A Life In Chains (Closed)

Flower looks at him. "No....but..." she pushes him off the bed. "Don't go yawning on me! You better wake up!" She said and then jumped off the bed landing beside him. She smiled at him.
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "Yep." She said and then kissed his cheek. "Want some breakfast?" She asked and then smiled at him.
Flower looks at him and then smiles. She puts a hand on the side of his face and pulled him closer kissing him back. She closed her eyes making it a bit deeper. She pulled back and then smiled at him. "I know." She said and got up walking away to make breakfast.
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "If you want." She said and then looks at her hair. She grabbed a strand and started playing with it as the eggs cooked. She looked at Dante with a smile.
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "I love you too." She said and then gives him a plate of eggs and ham. "And stop yawning already." She said and then sat down with her own plate. She started eating.
Dante finishes eating quickly then walks over, he picks up flower like a baby and he smiles "So hi."
Flower looks at him and then blushes a little. "Hey!" She looks at him and then crosses her arms. "I didn't ask you to pick me up." She said and then looks at him, a small smile pulling at the sides of her mouth.
Flower looks at him and then sits up. "hm. You don't understand me do you?" She said and then grabbed him and pulled him down. "You are going to be in charge." She said and then looks at him with a smile.
Flower closed her eyes and shifted to get more comfortable. She leaned a bit into him and kissed him back enjoying the kiss. She loved it when he kissed her.
Flower looks at Athena and then sits down beside him. She looks at him and then smiles. She looked up and then smiled seemingly soaking up the sun light.
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "Even with my freakish hair?" She giggles a bit teasing about her white hair color. She lays down beside him and then looks at a flower next to her. She looked at Dante and then smiled.
Dante smiles and grabs her hand "Well, it makes you even more unique, i could never find anyone like you."
Flower looks at him and then blushes. "Thanks." She said and then looked at him. She kissed his cheek lovingly. She liked all the things he says about her. She snuggles closer to him as she looks up at the sky. She blinks and then watches a bird real quick. "hey....Dante...you probably should know...I can....um...I..." She sighed, people use to call her a freak or chased her for some reason since her power got found out. She always thought of her power as a curse since it only brought trouble to her. She wasn't sure how he'd react and lost her nerve. "Oh never mind."
"Flower, you know you can tell me anything, I won't think any less of you. I'll tell you something. I lied about Adrianna. She was not someone who took me in, she was my girlfriend before she died." He sighs and looks at the sky "I know it's odd but Athena reminds me a lot of Adrianna."
Flower looks at him and then jerks back. She looks at Athena. She glares at the wolf for not telling her. "Heh...I can imagine." She mummbled and then sighed sort of feeling embarrassed now with Dante's old girlfriend watching them. "It was nothing." She said and then looked back at the ground. She looked up at him and then lightly smiled.
Athena smirks and walks over lieing in between Flower and Dante Dante gets up and walks over to the other side of Flower lieing closer to her and grabbing her hand "Fine don't tell me." he laughs

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