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Fantasy A Mercenary to the Crown (closed)

"He has other things to take care of like making sure the kingdom isnt attacked by neighboring countries and keeping everybody safe.He works himself to the point of exhaustion preparing for wars or peace treaties."Kariya says looking at him
"I have to ask him to use my gifts to help the land here.It means i will be showing people that i am a witch."She says quietly to him."And i havent gotten the courage to talk to him yet."She says looking away a bit embarrassed.
"Not in this kingdom."She says smiling at him.She continued to walk to the palace as there was a carriage at the gates with a man arguing with the guards.Kariya walked over,"whats wrong?"She asks when the man turned to her,"nothing a goolish maid should be speaking out of turn for."He shouts causing her to flinch.
"Foolish maids have often been criminal's undoings," Gideon retorted, voice laced with undertones of venom.
The man backed away slowly. "I- I didn't-"
"Now answer her question."
"He works for me."A womans voice says from the carriage as a duchess steps out smirking at Gideon."my a handsome fellow at the side of a dirty girl.I am Duchess Alexandria of Moliton,i have come to visit the king and his sons and instead i am annoyed by these guards not allowing me through.Would you care to tell them to let us pass."She says glaring at the guards who looked at Kariya.

"Go ahead i will escort her to his majesty."Kariya says acting like a maid.
Gideon muttered something under his breath, before turning to the other guards. "Please inform his majesty the Duchess has arrived- I have no idea whether she is an invited guest or not. And, Kariya, please inform the Duchess that I am unavailable- my only love is to my duty. We have to get back to checking the perimeter of the kitchens for threats- can't have rat poison in the food, now, can we, Kariya?" he covered easily and smoothly, making a few of the guards hide snickers as they walked through the gate unhindered.
Kariya looked at him,"gideon im sure the duchess can hear you perfectly fine.Must i relay the message and yes we have to get back tk the kitchen."She says as the guards open the gate for the carriage and Kariya to go through."Milady please keep an eye on the duchess she is known to cause problems so she can get closer to kings."A guard of Kariyas kingdom says to Kariya who nodded.
Gideon sighed in exasperation. "It was a joke, darling. The duchess, known to cause trouble- can't say I'm surprised."
Kariya blushed,"i knew it was a joke."she says embarrassed as she walmed faster to the kitchen.She went to the room she first changed in before sighing."they removed the dress i had in there so i have to go to my room and change."She says when the duchess' voice could be heard through out the entire castle.
Gideon grit his teeth in annoyance. "I can get it, but I doubt that duchess bothers to remember faces of the supposedly low class."
"Do me a favor and go to my fathers side i will be there momentarily okay thata an order."She says using a simple term he cant refuse as the duchess became silent.Kariya ran off as she walked down the hall before she ran into the duchess knocking them both to the ground.the duchess stood as she stomped on Kariyas ankle,"foolish girl to think you disrespected me earlier.I will punish you."The duchess says when Kariya pushed her off and to the ground again.The duchess screamed loudly causing everybody to run over.Kariya sat on the ground as she hid her ankle with her dress.
Gideon was there almost as soon as the scream occurred, and he noticed the way her dress fell unnaturally around her ankle. Having arrived with her father, he nudged him and whispered something in his ear, making the king's face color a bit, suddenly seeing the same things Gideon had.
"It's dishonorable to attack an innocent maid, duchess," he remarked, helping Kariya up.
"She attacked me and hurt herself to put the blame on me your majesty.I am not capable of harming a sweet maid that has done nothing wrong."The duchess says as Kariya looked at her then the king then at the ground.

The king looked at Gideon,"escort the young maid to her room and check her ankle."The king says sternly as the queen stepped out from behind a pillar."dear be rational,and the duchess clearly doesnt understand why you are so upset at the maid being injured.The poor girl is confused.Gideon please give her the reason why she is in trouble since she has taken a liking to you."The queen says as the king nods at gideon giving him permission to tell their secret.
Gideon shook his head. "Rational or not, those scuff marks and the markings on her dress were not made by her. You stepped out of the carriage earlier. If she injured herself, how do you explain the shoe print that matches yours. And why on earth would anyone attack a maid," he asked, "Unless they had malintention behind their meaning?"
"Malintention of course i wouldnt im heard on behalf of my father to see about a betrothal to one of the great princes."She says nervous."that little brat pushed me when i tried to help her up.Why isnt she saying anything,she isnt the victim here i am your majesty you must know im telling the truth."Duchess Alexandria says clealry afraid.

The king looked at Kariya,"why arent you saying anything Kariya?"He asks as Kariya leaned on Gideon,"i am afraid my anger will cause me to do harm to the duchess and i dont wish to cause trouble for you."She says not looking at the duchess.
"And now you victimize yourself? What blasphemy? Blame-shifting isn't helping you, duchess," Gideon remarked.
"Especially when you harmed a royal family member thats punishable by death and your family will be marked with treason against the crown."The queen says when Alexandria looked at her.

"I havent hurt anybody in the royal family i would never."She says quickly."Oh but you did you just dont know it.Dear i think now is as good as any time she is old enough and she has gideon to protect her."The queen says as the king sighs."i suppose."the king says as Kariya looks at them.
Gideon looked between the three. "Duchess Alexandria of Moliton, I'm afraid you are now under custody of the crown while your crimes are examined. Their majesties will explain why in a moment, besides evidence of the crime itself- already noted, yes?" he asked, glancing to someone nearby. "Yes. Evidence noted."
The king looked at his advisor,"call them all its about time they found out."He says as the advisor nods and the duchess was taken away."Gideon take Kariya to her room please."The queen says.

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