A Life In Chains (Closed)

He pushes her onto the arm of the couch softly "I wont let him hurt you."

damion smiles "So you will be returning yes?"
Flower looks at Damion and then looked away. She looks at the floor not talking. She was silent and very, very still. She bites her lip and then keeps looking away. He didn't want him here.
Damion back hands her "Answer me b*tch!"

Dante grabs damion by the throat and throws him across the room "Get out. Now."

Damion stands and scramble sout the door
Flower rubs her cheek that he had slapped. She sat there silent and still. She looked at the wall and not at anything else. "..." She still was silent with fear that he'd return and get her back. She looked at the door and then down at the floor. She was still rubbing her cheek.
He grabs her softly and growls "Im sorry. Stay here. " he walks downstairs and returns with a sword in a scabard and he makes her stand up and ties it around her waist "There." the blade was made out of a strong unknown metal and it was bright blue like Dante's eyes on it it says 'Death is but a set back.' and on the other side it said 'Dante.' "That is yours now."
Flower looks at the sword and then looked at Dante and smiled a little bit. She hugged him and then kissed his cheek. "Thank you..." She said and then pulled away. She looks at the floor and then glances at the door. She sighs deeply. "He'll come back..." she said and then crossed her arms afraid. She looked at Dante and then smiled lightly.
He hugs her and holds her then reluctantly lets go "Not if i have anything to say about it."

Damion decides to try again when tey were asleep
Flower looks up at him and smiles. "Thanks." She said and then looks up at him. She smiles and then puts her hands into her pockets. She wondered what she was going to do. She was afraid of Damion and she never wanted to go back to being his slave. Here she wasn't a slave....she was a normal person again.
He hands her a back pack "You are no longer a slave. I free you. There is a weeks worth of food in the pack and some of my old clothes if you want to leave.... You can."
Flower looks at him and then steps closer to him. "Do you want me to leave?" She asked him looking him in the eyes wanting to know the truth. She didn't want to leave....she wanted to stay...but if he wanted her to leave she would. SXhe looks at him and then waits for his answer.
Flower smiles and brops the bag. She hugs him and then looks up at him. "Then...I won't." She said and then kissed him lightly on the lips again. She pulled back giggling slightly. She looks down and then looks at him again.
Flower looks at him and then blinks. "Just a normal person..." She said and then looks up at him. "Other then that...I don't know." She said and then smiled up at him. She really liked him even though so far there has been embarrassing moments. Still though, she was happy here. She was glad she stay...and that she wasn't a slave anymore. She smiled at him.
Flower pats her new sword. 'Isn't that why you gave me this?" She giggled and then looks at him. "What makes you think I'm safer out there then here? I'm safer here because I have you if I leave he'd surely get me." She said and then smiled widely.
Flower shook her head. "No...just to harrass me." She said and then looked down. "I was his slave so he...liked to show off sometimes." She said and then looks at him.
Dante tenses and his hand squeezes the arm of the couch his knuckles turning white "Good thing he will be dead." he growls
Flower looks at him and then blinks. "Um...I would like to be more then friends....but...if you don't..." she blushed sitting down and rubbing her head. She looked away unsure of what to do. What did he mean by that? She sighed deeply.

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