A Life In Chains (Closed)

Flower looks at him and then grabs his hand. "Well um...I lived on a farm before I was captured. I don't know what happened to my parents....they just sort of disappeared. However I was taught to fight and all that...I just....there were so many of them and from then on...I couldn't get away. I love animals and...have an older sister....she's missing too."
Flower looks at him and smiles. "That would be nice." She said and then smiled at him. Her mood was slightly dimmed but she still smiled. She decided to brighten her mood by asking about him. "So I told...what about you? Tell me about yourself."
"Well, i grew up mostly alone. I met a nice girl named adrianna who was hgoing to take me i kind of like a son but she was killed. Then ive live here for a long time. I have no idea if i havw any family."
Flower looks at him and then nods. "I see." She said and then frowned. 'I'm sorry she got killed." She said and then looked at the ground. "At least...you're not alone anymore." She said lightly tugging at his arm. She smiled lightly at him.
Flower looks at her and smiled getting closer to him. "I am very happy for that." She said and then rested her head on his shoulder as they walked. She looked up at him and smiled widely.
Eventually they reach a small house in the middle of a hug beautiful forest the house was by a lake and stream. Dante smiles he carries flower inside then laughs he sets her on the only bed and he falls on it next to her "Ugh. That was a long walk."
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "You didn't have to carry me inside." she said and then looks at him. She sits up not wanting to lay down. She looks at him and then smiles.
Flower blinks and looks at him. She smiles a bit and then giggles hearing him snoring a bit. She laid down and then rolled over resting a bit herself. She didn't mind to much.
He yawns waking up the next morning he rolls and looks at her "You lookso cute when you aresleeping
Flower opens her eyes and looks up at him. She blinks and then rubs her eyes. "Uh?" She asked and then slowly sat up. She looks at him with a small smile.
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "Ok...have fun." She said and then got up looking around. "I think I'll clean the place up a bit." She coughed. "A bit dusty." She said and then smiled kissing his cheek. "I think I saw some tracks further down the river." She said and then smiled adding. "You might want to check that out." She said.
Flower looks at the deer. "Uhh....wow..." She said and then rubbed her head. "What do you want me to do with it?" She asked and then looked at Roarke.
He coughs as blood covers hischest "im going to skin it and cook it." he smiles and looks at her
Flower looks at him and then blinks. "You ok?" She asked and then looked at the deer. She started thinking as she grabbed it's antlers. "Hmm..." She said and then looks at Roarke. "Well come on then." She said grabbing his head. "I'll help you." She said.
Flower looked at Dante and then smiled. "I'll be right back." She said and then walked away. She quickly changed into shorts and a tank top not wanting to get her good clothes dirty with blood. She came back and then started to help him. She knew how to do everything. She looked at the deer and then blinked. She looked around for a second and then continued her work.
He finishes and sighs "Alrighty let me cook some of the meat." he cut some meat and threw it in a pot of water
Flower looks at him and smiles. "Ok..I'll just store the rest of it." she said and then started getting the rest of the meat off the deer.

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