A Life In Chains (Closed)

Dante hsakes his head "No, It takes a bit to explain and I don't want to talk about it in public." he frowns and crosses his arms
Flower looked as the Peter pointed to their tent. "Hmmm small." She said and then Peter just walked away and Flower crossed her arms. "Rude much?" She asked and then looked at Flower.
"Well, I'm what they call a mistborn. I get powers from metals I was using tin so my eyes turned purple. There." Dante looks ar her
Flower looks at him. "Doesn't see so complicated...." She said and then looks at him. She shrugs. "Really I don't see what the big deal is." She said and then smiled at Dante.
"If people find out they will try to kill me. We aren't ssupposed to be alive." Dante lies down on the cot in the tent
Flower sits down beside Dante. "Welcome to my life." she said and then smiled at him. She crossed her arms and then giggled.
Damion sneaks into the camp, looking like a shadow

Dante kisses her and pulls her onto the cot,"it's getting late you should sleep."
Peter looks around feelin uneasy. He and then others head back to their tents. Everyone wanted to make sure no one could see their hair which in a way is how people identify them. Flower looks at Dante and then snuggles close to him. "Ok..." She said kissing his cheek. She smiled at him and then yawned a little.

Deathwish and Nick watch from a tree. They see the shadow and watch carefully. They couldn't go in the light holder land or else they'd be shot out. Nick and Deathwish just wait for now.
Peter glances at him. "Well...isn't this a surprise." He said and then grabbed Damoin's arm with light and forced his arm away from Peter. Peter slipped out. "Guessing you followed the new comer." He said and then released his arm. "Oh look....I'm free." Peter said and then created light in his hand. "Now....how about...you don't move."

Flower closes her eyes and tries to get some sleep but she was uneasy. She snuggled closer to dante and then nuzzled her head to his chest.
Damion grabs Peter's hand, the light draining from it, and his skin slowly turning black "No."
Flower jerks up and then looks out. The others were stiring up as well. The little girl from earlier raced into Flower and dante's tent and hides behind Flower. Flower runs out leaving the girl hopefully safe in the tent with Dante. She ran straight to peter's tent. She pushed damoin away from Peter. She looks at Peter who didn't look to well. Flower glared at damion. "What did you do? Why are you here!?"
damion smiles "We are natural enemies my love." he grabs her and throws her back onto the cott and then dissappears into darkness
Flower watches as he disappears glaring at him. She slowly got up and then checked on Peter who slowly and gently pushed her away.

"I'm fine." He insisted and then slowly got up. "Thanks for your help." He said and then slowly walked outside so he coul regain his energy in the light of the moon. He sat down and then looked as Flower followed him out. He thought about how Damion called her his love. "An old boyfriend?" He asked.

Flower looked at him. "Huh?" She asked and then it hit her. "Oh no no no no!" She said and then crossed her arms. "An old master. I was his slave before I ran off. He was lik most owners treating me terribly. After I got involved with Dante he appeared saying something about loving me. I find it hard to believe."

Peter looks at Flower. "I see..." He said and then looked back out. "I'd gt some sleep. I'm sure Dante is getting worried. He said seeing a few of the other were coming to check on him and asked what happened. "However before you go...Most of the others sense danger....but how did you know where it was?" he asked looking at her. Flower shrugged and then walked away and laid back down beside Dante. The girl appeared having turned invisable again. FLower guessed she din't have parents seeing as no one was looking for her and as the girl snuggled to Flower, Flower guessed she had become attached to her. She hoped Dante wouldn't mind.
Flower smiled as Dante put an arm around her. She turned her head lightly kissing his cheek. She closed her eyes and then tried to get some sleep. Even with the squirming girl beside her. Flower to fell asleep but her dreams were more like nightmares about domion attacking her and Dante. She shifted a little in her sleep.
The girl popped up her head and then looked at Dante. She smiled and then crawled over Flower and then looked at Dante. She smiled and then looked at Flower who moved but didn't wake up. She was to tired.
She just smiled and then pointed to Flower. She giggled and then looked out. She had no parents, as they went missing and she ended up here in the camp like the others. She jumped onto Dante and then giggle. She didn't seem to know how to talk.
She giggled and then looks down at him with a smile. She looked as Flower stired awake. She squirms from Dante's grasp and sits beside Flower who turned her head. "You're still here?" She said in a sleepy tone. She yawned and then rubbed her eyes. She looks at Dante. "Good morning." She managed to yawn out and then slowly started to sit up.

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