A Life In Chains (Closed)

Flower looks at her and then smiles. "Just didn't know what you ment by the question...I mean I thought it was clear what I wanted to be." She said. "I mean...I kiess you twice." She said and then smiled at him. She put her hands on her lap looking down at the floor.
"I kissesd you first i thoufht it was clear what i wanted to be..." he smiles and puts his hand on hers lightly

As it was getting dark Damion crept outside waiting for an opertunity
Flower looks at him and then smiled. "They why did you ask?" She said leaning in teasingly. She looks at him and then tilts her head in question. She looks at him and then smiles grabbing his hand.
Flower looks at him and kisses back. When he pulls away Flower smiles at him. She looks outside for a moment getting an uneasy feeling, however she didn't see anything. She ignores it and looks at Dante.
Flower looks at him and then blinks. "What do you mean by that? Wouldn't I sleep in the room?" She asked and then looks at him. He was acting a bit strange today. She looks at him and then leans on him.
"Yes i was just asking." he smiles and lies own setting his head in her lap "Keep the sword close."
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "You like to ask questions don't you?" She said and then played with his hair. She looks at him and then leans back. "Well am I going to be able to sleep in the room or are you happy there?" She asked and then smiled at him.
Flower looks at him and then kisses him back. She closes her eyes and kisses him deeper. She pulls back and then looks away blushing. She rubs her head and then looks at Dante again. "heh...sorry." She said.
Flower looks at him and then nods. She gets up and then stretches out her arms. She walks to her room and then lays down yawning. She smiles lightly and rests her head on her pillow. She closes her eyes preparing to sleep happy about today....skipping the part about her old master visiting.
Damion opens the door and creeps into flower's room he covers her ead with a bag and throws her over his shpulder "Make a sound and you anddante are dead."
Flower was about the scream but didn't when he said that. She hit his back wanting him to put her down. She couldn't see him but she knew, it was him and he had her. She bites her lip. No she didn't want to go back with him. She didn't want to be near him ever. She slowly reached for her sword still around her waist.
Flower bites her lip and whines a little. She closes her eyes wanted to cry and screaming in her mind for someone to help her. She wonders where they were going and if he was going to punish her for this.
He throws her into a chair they were back in the small room or slaves he pulls the hood off and hits her "Why did you leave."
Flower looks at him and then glares. "I didn't want to be your slave anymore." She said and then glared at him. She got up and threw a punch at him. She was ready to tare him apart. She wanted to go back, she didn't want to be with him anymore.
Flower yells out of pain and then sits down. "You wonder why I left." She said in a lot of pain. She turns from him and looks at her arm. She glares at him and then looks away not going to speak anymore.
Flower looks at him and then turns away. She looks at her arm and did the best she could to make sure it healed right. She glared at him and then turned away. Why would he need her? She was a slave he could buy a new one for crying out loud. Which is what she wished she could do since her arm was killing her.
Flower looks around patching up her arm. She looked around and headed for the door. She looked around for someway to get out. She looked around and then sighed. She looked at her arm and then sighed deeply. "Please help me." She whispered.

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