A Life In Chains (Closed)

Flower looks at him and then raised an eyebrow. "Nothing." She said and then kissed him lightly. She looks at him. "So where were you?" she asked him. However there was one thing on her mind....checking to see if Damoin was messing with them again.
Dante kisses her head "I was out hunting didn't you read my note?" he laughs and pecks her on the cheek
Flower shakes her head no. "No...sorry." she said and then snuggles with him. "I guess I didn't see it." She said and then looks up at him. She smiles and then pulls away. "So did you get anything?" She asked.
Flower looks at him and then rolls her eyes. 'Don't worry about it." she pushed him back into a wall and playfully pinned him there. "It's nice to know you have a soft side." She said and then smiled backing up. She was toying with him a bit. "I love that about you." She said winking at him. "Besides....when you do kill a deer we have enough meat for a few weeks." She said and then crosed her arms.
Dante blushes slightly "erm, um th-thanks" he smiles and grabs her spinng and pinning her against the wall, but giving her the chance to get up
Flower blushes as he pins her. She smiles though and stays there. She lightly kiss him on the lips. "Your welcome." she said and then lightly puts her arms on his shoulders her hands crossing on his back.
Dante smiles "Is it bad I'md do anything you asked just in return for a kiss?" he grabs her around the waist his hands lock together
Flower looks at him and then giggles. "Maybe for you....your lucky I'm nice and offer them free." She said and then kissed him. She pulled back and then looks at him. She leaned towards him and rested her head on his shoulder. She smiled at him and then pushed her hair behind her ear.
"I love you Flower, so what are we going to do are we just going to hide here the rest o our lives?" he laughs and kisses her cheek just enjoying being able to be close to her. She smelled amazing to him
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "I don't know Dante....it seems hiding is useless." she said and then pullEd one arm away to rub the back of her head. "We can....try the place I come from." she said and then looks at Dante. She looks down.
"Wait, I forgot I promised I'd help you find your sister. Let's go." He grabs some food and clothes and throws them in a bag "Inferno Athena. Come on." He stands there next to her
Flower looks at him. She smiles at him. "Ok. There's one place we should look first." She said and then grabs Dante's hand. "Come on...it's going to take days to get there....but it's the best bet." She said and then walked out.
he smiles and grabs her hand squeezing it lightly "Lead the way." He smiles lightly and kisses her cheek
Flower looks at him and then looked up. It's...that way. She started walking north. She looks at Dante and then looks around. She secretly put invisiable light on the floor of forest, if anything moves, even in the tree's she'd sense it. Ignoring all the little animals she was watching out for her old master. Her eyes narrowed a bit, if he came close....she'd blast him.
Damion was sitting in a tree over head and smirks "Flower and Dante."

Dante looks up and growls "Damion."
Flower twitches her hand and a sudden blast of light aimed for Damion. Her eyes turned very cold as she glanced back. "Dante.....stay near me ok?" she asked her eyes turning much softer as she looked at him. She didn't want Damion posing as him again. She twitched her hand again and light again attacked Damion, however she was hoping Dante wouldn't know it was her or even see it.
Dante falls to his knees covering his eyes, the light was way too bright because he had heightened sences.

Damion falls backwards and hits the ground not moving hoping she would leave
Flower looked at Dante. "Hey you ok?" She asked and then kneeled down. She put her arm around him and lifted him back up. She looks at him frowning. "Hey we have to keep moving." She said and then started to walk.
Flower looks at him and then frowns. She stops. "alright. If it hurts we should stop." she said and then pushed his hair back a bit. She looks at him worriedly:
Flower looks at him and then kisses his cheek. "Alright." She said and then rubed his back comfortly. She continued to walk making note she shouldn't use her power on such a scale near him. Not untill she gathers the courage to tell him that is.

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