A Piece Of Cake!! {Always Open}

Cana frowns a little, "I didn't even get his number.." She mumbles to herself as she heads up to her home.

The next day at school there are posters hanging on the wall, letting the students know that the homecoming football game and dance is in one week from now and that tickets for the game is $5 and the dance is $20.

Cana reads the poster before walking into English with the other students. She sits in the back and lays her head down on the desk, covering her face so no one sees the cut on her lip.

The bell rings and Mr. Roh walks into class, "Hello students, I hope everyone enjoyed there first day of school yesterday." He smiles cheerfully.
(You guys are always on when I'm not :P )

As Yoru walks to her first class, she she's a poster. "A dance? I guess I'll be at home for that." She says louder then she wanted. Yoru quickly get to class and sits down.

C.J. also passes the poster. She sighs and goes to class. I don't really like dances. Should I go? Cari thinks about this for the rest of the class.
((Lol, be on more Heart))

Leo, Lyon, and Rio walk into class loudly, "Yeah, I know you rookies saw the poster, you're looking at the kings(whisper: "Minus Lyon") of football and where going to win!!" Lyon yells.

Rio laughs and takes a seat next to Yoru, "Yeah so you guys should come to our game.." He smiles at Yoru

"Leo do you have to be this annoying in the morning?" Lyon groans as Naomi walks into class, "I bet my beloved Lyon here is going to make all the touch downs and win for the whole team and then he's going to be MY date to the dance!!" She smiles widely, making Lyon uncomfortable. He gets up and sits next to C.J.,

"I'm surprise to see you awake." He laughs
Yoru smiles. "I'll try my best to make it." She looks at her feet and blushes.

"I'm not always sleeping you know. I just didn't like yesterday." C.J. giggles a little then turns to Lyon. "I guess you already have your date." She says glancing at the girl.
Rio smiles, "And how about tomorrow..you know, hanging out with the gang?"

Lyon laughs, "Yeah, yesterday did suck and her.." He looks over his shoulder at Naomi, "She's not my date.." He smiles at C.J.

Naomi gazes at Lyon and girl sitting next to him, "New competition huh!?.." She thinks to herself
"Um. I should be okay to go, where are you guys going?" Yoru tilts her head slightly to the right.

"You got me there. She looks like she really wants to go with you." C.J. smiles at her.
"Well first we're going to eat at my dads ramen shop and then...." Rio smiles thinking before frowning a little,"...Um I don't know after that but that's the fun part."

"Yeah I know, she makes it known to everyone.." Lyon groans, "but, don't pay her any mind.."

Naomi become red with anger, "Who do she think she is!!??!.."
C.J. shrugs. "Whatever you say." Cari smiles at her once again before she pats Lyon on the head.

Yoru giggles. "Ramen is my favorite. I haven't eaten it in a while, so I can't wait." She gives Rio a cute smile and looks at the ground again, still smiling.
Lyon laughs, "What are you doing patting my head like that?" He smiles at C.J.

"That's it!!" Naomi gets up and sits next to Lyon, pulling on his arm, "You're eating lunch with me today right!?" She ask, looking at the girl next to him.

Rio blushes a little, "That's what I like to here, and trust me..my dad makes the best ramen right Leo?"

Leo comes over, sitting behind Rio and a girl, "Whatever he said is right." He laughs
"Do you want me to leave you two alone?" C.J. gets a little confused.

Yoru laughs at both of them. "Then I trust you guys, even though I've never done that before..." Yoru mumbles that last part.
"No-" "Yes you should.." Naomi cuts off Lyon, "And who is this girl anyways Lyon!?"

Rio laughs, "Okay then it's a settle, we'll meet outside the front of the school tomorrow.."
"My name is C.J. nice to meet you." Cari smiles the best she could. I don't really like her. C.J. pats Lyon's head once more then gets up to leave.

"Got it." Yoru smiles at both Leo and Rio, and then leaves the room.
"Wait!" Lyon says after C.J. "Damn it Naomi, I've told you already, I'm not going to the dance with you!"

"I know, I just don't like it when girls are all over you my Lyon!" She smiles.

"I've never seen you blush before Rio" Leo teases, poking Rio, "Yeah, she cute isn't she.." Rio smiles
C.J. hears someone behind her so she turn around. "What?" She calls out.

Yoru goes to the roof and watches outside. For some reason, she likes to do this.
Lyon gets up and walks next to C.J. "Lets get out of here.." He turn and walks down the hallway.

"Wow, Naomi just got rejected!!!" Leo laughs before she throws a book at him, "Shut you waste of a brain cell!!!"

"Oh you guys are so mean to each other.." Rio smiles
"O-okay?" C.J. followed Lyon without even noticing it. What is up with him? I've never seen him like this. Then again, I did only meet him yesterday.
C.J. still startled, jumped a little when Lyon spoke. "It's okay. It might have been my fault anyways." She smiles lightly. "Hehe..."
The look on his face scared her a little. "I don't really know. I was just trying to lighten the mood, that's all." C.J. put her hand on his head.

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