A Piece Of Cake!! {Always Open}

She takes her hand off of his head and thinks. "Hmmm, nothing, I guess." What is he planning? C.J. tilts her head slightly.

Yoru almost fell asleep on the roof but woke up suddenly. What woke me up? She looked around but found nobody and nothing.
Lyon blushes a little, looking away, "Well um...a few friends are going out and um..." He rubs the back of his head, "Maybe you should with...I'll pick you up and take you back home on time.."

The lunch bell rings, Rio, Leo, and Naomi head to the roof to eat, Rio sees Yoru sitting alone, "Hey Yoru!!" He waves cheerfully.
"Sure, I'll come." C.J. smiles cutely and giggles a little. He looked a little cute when he's embarrassed.

Yoru turns around to the familiar voice. "Hi." She tries to speak loudly but it didn't come out right. Instead she just waved back.
Lyon smiles, "Great, now lets go get some lunch because I'm really hungry!!" He takes C.J. hand and head outside to the grassy area of the school.

Rio comes over and sits next to Yoru, "What are you doing up here by yourself?" He smiles
C.J. blushed when he grabbed her hand. I don't want to pull away, but I'm embarrassed that he's holding my hand. I thought he liked Naomi, does this mean he likes me? "U-u-u-uh yea." She stutters.

She shrugs then turns back to the sky. "It's, relaxing and peaceful." Yoru smiles without knowing it.
Lyon and C.J. walks outside to the grass area, "Wait here.." He turns and head to the cafe.

"Yeah, it is. The blue clear sky and warm weather is really nice.." Rio smiles
"To tell you the truth, I'm kind of nervous about tomorrow. I don't usually go "out" with people." Yoru turns to Rio. "So I wanted to thank you." She puts on a nervous smile.

C.J. collapses on the grass when he let go of her hand. She was blushing madly, more then ever. "He-he-he held my hand.." C.J. stuttered as she spoke.
Rio smiles cheerfully, "Trust me, you're going to have the best night of your life!"

Lyon comes back with two sandwiches, bags of chips and water. "And here we go.." He sits down next to C.J. "I didn't know what you liked to eat so I just guessed." He smiles
She jumped slightly when he sat next to her. C.J. didn't notice he was back until he spoke. "Th-thanks Lyon." Cari puts her head down, not wanting him so see her like this. She wasn't all that hungry but she could let the food he bought go to waste.

"If you say so." Yoru forgot her lunch at home. She didn't think she was hungry, until her stomach made a noise. "Hahaha...." She said nervously. "Sorry." Yoru whispered, embarrassed.
Lyon looks at C.J. "You okay, you're really red.." He takes a bite of his sandwich.

"Here, you can have my ramen.." Rio hands Yoru his box lunch.
Yoru shakes her head. "I couldn't eat your food, plus isn't that your dad's ramen? If so I only want to taste it tomorrow." She giggles a little.

"Y-yea I'm fine, I'm just h-hot." C.J. smiles fakely.
"Ooooh I see.." Rio quickly gets up and runs to Leo, kicking him lightly on his side and runs back to Yoru with a sandwich, "You...can have this!" He smiles

Lyon smiles, "Oh yeah..it's totally hot.." he says chuckling.
"I don't want to eat his lunch either." Looking back at Leo. "If it's not my lunch, I don't like eating it. I'm touched that you want me to eat, but I'll be fine." She smiles at the ground. Yoru never has a conversation like this.

C.J. laughs nervously.
Rio frowns a little, "But...if you don't eat then your stomach would make weird noises.."

"Soooo....you should tell me something random about yourself.." Lyon says
"Like what? Do you want to know something in particular?" C.J. looked at Lyon.

"It's fine, I can live with it." Yoru whispered maybe at the end. She fakes a smile and stares at the ground.
Lyon shrugs his shoulders, "Any, favorite color, any pets, favorite movie, music, tv show.."

Rio puts on his serious face, "It's either the sandwich or my ramen.." He looks at Yoru gently, "Please.."
Yoru felt herself get weaker. "Fine, I'll take the ramen." She said not looking at Rio. I couldn't say no. Not to that face, not to him.

"Ok, then. My favorite color is blue, I've always wanted a puppy, I like rock music, and I don't have a favorite movie or tv show. I hope that was enough." She smiles.
Rio smiles and throws the sandwich back at Leo, hitting him in the head, "Sorry!!" He calls out before sitting next to Yoru, "and sorry if I made you fell pressured it's just my mom would never let me not eat something.." He smiles at Yoru

"Okay, it's good enough for me.." Lyon smiles, "my favorite color is red, I've always wanted a pet lion but my mom said no, I like rock music also, I scary movies, any kind and I don't watch a lot of tv."
Yoru laughs a little when Leo got hit in the head. "I sort of know how you feel."

"I don't really "enjoy" scary movie." C.J. says scared a little.
"Okay good.." Rio hands Yoru his lunch box, "But be careful, it's still a little hot.."

"Oh, sorry I hope I didn't freak you out.." Lyon smiles, "So what movies do you enjoy?"
"Thanks. I can't wait for tomorrow when I can eat your dad's ramen again." Yoru says then takes a mouthful of ramen. "Delicious!" She said as she took another bite.

"I like funny movies."
Cana looks up from her desk, "Coko..."

Rio laughs, "I'm glad you like it, I know my dad would be happy that some else likes his ramen." She's so adorable.."

"That's cool, funny movies are good."
Yoru laughs and continues eating.

"I laugh a little to loud sometimes though." C.J. scratches the back of her head.

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