A Life In Chains (Closed)

Flower walks out and then looks at him. 'Why are you laying on the couch." She asked and then tilted her head. She frowned hoping it wasn't because of her. She looked down and thenj looked at him.
Flower looks at him and then frowns. "But...." She looks at him and then sighs. "You didn't have to...I've slept on worse...then a couch." She said and then looked down rubbing her head.
Flower looks down and nods slowly. She looks at him and then sighs walking back to her room. She didn't want to push him out of his room. She liked him. She sat on the bed and then laid down looking up at the ceiling.
He walks in thinking she was asleep and sets inferno down he pulls the blanket up to her shoulders and puts a glass of water on the night stand he walks out and lies on the couch
Flower opens her eyes once he was gone and looks at the door. She looks at Inferno and then smiles picking the kitten up. She looked at the door and then smiled lightly looking down at the ground. She yawns and then lays back down.
Flower looks at the door and then gets up opening the door. She rubs her eyes and then looks at him. "Morning..." she said and then yawned loudly. She stretches out and then looks at him with a small smile.
Flower looks at him and then smiles nodding. She looks at him and then leans up kissing him this time on the lips. She pulls back and blushes. "You're really sweet you know that?" She said and then giggled a little. "Thanks for the water last night." She said put her hand up to her mouth trying to hide some of her blush.
Flower looks at him and then giggles. "Yes i am." She said and then starts walking. "What are we having for breakfast." She asked looking at him. (Hmm....I'm thinking a bad guy is needed lol.)
He smiles and looks at her "I dunno eggs and bacon maybe?"

(yes haha maybe her old master or somethig
(Nah...I've been trying to keep one characters...my role play's have been stacking up lol. :) )

Flower looks at him and then smiles. "Sounds good." She said and then sat down. She looks at him thinking about the kiss she gave him.
Dante smiles and starts cooking as someone knocks on the door

Dameon knocks on the door as he arrives at the house he was told his slave wnet to
Flower gets up and looks at the door. Seeing as Dante was cooking she walked and opened up the door before she frooze. She was shocked at who it was and she scammbled back away from the door. She suddenly went silent just staring at him. How....how did he find her?
Damion smiles and walks in he kisses her "Hey there." he smiles evily

dante spins and grabs a knife he walks forward angry
Flower pulled away and then looked at Dante and then at Damion. She runs and hides behind Dante. She looks at her old master and then hides behind Dante. "Please don't let him take me." She said and then bites her lip.
Damion sits down and looks at them "So what will we do about this."

Dante growls "What is there to talk about."
Flower looked at Damion and keeps behind Dante. She looks down and then crosses her arm afraid of him. (Writers block)
Flower looks at him. 'my old....master..." she said and then hugged him tightly. She didn't want him anywhere near her...although being on the lap of Dante wasn't much better for her comfort, still though at least Dante likes her and doesn't want to use her.

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