shit together?" Leo looks back at C.J. with a serious face.

Rio stops walking, "if you want to break up because of this then go ahead and do it now. I'm used to it.." He mumbles, "just say the word and you won't ever have to see me again.."
C.J. takes a deep breath in and out. "Okay...instead of us fighting like this, what do you want me to do so that you won't be mad at me?" She walks closer to Leo but not in a flirting way.

Yoru stops and looks at Rio. "I don't want to break up, I just want some alone time right now. You're making really mad right now but not mad enough to where I want to break up. I'll be fine tomorrow, just don't talk to me for the rest of today." She smiles at him and starts walking away.
Leo stands where he is, "you can just let me handle whats going on her. I want to take things slow and see how I feel about you on my terms.." Leo pulls out his phone and calls a cab for C.J. "hopefully I'll be better tomorrow but I'm not making any promises.." a cab pulls up and he tells him where to go before opening the back door for C.J. to get in.

Rio shakes his head, "No, I want a answer, like now.." he says calmly, "if you want time alone then I guess we're done here then.." Rio turns on his heel and starts walking the way he came. Pulling on his Ipod and putting on some music.

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