A Life In Chains (Closed)

Flower looks at him washing her hands. "Ok." She said and then walked over looking at the soup. "Smells good." She said and then looks at Dante. She sits down and then looks at him with a small smile. She blinks and then looks at the ground.
Flower looks at him and then takes a bite. She pulls back and smiles. "Wow Dante..." She giggles and then looks at him. She takes the spoon from him and then smiles at him.
Flower nods and then smiles eating it quickly. She licks around her mouth and then wipes off her mouth when she was done. She smiles. 'Very." She said and then leans back in the chair. She looks around the place.
Flower looks at him and then smiles. She suddenly heard something and turned around when a large wolf lunged at her. She moved out of the way an the wolf sniffed her bowl and started licking it clean. She looked at the wolf. It wasn't a pure herd wolf it was mixed with a dog possibly a German shepherd or other large dog. She looked at it and then reatched out her hand. If no sign of a growl Flower got closer walking slowly until she grabbed the bowl. That's when the wolf growled at her. She backed off and then tried again. When she managed to grab the bowl she filled it up with some left over soup. "She's hungry." flower said and then set a full bowl on the ground.
Flower looks at him. "You know this wolf?" She asked and and then smiled at him. She looked at the half wolf and then smiled as it pushed the bowl to her and flower refilled it and the wolf started eating again.
Athena licks Flower

Dante smiles "Yeah she is my other pet." he smiles and kisses flower lightly

Inferno hops on athena's back and lies down
Flower looks at Dante and then smiles. "You know I love animals right?" She kissed him again. She looks at Athena and then back at Dante. She smiles widely. "I'm happy to be here...you know that right?"
Flower looked out and then backed away from Dante. "There is..." She blinked and then looked at Athema. Why did i not sense anything! I should have been able to sense it.... Her eyes widen. I wasn't able to sense when he came to the door either....I...I must be destractad....Dante is dalling my senses....but....my powers. She looks at Dante and then looks outside. "Who is there?" She asked. I couldn't show my magic.... She thought.
Flower looks at Dante and then blinlks. "No...one?" She asked and then looked around. What's going on...even the wolf growled....but...I didn't sense anything? She sighed confused.
Flower looked at Damion. "H-how!?" She said and then looks at Athena and then backs up scared. She put her arm up worried. "Why.....why..." She couldn't finish her sentence. She looked and then tried to run.
Damion pins her against the wall "Listen when he wakes up you will tell him ylu hate him and never want to see him again and that you love me. Then we will leave. If you do that i will leave him alone forever. If you dont i will kill him."
Flower looks at him and then started to tear up. She looks at Dante. "But...but...why me! go get another slave..." She said and then looked at Dante. She didn't want to leave Dante. She looks agt Damion and then clenched her fists.
Flower bites her lip and then slowly walks up to Dante. She gulps. "Dante...." She said trying not to cry. "I-I hate you! I don't ever want to see you again...." She said and then swallowed. "I-I...love damion...." She said and then ran out before she started crying. She ran into the forest and then sat down.
Dante looks around then lies back down

Damion mutters some words and then walks up to Flower "There. I cast a spell. You can not tell him you love him or go back to him until he says he hates you."
Flower looks at Damion and then slaps him hard. "Well I hate YOU!" She said and then wiped her eyes and then started walking crossing her arms. "You can't let me be happy..." She mummbled and then waited for him to lash out at her for slapping him.
Flower looks at her and then blinks. She was confused now. She looked back at Dante's house and then back at Damion.

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