A Piece Of Cake!! {Always Open}

"I'm naturally hot! My face gets red every now and then..." C.J. lies.

Yoru falls asleep with a smile on her face.
Lyon looks away, "Um...sorry about that..." The bell rings and Lyon get up, "Ready for gym?"

Rio is sleeping peacefully when he feels a tap on his foot, he opens his eyes and see Leo standing over him. "Come on man, we have to get ready to go to gym so wake up your girlfriend and lets go!" Rio sighs as he sits up, looking at Yoru while she sleeps, "she's so adorable.." Rio gets up, pats Yoru head gently before heading to the gym, "Aren't you going to wake her?" Leo ask, "Nah, I think she'll like it better if she just slept."
Yoru gets up a minute later and rushed to her next class. When she got done changing, Yoru walked out of the locker room and looked around. She saw Rio and Leo, nobody else that she recognized.

"Yea." C.J. gets up and goes to the gym.
((OK)) Coko looks at Cana with shy eyes. His voice became thick with nervousness. "So...the dance is coming up and..."
Cana sits up straight, looking at Coko who's very nervous, "Yeah...it's next weekend.." Oh god, is he going to ask me to the dance!?

Lyon comes out the locker room and goes over to Rio and Leo, going over the game play for the homecoming game. "Hey Yoru and C.J. come over here!!" Leo yells.
Both of their head turn at the same time. "Okay!" C.J. yells first, "Is everything alright?" Yoru asks as she and C.J. reach the guys.
"Oh yeah, everything is good ladies." Rio smiles his charming smile, "I wanted to go over the plan for tomorrow so first, we eat, then go to a theme park, and last eat and sing karaoke." Leo goes over the plan, "Sounds fun yeah?" Lyon ask, looking at C.J.
"Yeah it sounds like we're going to have a fun time." C.J. fakes a smiles. She hated theme parks. Whenever she got on a roller coaster, Cari would have to sit down for about ten minutes to regain her energy! The one thing she is looking forward to is the karaoke.

Yoru secretly sort of liked theme parks. She wouldn't go there unless it was with family or friends. Bad part about tomorrow, is the karaoke. Yoru would always do terribly at karaoke. This is going to be one interesting day tomorrow.
"I'm still picking you up tomorrow right?" Lyon looks at C.J.

"Awesome, I can't wait." Rio smiles. "Yeah, even though I suck at singing, the theme park is going to be the funnest." Leo kicks a rock.
((Y'all are always on when I'm not. :( ..)) Coko looks at Cana with caring eyes, blushing deeply. "Okay, 'cause I was just wondering if you...." Coko couldn't ay casually. He took a knee and held her right hand. "Cana Lovelex, will you go to te dance with me?"
((Why are you never on when where on? :D ))

Leo shakes a little, "I can't sing..." he mumbles

"Alright great." Lyon smiles

Cana blushes deeply, shaking a little as Coko holds her hand, "Ahhhhhhhh!!!....." She looks up and notice some of the students in the classroom watching Coko and her, "Y--" She couldn't find the right words as she begins to feel light headed. Cana slowly nods her head.

Mr. Roh stands up and begins clapping loudly, "Perfect, just perfect.." He smiles, "you can't get that kind of romance in any of my novels!!" He hops out of his chair, skipping through the classroom, "The power of youth, love is in the air!!"
Yoru puts her hand on his shoulder. "I can't sing either." She smiles at Leo, trying to comfort him.

C.J. smiles back and laughs.
Leo chuckles a little, "Well I guess we'll be partners for karaoke since we both suck." He smiles at Yoru

"Leo, you suck at everything!" Lyon points and laughs at him.

Rio stands in the back, watching Leo and Yoru laughing, "I'm not jealous.." He thinks to himself
Yoru giggles and still hasn't moved her hand back to her side. "Yeah I guess so."

C.J. laughs along with Lyon. She felt a little bad about laughing at him though.
"Wh.....what are you doing Coko?" Cana looks down at him, "Are you okay?"

"I don't suck at everything you little shit-head!!" Leo yells back at Lyon.

"Oh yeah, you wanna pick a fight with me!!?" Lyon yells back.

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