three days
Arran Royce
House Royce was no longer as a respected house as it used to. When they were called into council it was clear that it was for casting a vote, and therefore a well-spoken diplomat was not needed, but instead someone who could carry out the mission. Therefore, Arran was chosen.
Unlike most that were heading to Harrenhal, Arran travelled on horseback, acquainted by two knights from Runestone. Sleeping in tents and hunting while travelling, they lived less luxurious than the nobles. Because of this, they arrived in Harrenhal a bit later than expected. This did not stress Arran as he rode his black friesian through the gates. Wearing full armour, minus his helmet, the sound of hooves and the metal on his body were loud enough to attract attention from some of the guards located closest to the castle gate. "I am here to represent House Royce", he informs a soldier from the horses back, a gesture that would be considered rude by some. After announcing his arrival, he continued on horseback, riding past tents with banners portraying different figures he was not familiar with. It bothered him knowing that none of these figures nor the people here were familiar to him. Instead, he judged the importance of people by the size of their tents, the value of their clothing and number of guards. Spotting women much more beautiful than those in Runestone, and men… He frowned to himself and continued over to an open field where they could pitch their tent up for the time staying here. While the two other men did this, Arran began to remove the sadel from his horse, running his hand over its back and talking to it softly "you have deserved a few days off…".