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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature Roleplay

Hydro nod at him happily as he says that but the put his hands on her hips and look at him with jaw drop and says "Excuse mi but i maybe a chick now but that is Offensive....I was never A chick ok"she says as he was right....apperances dont say anything only what is inside and that made him happy


Matron of Honor-Mai

Best Man-Hydro

Ring bearer-Angelus


(Those are the mains and what about the Groomsmen and the rest well we need too plan)
Yer still to easy to tease kid, heh, don't let Mai tease you too much in the future...

He said with a sad laugh.


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Hydro would nod "Yea....i will do mi best" and would wonder what is Mai going too say of her...as he has not talk to her much about this and he dint what too get too deep and atlk about it much,as she would look at the Suit and would smiel at Damien and say "Thanks Bro you have always bin there for us"she says as she would walk towards one of the rooms and would start too change as he wonders if the suit was going too look well on her as she has never seen much Woman were Suits
The little Dragon waited for the two girls to come all dressed up, ready to put their hair up.

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Mai held the clothing tightly in her hands as the pink diamond necklace jingled quietly. She flustered a bit, quickly discarding her messy clothes on the bath house floor before scrubbing off all the dust and grim of her flight expeditions- Trying her best not to slip, fall, drown, or set the bath house on fire before she was finished with it. "Wait- What? Dresses don't have uh...you know...um..pants?" Mai called from inside the bath.
Hydro would Finish changing as he look himself in the mirror and his hair all tangeld and messy as he was not good with long hair as he always hase it spiki,as he would look as his cloth as it suprisingly looks good on her really as she was happy for this,as he would open the door but then walk back in and look herself in the mirror as she would try too fix her hair but only makes it worse,as she would sigh and would get a Brush and would start too pass it on her hair "Ouch...Owowowow"she says in slight agony as wen she pulls down it hurts on her hair,as she hears Mai and would sigh and say "No dreses dont have pants"she says as she continues too try and fix her hair but fails as it hurts
Mai shifted her wet wings against her back as her long violet hair hung down to her thighs "So..it's...just a free flowing cloth...around my waist? " She questioned as she heard Hydro's voice "That seems to be an ineffective piece of clothing..." the scientist laughed a little, "Where are you sweet? I want to see you in your suit! If you're having trouble with your hair, I can help you."
"Its Fancy so its not for anthing else but only for evenst such as this"he says as he Trys all he can on his hair but the only thing he dose it tangle it even worse or pull Hair off and hurts,as she would sigh and would say "Im in the room 2 doors away from yours Hun........and.....yea i need help"she says as she gives up trying too groom her hair as this was very hard with long hair as he always hase Short spiki one and would really need help
Mai began trotting down the halls as she began slipping herself into the dress- careful not to rip it with her horns as she pulled her head through it. Her wet feet padded against the ground, the diamond necklace glittering as it laid perfectly on her neck. "Oh there you are Hydr--" Mai paused as she saw the woman. Not use to seeing him as a woman yet. "....hm.."
I'll help ya both with your hair, Hydro, cmere a sec.

He says loudly, his voice coming out in a growl...

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Hydro would turn around and see her as she notice she stop and she only look at him,as he would give a sad look and would sigh and say "Yes i know........"he says sadl as he hears Damien and she would get up and would look at Mai of a moment and then pass By Her as she look at the ground as she walks as he thought so much bad thought of what Mai think of her now,as she aproches Damien she says "Yea whats wrong?"
Mai blinked in confusion, she stared at the purple haired girl- noticing their overwhelming similarities. "My lover looks more like my sister now." she muttered, tilting her head side to side. She saw the tinge of sadness in her eyes. "But I don't mind, it's just surprising to see! " Mai stated loudly in an attempt to cheer Hydro up. "You're still my Hydro > :o !!!"
Hydro would look back at her and with a slight smiel and say "So....You are not Botherd of i being a girl....at all?"she says suprise as she says loudly as he would walk towards her and say "So you still love mi even if im a different gender?"he says suprise as he thought so man bad things that she might have said but sayd none and made him happy as he never thought she would still love him,as he would give tears of Joy and Hug her Tightly and fall sleep for some odd reson as he hugs her

(Sorry gota work tomorrow good night ya.all ^-^)
The little Dragon pulled Hydro down and settled her on the chair so he could fix her hair.

He brushed her bangs to the side and pulled the rest back into a French Braid, he grabbed some rings, he decorated Hydro's bangs with a ring each, he slowly pushed the rings up each bang, he stopped when each ring was right beside her temples, he then braided her bangs, and tied the ends with violet chains.

There we go... Mai, How does she look?

He asked with a small growl.

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Mai smiled lightly as Hydro hugged her "If you could love a monster like me- with claws, horns, wings and needles...then I could love you, even with this new form." The scientist said as she watched Damien fix her hair, carefully observing the white stone rings "Beautiful! Better than I could ever do, what are those things?" She asked, pointing at the rings
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The little Dragon looked at the white stone rings for a second before responding.

They're rings... Simple as that, in fact, my son told me one day, that he would fall in love, and use these rings, one for him, and one for his love, now all they do is gather dust, so I'll use em for Hydro's hair, and if he feels up to it, he can marry you with em, but that's just an old fools dream... Ey, you ready for me to do your hair?

He asked quietly.

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