A Life In Chains (Closed)

Flower looked at the door but frowned not wanting to have dante's x girlfriend watching. Flower was now watching over Dante and although she didn't want to through Adrianna Anderson the bus, right now she felt she wanted to be alone with Dante. She walked over to the door and sighed. "Don't worry I'll let you back in but...I just want to be alone with him please understand." she whispered and then side guessing she should ask Dante. "I'll ask him and see what he wants and if he wants to let you in...then fine." she added and then walked over to Dante. "Hey Athena is scratching at the door you want to let her in?" she asked and then smiled at him.
Dante kisses her "No not yet, I just want it to be me and you for as long as I can have you"

Athena wimpers and lies down outside the door
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "It's only for a day...I will come back, even if he kidnaps me nothing is going to stop me from comming back to you." she said and then smiles. "I love you." she said and then kissed him deeply.
Dante smiles and kisses her "I love you too." he sits on the couch pulling her down with him "So what do you want to do now?"
Flower looks at him and shrugs. "Whatever you want to." She said and then snuggles close to him. She kisses his cheek and then put her head on his chest with a smile.
Dante smiles "Umm want to go for a walk?" he kisses her head lightly and smirks "Or, we could do what ever."
Flower looks at him and then chuckles. "A walk sounds nice." She said and then slowly gets up. She looks at him and then pushes her white hair behind her ear, showing off her pointy ears. She smiles brightly at him.
Flower looks at him and then smiles. No one had ever treated her this way before, of course then she was known as a slave. She gently grabbed his hand. "Thank you sir." She said and then giggled a bit. She smiled brightly at him.
Dante smiles, dumbstruck by her smile "My pleasure." he walks out the door. Holding her hand he walks aimlessly
Flower looks at him and then leans on his arm. She closed her eyes just leting him lead them. She looks up at him and then snuggles closer.
Flower looks at him and then looks down. "Whatever you want." She said and then looks at him. "I just want to be with you." she said and then stopped stepping in front of him. She leans up and kisses him lightly. She rubs his arm lightly. "Please remember I'm yours and only yours." She said and then giggled slightly. "I am your slave." She said playfully only joking around. She was very happy and goofing off.
Dante picks her up and carries her inside setting her on the couch "I'll be right back." he goes into the kitchen and starts making some hot chocolate for the two of them.
Flower smiles at him and then leaned back waiting for him to return. She looks around and then relaxes having a good time with Dante. She hoped damion would be quick with whatever he was planning because now she didn't want to leave Dante.
Flower looks at him and then smiles lightly. "Thanks." She said and then grabs the cup and kisses his cheek. She smells it and smiles letting it warm her hands up first.
He wraps a blanket around her shoulders and smiles "I need to kill something, I'm getting all mushy and such,"
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "Mushy huh? I think it's romantic....but as long as you bring home meat I don't care if you kill something or not." She said and then winked at him. She giggled and took a sip of her coco.
Dante smiles lightly and lies down putting his head in her lap, he yawns "Mushy, Romantic. Same thing right?"
Flower looks at him and then smiles. She chuckles and then leans down kissing his forehead. "I guess." She said and then leaned back the couch. She looked around and then back at Dante with a smile.
Flower looks at him and then rolls her eyes. "And I won't be able to move for a few hours." she said and then chuckled a bit. She looks at him and then gently leans over him to put her cup down. She leans back and then pushes her hair behind her ear.

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