A Piece Of Cake!! {Always Open}

Coko walks about the school and sees Mr. Roh getting bullied by another teacher. Coko runs up to the mean teacher and asks, "Hey what the hell?"
Couch turns his head, looking down at the kid.

"What did you say you little brat!?" His eyes narrowing on him.

"Oh hey Coko....um..this is really nothing actually.." Mr. Roh tries to play it cool.
Coko makes the assumption that the coach didn't hear him. "Hey what the hell. Also you are awkwardly close to my face."
"Get out of here, the school is closing anyways!!" Couch yells before turning his attention back to Mr. Roh.

"And you, I gave you one supple task and you couldn't even do it!!"
Coko rubs the back of his neck whispering, "Looks like some one needs to go back to manners school." Coko looks down and sees papers on the floor. "Ooh! Lunch." He picks up the papers and eats t casually in front of the teachers.
Gemma walked around them and out the door. She shuffled through her bag to find her keys.

Ezra got off the field and changed into regular clothes. He started to walk home.
(( Are we going to the after school scene where all the people meet up or have you guys gone past that? ))
((Okay sure))

It's finally Friday and the school day goes by fast. Rio tries to avoid Lyon and Leo but it's no uses as the find him hiding in the bathroom.

The last bell of the day rings and everyone rushes out of the school. Leo and Rio meets up with Lyon by his car. "Ready for tonight?" Leo ask with excitement.

"Yup I am, what about you Rio?" Rio puts on his happy smile, "Of course I'm ready, were having me dads roman after all!!"
Yoru gets out of school as fast as she can and hurries home. "I'm home!" She already told parents about later and was going to her room to get ready. "What should I wear....?" Yoru wonders aloud. Her mind was set on a light pink blouse, white strap on shoes, and white pants. She slips into the outfit and outs her hair into a ponytail. Yoru looked into her mirror and smiled. It's been a while since she's gone out with friends, so of course her parents would say yes. Her friend would be here soon to pick her up, so she sat down on her couch and watched T.V.
Lyon and the rest of them drive to Rio's dad ramon shop. "We'll be back, we have to pick up the girls and what not.." Lyon says as Rio gets out the car.

"It's cool, I have to help out me dad anyways so later.." Lyon and Leo pull off and head to pick up Yoru first. They hook the horn and wait.
Yoru hears the horn and grabs her phone and puts into into her front pocket. "I'm leaving!" She yells and rushes out the door and into the car.

(( Forgot about C.J. :P ))

C.J. runs up to her bedroom and quickly decides on an outfit. She puts on a light blue t-shirt with black headphones on it, a white soft jacket, black pants, and white high tops. Cari slightly curls the ends of her hair and waits downstairs.

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