A Life In Chains (Closed)

FLower glares at him and then clenches her fist. "You never acted like it! You never treated me like Dante does. I don't care who loved me first I love Dante....now let go!" She yelled at him.
Flower looks at him. "It doesn't work like that!" She said and then headed back to Dante. "Jerk." She said glaring at him. She looked out at Dante and then smiled.
Flower walks out and then sighs sitting down by Dante. She was upset and of course he had to fall asleep. She lays down and then snuggles up with him. She sighed and turned her back to Dante and then created light in her hand to calm herself down. She made it disappear and then rolled over setting her head on dante's chest.
(You've got to be kidding me.)

Flower looks at him and then removes her head form his chest. "Uhh....Dante...you alright or are you joking with me?" She asked and then looked at him. She sits up straight and then rubs her head.
Flower looks at him and then rolls her eyes. "Mean...." She said and then hugs him. "You know....we should really start locking the doors to the house." She said and then looked up at him.
Flower looks at him and then sighs. "He keeps coming back." She said and then rubbed her head. She grabbed her shoulder and rubbed it a bit. It was the arm damion twisted. "He said he loved me....I find that hard to believe." she said and then snuggled into Dante. "I told him i loved you and walked out. I think he's gone."
Flower looks at him and then smiles. She kisses his forehead and then leans her head on his. She looks up at the ceiling then back at him wondering what he's thinking.
Flower looks back at him. "What's wrong." she asked turning to him. She wrapped her arm around his waist as she snuggled up to him. She looks at him frowning because he was.
Flower looks at him and then rolls over onto him. "I can handle him, if I can I'll scream and you better come." She said and then kissed him deeply and then pulled back. "Don't feel bad...ok?" She asked and then smiled at him.
Flower looks at him and then sighs. "Dante, you didn't fail me." She said and then hit him on the head. 'Stop it!" She said and then got up. "I'm going to make some tea ok?" She said and then walked out.

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