A Piece Of Cake!! {Always Open}

The football team practices after school, going over all their plays.

Leo and Lyon both leave the school after practice was over and Leo notice C.J. sleeping.

"It's that your girlfriend Lyon?" "She's not my girlfriend.."

"HEY, LYON'S GIRLFRIEND WAKE UP!!" Lyon yells from where he's standing.
She hears screaming from her left and slowly rises. C.J. sees Lyon and Leo standing there, and Leo yelling at her....LYON'S GIRLFRIEND?!?! Cari turns a bright red and shakes her head. "I'M NOT HIS GIRLFRIEND!!"
Lyon blushes, "I told you.."

"Oooh, sorry.." Lyon and Leo walk over to her, "Why are you sleeping outside?" Leo ask as Lyon looks away.
"Because it's more relaxing and comfortable for me." C.J. said as she scratched the back of her head. "Oh yea, what about Yoru. Isn't she your girlfriend or something?" Cari said as she elbowed Leo lightly and smirking.
Leo laughs, "Nope but I know she likes me!" He smiles.

"Um..hey I'm going to head home.." Lyon turns and leaves.

"Jeez, what is up with these guys today, first Rio is mad now somethings up with Lyon.."
Yoru gets to the fifth chapter and outs it down to take a little break. The light from the windows come into sight, and the people around her can now be seen through her eyes. Wow, I was really into that book! Yoru rubbed her eyes and leaned back in the chair she was in.

C.J. looked confused and laughed at Leo's comment. "Then why don't you ask her out?" She asks, totally forgetting about Lyon.
Leo smiles, "Because...I don't really feel the same way she feels about me.." He lays back on the grass.

"I mean don't get me wrong, she's cute and all but not my type..she's more of Rio's type I think but then again I never know what kind of type he has." He laughs
Name: Annabeth Rose Atwell

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Club or Sport(Or neither is fine): Photography, swimming

Personality(no "developmental" I want description): She is a kind girl with a dark side. She tends to over think things which leads her to lash out at people. But, when she's not, she is a sweet,sarcastic person.she has trouble trusting people that seem like they could leave her at any time. She will always take care of her friends, if she doesn't like you, she'll make it clear that she doesn't like you.

Backround: She was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. she moved here when she was 11 and never got used to living in America. Her parents recently divorced and she hasn't seen her father in weeks.

Hobbies/likes: Photography


Fears/Dislikes: Spiders


Other: She always wears a bracelet that says "Annabeth" on it.

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):View attachment 12820

Name: Ezra Atwell

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Club or Sport(Or neither is fine): Football & swimming

Personality(no "developmental" I want description): He is a laid-back person. He is always protective of his sister since their dad moved away. Ezra is funny, a little flirty, and charming. But he has a temper.

Background: He was born in South Africa and moved here when he was 13 years old. He adapted easily and never seems to miss his hometown of Johannesburg. But, when his father moved out, he developed a temper.

Hobbies/likes: Football, swimming

Fears/Dislikes: Moving again, being rejected, showing feelings.

Other: N/A

Appearance(anime, realistic or descriptions is fine):
View attachment 12821

Name: Gemma Berkley

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Club or Sport(Or neither is fine): English teacher

Personality(no "developmental" I want description): She is a nice but strict teacher. She is laid back with her students and generally doesn't mind what they do as long as they do as they are supposed to do beforehand. She's funny and is very perceptive.

Backround: She lived here all her life and has been teaching for 4 years. She decided to become an english teacher after watching her mother teach almost 20 years ago.

Hobbies/likes: Teaching, reading, movies, and dancing

Fears/Dislikes: Freaking out while teaching, narcissism

Other: She always wears a sapphire ring

Appearance: View attachment 12822
((Is school over?))

Gemma sat at her desk and read a book. It was called, "If I Stay". She debated whether or not to go outside to the sport fields until she went home.
((Yes but most of the students are still there for a club and what not..))

Mr. Roh whats through the hallway to the teachers lounge but stops by Gemma's classroom, "Oh hey, you're still here?"
Gemma looked up and smiled. "Yeah, I've been reading for a while and I guess I lost track of time."

Annabeth changed into her swim attire and jumped in the pool. She swam laps then started doing butterfly.

Ezra skipped going to the pool and went to the football field.
"Oh yeah? What are you reading?" Mr. Roh ask.

Naomi finishes her dance lessons before changing to go in the pool. She sees a girl in the pool, "Ooooh I didn't think anyone would be in here.."

Rio is sitting on the bench by the football field, re-reading the plays other and other again for the homecoming game.
Gemma showed him the book and said, "If I Stay. Its a very powerful read, and heartbreaking."

Annabeth looked up, startled. "Sorry, I try to go to the pool as much as I can."

Ezra changed into his uniform and walked out on the field.
((Whoa, where has everyone been!? lol))

Cana is sitting in her bedroom after school, I should let Coko know I can't make it to the meeting..

She thinks as she pulls out her phone, sending a quick message to him..

"Can't make it after school today, I'm grounded T.T" She text.
Cana thinks, I can't go because I'm grounded but then again.. she thinks.

Of course I'm still going! Cana text back, knowing that she's going to have to seek-out

tomorrow night to hangout and the night of the dance.

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