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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature Roleplay

Rex would hop off sky and run towards The dragon and hugs its leg and say 'Dont leave us....pleas"he says with tears
I have to Rex. I'm no longer allowed to be In this world, I myself will no longer be here, however, this Dragon, will roam free, for eternity.

He said calmly..
Tonys ears twitched when he thought he heard a certain ancient, but shook his head. Damien was dead, he couldn't be talking. He continued on with his tail low
Oi, don't walk away from me, I may not be able to walk well anymore, but I can still see and hear ye... So, whose that hiding In the shadows over there?

The little Dragon said quietly.
From the sound of It, It must be Tony, why do you growl so at me? Do ye hate me? Did I do somethin to anger ya again? Hmm, pity, though, I wanted to talk to ye, do ye have a suit for yer wedding? If not, I have plenty.

He said quietly, still.
You're right, I'm not the MAN I once was, now, I am bodied In this Beast of a Dragon, and In a few days, what you all know as Damien, will be gone forever from this world, this.. Existence, heh, kiddo, after yer wedding, I will leave you all, I want you to take care of my daughter, I'd have liked to have a son again, so when I die, make sure to keep her happy. Eh? Can ya do that kiddo?

He said with his normal laugh, a hilt In his voice, making It hoarse and (?) sedated..
It's rather cute how you kids can be so naive... Everyone has a due date, It was either, protect her forever, until you all die out, and be alone for eternity, or protect her and kill off those who would make her theirs with all the power In the universe, and let her go be with the one she loves. Now, I took the second choice, one, because I love her, and two, because I'm tired, I don't want to be alone again, I'd rather die before I let her get hurt again. And soon I will, you will have to accept that kiddo, I will be gone, forever, In Just a few days, after your wedding, I will leave, the man you all know as Damien, will forever be gone, and what's left will be this Dragon, though, the memories that the man Damien holds, will forever be etched Into the mind of this Dragon, It will not change It.

He said, waiting for Tony to accept this fate.
Tony shook his head, and turned, bolting away, his four paws thumping against the ground as he ran as fast as he could. He wouldn't accept it, refused to, and was adamant that he'd find a way to keep Damien here
Before you run away child, know this, the only way I'd be able to stay, Is to take away all of your lives, for my own, and that, Is something that, I would never do, nobody here would do something as horrendous as that, not even this monster of a man. Oh.. And another thing, come to the kitchen In an hour, that Is, If you still want to marry my daughter.

He said, turning away and walking towards the kitchen.
Ah, you're back I see. So ya really do wanna marry my daughter, eh? That's good to know.

He said with a laugh.
Tony huffed and shrugged, looking at the dragon and sitting on the floor, back against the wall, curling his knees to his chest, "you know I wouldn't leave her"
You're right, you may get upset and run away, but you would never truly leave her. So are you ready to get a suit?

He asked kindly.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
The little Dragon stood, and tilted his head for Tony to follow him, as he headed to the old wing of the castle.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
The little Dragon stopped at a door, opening it to reveal an old closet, with all sorts of suits and clothing.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.

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