A Life In Chains (Closed)

Can I not come check on you?" Dante frowns looking at her, he flips his wrist and grabs her arm pulling her against him he kisses her quickly before pushing her back. " I'm sorry."
Flower grabs on a branch. She glares at him and then crosses her arms. She turns from him. "Then don't come to me armed with a knife....am I some kind of monster or something?" She said her head leaning on the trunk of the tree. She looked down obveously confused.
Flower looks at him and then walks over and looks at him. She reluctantly put her head on his shoulder. "Why does everyone hate me?" She asked not knowing why she was treated so differently and why she was different.
Dante pulls a knife out and shoves it into flower's hand " I love you so much Flower. Please kill me."
Flower pulls back and then grabs her hand. She looks at him and then blinks. "K-Kill you!?" She gripped her hand and then looked at him backing into the tree trunk. Her eyes started to water.
"If I die, you can live! The only other way is if we leave, find your sister like I promised, then leave forever. We would be hunted. We would have to always move. Do you want that?"
Flower looks at him. "I want to be with you." She said and then looks at him and looks down. "I can't kill you." She said and then looked at him. She sighed feeling confused and angry.
Flower looks at him and then smiles. She looks at Dante. "First...I want to ask Damion about something." she said and then petted Inferno. She slowly climbed down and then looked at Dante. "Come on..." she said and then looked at Damion's house.
Damion leans against the doorway looking at Dante with a look of pure hatred

Dante follows behind flower watching Damion closely
Flower looks at him and then glares. "Ok...you know something that I don't....something about me right?" she crossed her arms. She glanced back at Dante and then back at damion.
Flower narrows his eyes. "Why?" She asked almost glaring at him stepping closer wanting to know. She had to know....she had to know who she was.
"Well, my dear. My people are trying to kill you." he looks at her wondering why she didn't know who... what she was.
Flower grabs him by the throat her eyes almost glowing. "WHAT! Why? Why am I so different? Since I was a child I was always hunted! Preople have powers peole do magic!" She glares and then the light around her starts to shift. Oh yes...she was ticked off now.
Damion grabs her arm squeezing it so hard the bone would snap if he didn't stop "Do not touch me." He smacks Flower with his free hand knocking her away from him
Flower looks at him and then gets up. "If you wanted me to stay here....why are you trying to kill me?" She asked and then healed her arm a bit so the preasure was off the bone.
"I've been protecting you. You fool!" Damion kisses her before pushing her away and walking back in his house slamming the door.
Flower looks at him and then wips her mouth. She blasted light across his whole house. She was so confused an angry. She looked at Dante and then started walking. "I never get any answers just more questions." She said and then kept walking. She looked up at the sky. From the stars she figured where her distroyed home was. She started heading there.
Flower looks at Dante and then blushes a little. "Heh....he was ticking me off." She said and then rubbed her arm. She looked around and then back at Dante. "It'll take a long while. If you want we could stay at an inn." she said and then looked around as the sky darkened. She rubs her head. "Or keep walking it's up to you." She said looking back at Dante.

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