A Life In Chains (Closed)

Flower looks at him. "I tried to forget." She said and then started walking in the direction of his house. She stared at the ground the whole tikme just not understanding anything. She was treated like a slave or like some kind of freak, she didn't understand why or even what she was.
He walks next to her rubbing his arm "umm." he looks at her frowning slightly "I'm sorry for the way I've treated you."
Flower looks at him and then blinks. She looks away and then sighs a bit. "...ok..." She mummbled and then looked off to the side.
Flower looks around and then just stands there. She soon did sit on the couch away from him, but she was silent and she was looking at the ground. She wasn't sure what to do.
Damion sighs and opens his arms to her offering her comfort "Need a hug? I can imagine how sad or angry you are."
Flower turns her head to him with a glare. "No." She said and then got up and walked away. (Ouch....she's harsh when she's mad.) She sat down in the kitchen. She leaned on her elbow her hand covering her eyes. She hated this plain and simple. Why did dante have to kick her out? Did he not trust her to handle herself? Why did she have to be a target....why he have to send her to Damion?!
Damion sits up and walks over to her "You can go back to him, it's just he will try to kill you. He has to."
Flower looks atr Damion. "Yeah...kind of like every other person on the face of this earth....they treat me like a monster or something." She said and then stood up. "And I'm only here because he told me to stay with you...." She said becoming very threatening geting in his face. "You treated me the worst....sure you didn't try to kill me but sometimes I felt close to it. You think I can forgive you from locking me up in a room and treating me like trash?" She asked and then glared. "I don't want comfort from you, so just leave me alone and I won't kill you myself." She said and then turned her back to him crossing her arms. Her rage about what happened was clear.
Damion growls and the room gets darker, almost all light leaving but it comes back quickly "Do not talk to me in such a matter."
Flower looked at him and then glared. She did notice the light getting darker. She shut up for now thinking that was the best since she had no idea what just happened. She clenched her fists her nails digging into her skin almost making then bleed. She sat down and then looked away from him.
Flower flinches as he slams his door. She looked at where he stormed off to and then leaned back in her chair thinking about dante. She sighed deeper and then looked at the ground.
Damion gets in bed and lies there thinking how he could go about getting her back under his control
Flower sighed and then started playing around with a light ball calming down. She sighed and then layed down on the couch letting the colors change. She soon fell alseep but it wasn't very restful. All she thought about was dante holding that knife and then nightmares just kept comming. She turned and then jerked hating her dreams.
Flower finally settles down. She relaxes and calms rolling on her side. She whispers Dante in her sleep and then rolls over once more shivering a bit trying to get warm.
Flower opens her eyes and then looks at the blanket. She looks at damion and then sits up pushing her hair behind her ear. She sighed and laid down rolling over putting her back to Damion.
Damion growls "Are you really that shallow? I asked for another chance so I can correct my mistakes. I give you somewhere to go. If you are going to be so hostile why don't you go back to Dante!"
Flower turns her head to him and then glares. She created light in her hand. She looks at him and then calmed. "Whatever..." She said and then got up and walked out. She looked around and then put her hands into her pockets. She sighed deeply feeling very frustrated with everything. She walked around and then climbed a tree and sat there holding her knees close to her chest.
Flower looks at him and then glares. Dante didn't want her and she didn't want to stay with Damion. She pushed her hair behind her ear ignoring Damion for now.
Dante walks out infront of Flower "Hello." he spins a knife and shoves it into the tree and growls
Flower looks at the knife and then looks at Dante. She grabs his arm her grip nearly crushing it. "What now?" She asked angry as ever. She stood up light in her other hand. She was so ticked off at him. All of her hurt and anger was comming out at once he was lucky she wasn't blasting him off the tree branch and slamming him into the ground.

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