A Life In Chains (Closed)

Flower looks at Dante and smiles lightly. "Don't worry...I get a good feeling about them." She said and then kissed Dante's cheek. She turned and then a frown came upon her face. Her kind were killed off because they were used as weapons of war....she was....bad?
Dante looks at Deathwish again and his eyes flash purple once more "If you say so. I dont like Nick though."
Flower elbows him lightly. "Someone jealous?" She asked and then giggled. She looked behind her at Nick. "I don't think you have anything to worry about." She said and then winked at Dante. "Alright?"
Flower looks at Dante and then leans her head against his shoulder and she holds onto one of his arms. She glared as Nick stuck his tounge out at them and she made him fall with a small blast of a light ball. She giggled slightly.
Nick hissed loudly and then sends out shadow at flower but she easily makes it disappear with light. "Oh don't be so sore." She said and then walked over crossing her arms. Nick got up and then sighed deeply. "Fine..." he said and kept walking. Flower rolled her eyes and then looked at Dante. "We're almost there." She said rubbing her eye a bit. she was a little tired.
Dante takes a bottle of some odd looking liquid out of his belt and drinks it "That's better."
Flower looks at Dante and then blinks. "What did you just drink?" She asked curiously. She rubbed her head and then crossed her arms looking at him.
"Oh nothing." he throws the glass vial over his shoulder and it shatters when it hits the ground

Dante feels the familiar well of power appear within him as he drank the vial of tin shavings mixed with an alcohol solution. His sences heighten a great deal when he "burns" the metal. It was easy to see in the dark, and to hear the breathing of Nick and Deathwish and Flower
Flower raises an eyebrow and then shrugs. She feels odd suddenly and stumbles a bit. Her eyes widen and before she knows it she raced to border of her homeland. It was pure instinct that was causing her to do this. She looked around and then ran in. She relaxes and then grabs her head. "that was....weird." She said and then looked as Nick and Deathwish catch up behind her.
Dante takes out another vial of a different metal, pewter. If he "burned" it, it would make him faster and stronger and tougher. It was one of the fastest burning metals so he had to be careful. He drank it just incase they had to fight when they go inside.
Flower looked around and then jumped back as a little girl suddenly appeared in front of her. "H-how...how did you do that?" She asked and then girl hid behind her. Flower looks at her and then looked at three boys running up.

"COme back here you disappearing freak!"

Flower crossed her arms. "Kids....why are they kids..." She said and then looked at the boys. "Back off...." She said annoyed.

The boys stopped and then looked at her. "..." They ran off.

Flower raised an eyebrow. "That was easy." She said and then looked at the girl behind her. Only a few minutes later did some adults show up. Flower crossed her arms. 'About time..." She said.
Flower waves slightly. They all created light in their hands. Even the little girl behind her did. Nick and Deathwish were suddenly gone so Flkwer became nervous. She created light in her hand. "Um...hi?" she said and then looked at all of them.

The little girl behind her hugged her legs seeing as she was to small to reach up. She was about 7. Flower smiled lightly and then looked as the rest of them started gathering around.

"My name is Peter and I am the leader here." he said and then looked at dant. "He is not one of us?" he asked.
Dante looks at the man "No. I am not. I am the mate of one of your kind." his eyes flash purple
Peter looks at Flower. He raises an eyebrow. "Alright then." He said and then started walking. "Let's get you two set up in a tent then. He said and then started leading them to a tent. Flower picked up the girl seeing as she wanted to go with them.
Flower looks at Dante. "Hey...what's up?" She asked and then looked at the girl who disappeared right in her arms. "hmmm it only works...if I can't feel you." She said and then smiled setting the girl down. She looked back up at Dante and gently grabbed his arm.
Dante looks at her and shakes his head "I'm fine.. Just out of place." he kisses her cheeck lightly
Flower looks at him and then frowns. She looked down and then looked around, almost everyone had either light or white hair. "I have to admit I had hoped my hair would be at least different." She said and then smiled at him. 'Hey we still have yet to find my sister...maybe someone knows something." She said looking around at all the different people here.
Dante looks around his eyes were staying purple instead of only flashing "I don't know. Ask people."
Flower looks at him. "Dante why are your eyes purple." She said leaning away from him and crossing her arms. She glared at him completing her questioning look. She raised an eyebrow as well.

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