A Life In Chains (Closed)

He twirls the sword and walks towards her "Go." he swings at her legs and smiles he was pacing himself to see if she knew anything
Flower blocks with her sword. She jumped to the side and swung her sword at his side. She looked at him, wondering why he wanted to teach her. She landed and then turned swinging at his legs next.
Flower grabs his hand and flipped him over slamming him on the ground. She jumps back and blinks. "Something wrong?" She askefd seeing as he was a little slow on his attack there. She blushed a bit. "Oh and um sorry...I hope that didn't hurt to much." She said and then rubbed her head.
Flower blocked it but was knocked over. She looks at him and then rolls to her feet. She looks at him and then tilts her head. She wondered what was on his mind, maybe he was just playing easy. She shook her head and jumped forward swinging her sword down. She also kicked her leg, if he blocked the sword he might get hit with her foot as well.
He looks at he and freezes again he barely blocks her sword but gets kicked in the stomache it disnt hurt him much because he had strong abs he sighs and swings at her foot
Flower didn't see when he swung and he knocked her over. She hit her head on the floor. "Ouch." She said and then rubbed her head as she jumped to her feet. She had dropped her sword....and thanks to wood flooring it slid away from her. "Great." she said.
He stabs his sword into the floor he used to much force and it went deep into the floor making it hard to remove "I win. " he slips off his shirt and uses it to wipe sweat of his face
Flower chuckled. "I see." she said and then looked at him. She blushes a bit and then rubs her head. "You probably already guessed but I already know how to use a sword. I would be faster but...kind of injuried here." She said and then chuckled nervously rubbing her head.
Dante sighs "Im not at my best either." he sighs and start taking out his frustration on the punching bag he was so confused about flower
Flower blinked and then walked over. "I saw...you were distracted." She said and then crossed her arms. She was slowly opening up to him. She smiled lightly and then watched him punch the bag. "Um...you ok?" She asked.
He hadnt taped his handsnup so he split his knuckle open from hitting the bag too hard "Fine." he hufgs and keeps hitting it harder and harder making his knuckles bleed
Flower riased an eyebrow and then saw he was bleeding. She quickly grabbed his fist and then pulled him away from the punching bag. 'You're making yourself bleed." She said and then looked at how close they were now and blushed. She looks at his hands and then sighed. "Oh look what you did." she said and then swallowed as the blood had gotten on her.
He leans in close to her and lingers for a second then starts to back away he just looks st her and smiles idioticly then shakes his hea "Sorry."
Flower looks at him and then grabs his hand. "Now now...it's my turn to play docter." She said and then smiled pulling him along to the living room where Dante left the first aid kit. She looks at him and then starts wiping off the blood.
Flower looks at him and then smiles. She wrapps his hands and then looks at him. "There." She said and then rubbed the back of her head blushing a bit. She looked away till it went away. She sat down and them stretches out her arms.
It was getting dark. He decides to take a chance and kisses her cheek "Ill be on the roof." he walks outside and climbs to the dlat roof looking up at te stars
Flower blushed and then watched him. She looks down and then watched him leave. She waited a while and then followed him up to the roof. She was still blushing. "Dante....why did you do that." She said putting a hand on the cheek he kissed. She looked down.
He looks at her "Because..." he smirks a bit "Because i just. I dontnknow.. Sorry." he looks up at the stars
Flower looks down. She turns her head away. "Oh..." She felt hurt. She looks down and then starts climbing down the roof thinking he only did that because she was a slave. She went back inside and headed for her room.
Dante was leaning against her door "I id it because i kida have developed a crush on you." he sighs and stands there looking down
Flower looks at him and then kissed his cheek. She blushed and backed away. She rubbed her arm and then looked at him. She couldn't believe she just did that. She looked down and then back at him. She bites her lip.
He blushes "U-u-um erm. Um. " he smiles "You should probably get some rest we have training in the mornig." he hugs her softly and kisses her cheek walking out annlieing on the couch

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