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Fantasy A Mercenary to the Crown (closed)

Kariya was being hugged by a young queen who was crying happily.Kariya noticed gideon as she smiled,"Sorry if mother scared you she was just happy to be young again."Kariya says smiling.
"Is this the young man who your father sentenced to guard you my dear?"The queen asks as Kariya nods."he is a handsome young man im so jealous my daughter."The queen says smiling.
Gideon chuckled.
"I will admit I've been called many things along those lines, your majesty, but I can truthfully say you have nothing to be jealous for. I'm simply a guard."
"And i was simply a duchess and now im queen."She says smiled before she looked at Gideon."Anyways shall we go get some lunch it is quite a time to eat."The queen says as Kariya smiles and nods.
"With all due respect, your majesty, a duchess is a far cry from my position. But yes, it is fair time to eat. I shall leave your highness and your majesty to your peace," he bowed.
"Of course not you must come eat with us.The boys will be gone for a bit so i want to get to know you Gideon."The queen says smiling.
"Then its not my place either.I lived on the streets before i was taken in by this royal family.And if you wont eat with us then i shouldnt either."Kariya says smiling.
Wright sighed.
"Well, no royal was known for being soft, I suppose," he remarked, "Where should I sit?"
"We should go to the western garden room."The queen says happily as she told one of the servents to bring them lunch to the room as the three walked to the western garden room
Surrounded by hydrangeas, lilacs, and willow trees, the Western Garden room was a picture of peace, and Gideon was nearly instantaneously reminded of one of his trips to a greenhouse to get a boss of his flowers- the boss had forgotten their wedding anniversary.
"This is a lovely room."
"This room is designed like a dear friends home.She always had flowers and plants everywhere.She is a saint and she has left this world far too soon."The queen says smiling sadly.Kariya went to the flowers and happily smelled them.
"It was kariyas mother.She was a friend and also a maid when i was duchess.She helped so many people heal and become healthy.When we found out she herself was sick and passing we found her on the brink of death clutching her baby daughters hand for dear life.She begged us to take care of her daughter and so we did we owed her that much."The queen says when Kariya brings over a flower.
"Its quite alright my husband always wanted a daughter and after i had our third son he thought we were blessed to be able to care for Kariya that is why she is this kingdoms treasure."The queen says smiling.
"That girl right there is worth more than any gold."The second prince says walking into the room.He kissed the queen on the cheek and smiled at Kariya."I brought a gift for you Kariya here its a new tiara."He says smiling when she shakes her head."Brother you didnt have to we need to save our riches for the people rather than ourselves."She says when the prince chuckles."Im joking dear its this rose they found in the hottest part of fhe dessert.Its incased in a hardened sap so the rose wont wilt."The prince says when Kariya smiled happily taking the orb with the rose."its so pretty."She says
The prince looked at gideon,"And your name?"he asks when Kariya looked at her brother.
"I dont really pay attention to the names of those who try to steal.But since my sweet Kariya saved you i believe its time for introductions.I am Second Prince Hale."He says when Kariya looked between the two of them.
"A mercenary is a thief with a fancy name."Hale says when the queen sighs."Gideon dear the food is here we can eat now."She says trying to dispers the tension between the prince and gideon.

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