A Life In Chains (Closed)

Flower looks at him and nods. "Ok?" She asked and then laid down. She sighed and then closed her eyes. She tried to sleep but couldn't although she kept still and kept her eyes closed. She rolled over a few times. Maybe it was because Dante was in the room but she didn't complain. She just rolled over one more time and fell asleep.
Flower moved slightly and then yawned. She rolled over and then slightly opened her eyes. "hm? Did you say something?" She asked half asleep. She looks u at him and smiles. She yawned again.
Flower looks at him and then yawns. She closes her eyes and then falls asleep again. She snuggled up with the blanket and then covered about half her face with the blanket.
Flower awoke and then sat up rubbing her eyes. She looked around for Dante and then stood up stretching herself out. (Writers block)
Flower looks at him and then kisses his cheek lightly. "I'm here." She said and then gave him a kiss on the lips trying to wake him up. "Morning..." She whispered to him sort of playing with him. She smiled and then stood up straight looking at him.
He wakes up and streatches. inferno hops off his lap with a hiss. Dante smiles and kisses flower
Flower kisses him back. She pulls away with a smile and grabs Inferno and holds him. She looks at Dante with a smile while she pets Inferno. She was in a pretty good mood this morning considering yesterdays drama.
Dante smiles "Im cold. It is freezing in the chair." he hoos on the be and wraps up in the blanket the sheets smelled like her her smiles and lies there
Flower looks at him and chuckled. "I would have gave up a blanket or two if you would have said something last night." she said and then sat down on the bed playing with Inferno a bit. She looks at Dante, he seemed to be in a good mood this morning as well.
"You smell so good." he smiles and rolls around and wraps it around himself "Yeah i know. I didnt want to disturb you."
Flower blushes and then looks down embarrassed at his comment. "Um thanks?" She said and then looks at him as he rolls around only making her blush even more. "No no If you were cold you should have said something really." She said.
Flower couldn't possible blush anymore then she had been. She looks down and then looks at him with a smile. "I...um..." She couldn't quite say it she was so embarrassed so she decided to say it by kissing him. She kissed him deeper then before.
Flower blushes and nods. She looks at her lap still embarrassed. She glances at him. She was happy to be here and to be with him. Even more that he took a chance and bought her then freed her.
"Alright. We need to go. Get everything you want to take." he grabs a backpac with food an clothes in it and he grabs inferno
Flower grabbed a few things but she didn't have much in the first place. She looked at him and nodded ready to go. She smiled and then looks down very happy and very embarrassed still.
He takes her outside and kisses her As he sets thr house on fire "We are going east to a safe house." dante walks towards the woods
Flower looks at him and nods. She walks beside him and then looks down and then back at him. She rubs her head and then sighed. "How far is it?" she asked looking at him with a small smile.
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "Yeah...ok." She said and then kept walking beside him. She looked around the forest and then smiled looking back at him. She wasn't sure what to talk about....or if they should talk. She looked at the ground staying silent.

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