A Life In Chains (Closed)

Dante smiles "Okay. Hmm. Start out with eating then lieing under the stars together. Maybe some wine? Or whatever."
Flower nods at him. "Sounds good to me." She said and then winked at him. "If you have some wine fine by me." She said and then giggled. She stood up and then looked through the food. "Ok let's see what we can work with here." She said and then looked back at him.
Dante smiles "No no. You sit down and relax." he smiles widely and walks into the kitchen limping slightly
Flower looks at him and watched as he walked. 'Dante....what happened? You're limping." She said and then looks at him. She walks up and then looks at him up and down to see what the problem was.
Dante pushes her away" I'm fine." his pants leg by his calf was covered in blood, Dante kept walking trying to just shrug it off like it's nothing
Flower looks at him. "Fine bleed to death...I'm just conserned about the blood that's covering your pants." She sat down angry and hurt now. He was being stubborn and he looked really hurt. She crossed her arms.
He sighs, he wanted to tell her but she would probably be mad if he told her where it came from "It's just complicated." he looks at her and rubs his head
Flower looks at him and then sighed. She couldn't be mad at him, she still wouldn't tell him about her light powers, if he didn't already know. She nodded and then looks at him. "At least let me help you with dinner." She said and then got up kissing his forehead. "After you take care of that wound before you get blood on the floor." She said and then giggled looking at him.
Flower looks at him and then started to cook their dinner. "Uhuh and my hair is black anything else you wan to lie to me about?" she asked and then walks up to him. "Besides I'm not asking to help because your hurt...I'm asking because it'll be more fun." She said and then smiled at him.
Dante sighs "When I went hunting i was really out on a job." he pulls out a knife that was stained with the blood of someone unfourtanate enough to have to fight him
Flower looks at him and then blinks. "A...job? Did you kill someone?" She looks at the knife and then stared at it for a while, she had a quick flash of someone running at her and holding a knife. She grabbed her head and then rubbed her forehead. "Hmmm I see....um...shall we get started on dinner." She said having a headache now. She walked over to the sink and then got a glass of water. She then started to get out the food she was going to cook.
Flower looks at him and then shakes her head no. "I'm not mad....I just got a headache now is all. Guess I'm not use to seeing blood like that." She said and then started to cook. "Now come here and help or else this will be no fun." She said and then smirked at him.
Dante smiles and gets up limping over to her and kissing her lightly "So what's the plan my love?" he looks at the food layed out and fixes his pants leg
Flower looks at him. She put her arm around his neck and then kissed him lightly again. "Stakes with baked potatoes and salad....sound nice?" She asked and then smiled. She ponted to the potatoes. "Mind getting those ready for me?" She asked.
Dante blushes slightly " O-o-of course I wouldn't.." he starts peeling the potatoes and accidently cuts his hand " ouchie." he wipes the blood on his pants and keeps working
Flower looks at him and then smiles. She walks over and then grabs his hand. She kissed his hand lightly healing it for him. She looks up at him and smiles. "Be careful." She said and then started preparing steaks. She pounded them good and then started to cook them. While the steaks were cooking she got out a bowl and started to make the salad.
Dante stood there absent mindedly peeling potatoes and watching her cook, he thought she looked amazing
Flower kept cooking. When he was done with the potatoes she started mashing them. She looks at Dante and smiles at him. She kissed his cheek. " almost finished." she said an then grabbed a plate putting the steaks on the plate.
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "Alright." she said and then put the steaks on the table. She got her food and then sat down. She smiled at him and rubs her head.
Flower chuckles and eats just as quickly. She stands up drinking some water. "You in a hurry?" She asked and then smiled at him.
Dante chuckles and stands up grabbing their plates "Of course, I have a date, and I want it to last as long as possible." He had always been a bit of a romantic.

Athena scratches at the door, angry at Flower for making her go outside

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