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Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed)

We're going under new management..!

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So I'm calling it quits and pulling out. I've waited, and waited. I've only thrown out like one or two posts. Someone can use me as an NPC, thank you though for the time I did have here.
LadyArdent said:
So I'm calling it quits and pulling out. I've waited, and waited. I've only thrown out like one or two posts. Someone can use me as an NPC, thank you though for the time I did have here.
LadyArdent said:
I haven't gained much interaction here and I have a lot piling up.
Who is it that you're waiting for? The alert system get's bugged a lot from what I've noticed, so sometimes you just have to call someone out because they just never realised it's them you're waiting on.
Well I definitely didn't get @ObiSemKenobi 's posts on the OOC in my alert feed, but I too feel like everyone has disappeared lol. Maybe because it was really active when it first started, now it feels really slow. I'm obviously still interested and patiently waiting but I hate checking my phone and seeing no notifications :(
A few things.

First of all I have to say that I'm still very new to the whole roleplay scene in general. I started out a few months ago on another website lurking a bit at first and eventually joining my first RP. My first post there was the last of that roleplay. I've been in a few other RPs since then with different people before moving to RPNation where I've only had one other RP besides this one. I really like doing it. Especially when you play with talented writers it's like you're reading a novel, only when you poke a character, they poke back. I love that.

Sadly, I have not yet been in a single Roleplay that survived until the end of it's story. The furthest I've come is the end of Chapter One. This saddens me, not in the first place because I won't know how the story ends (although that too is a part of it), but because I really invest in my character. I think most people do. I want to built up relationships, both with NPCs and other player characters. I want my character to grow over the course of the story and see how the others grow too. I'd hate to rush things like that just because I have to fear that the RP might die at any given time, so usually they don't get very far. So I feel like as a medium it has a lot of potential, but I've never been able to experience everything it has to offer because it requires a certain investment. Which brings me to my next point.

I think people can be a bit hasty when it comes to declaring things dead or dying and in doing so actually speed up the process. That's why I always tend to react vehemently or with very long speeches (like this one). I've played in roleplays with people where it was quite normal to have to wait over a week for a specific person to respond, because we know they have busy lives and a lot can happen in a week. In other places (and I sense a bit of that here too every now and then) people get anxious when they haven't heard from somebody in a day or two. I, personally, don't have a job right now so I understand as much as anybody how annoying it can be to have to wait for the next reaction to your post, but it's a game we're playing, and it's a game that requires quite a bit of time, so sometimes that takes a while. Sometimes people have other important things on their minds, causing it to take a bit longer. All of these things are perfectly normal and absolutely not a sign of a loss of interest from any of those people.

Of course there can be other reasons why someone doesn't post that are not as advantageous. For example, as I've mentioned before, if I got a penny for every time someone said "I didn't get any alerts" on this website, I'd move to England. I don't know how to fix that, but calling them out using the @ command usually works. It's something I'm not really used to, but calling out all the relevant people in your actual post should help people focus on your post and realise that you require a response from them to continue. Sometimes people don't realise you're talking about their character, or simply forget after they've read it. In another RP I played someone got shot at with a big ring of fire. Her response: try to reason with the creature. The result: she lost an arm. The player had simply forgotten that she was already being fired upon. It happens. Simply calling people out using their usernames can help prevent that from happening.

Another thing I've noticed is that people are very often waiting on each other, without realising who it is that has to post, or finding that the person who has to respond is inactive for a while, for whatever reason. This, I think, is the main reason RPs die. Or if not the main reason at least the most unnecessary one. Order is well and good, but if it prevents active people from playing it should be circumvented. If you think your character could do something interesting in a certain moment, I'd say go for it. If you shoot at someone but that character's player doesn't respond in a while, assume he/she went down and go on with the story. When that player gets back it's up to him/her to improvise a way out of that situation. Find an explanation as to why his/her character went down. For me one of the main reasons I like Roleplay is that it makes me a better writer. Perhaps the greatest thing it taught me was how to improvise. Things don't always go according to plan, so find a reason for why they happened like they did.

An example of the previous argument and then Ill wrap this thing up. In one of my first Roleplays that actually went on for a while I made quite a few mistakes. For example, there was a roleplay where I had my character imbedded in someone else's background (she was the daughter of a noble family, I was a soldier in her father's army) and we were in a world of powers. She had a power that had a nasty side effect in a certain situation, and my character had knowledge of such a situation occuring, so I made him go to her and subtly suggest that she might wanted to leave. Turned out her power was a secret and only a very select group of people knew about it. I'd messed up. How did she resolve this situation? She improvised. She made her character react surprised to my character having this knowledge, but only in her thoughts, not spoken out loud. This made me realise my error, and now I had to think of a way my character could possibly have found out about that power. It was fun. I ran the final version past the other player before posting it up and all was well again.

What I'm trying to say is that if someone posted before you could with something you didn't anticipate or believe your character would useally have done something different, improvise a reason why he/she didn't. That way you don't have to wait on everybody to have an equal amount of posts all the time and the more active players can do their thing and the less active players can fill in later.

A final note on the current state of affairs. The way I see it @HoneyBear-Kat or @Veirrianna Valentine , but if that takes too long, one of you could do what Ana did and just portray your character's thoughts on the situation for a bit to keep the ball rolling.

@Folk Tale @TeaMMatE11 and I are currently in an all-out warzone, so anyone of us who feels like they could do something cool with it is free to post I'd say. I believe it's Taylor's turn to kick some ass, but if the Outcasts want to go Han Solo and shoot first (or shoot Frank, who they've caught a glimpse of), or regroup to count how many are left after Jade's sniper fire, they are free to do so :)

I really like this RP and I think there are enough people who still like it as well, so let's get the action going. If things seem to grind to a halt, just shout out and I'll add in a natural catastrophe or an aditional army of eagles or a german accented-timetraveler here to kill everybody if that'll steer us back to the main plot, but for now I think there is still quite a bit going on and no need for something that drastic. I could be wrong though.

Thus ends sermon #376. My apologies for all my rambelings, but it's late and I'm tired which makes me talk a lot. And often incoherently. So, sorry about that. Thank you for listening (reading) and for playing this RP. I'm going to bed now, so good night!
To Everyone: I first joined this particular role play because it was one of the first introduced to me. I had waited a good amount of time. Sadly I still hadnt seen growth in my own character. Over the course of joining RPnation I have joined many other new threads. Some are much more active and I've had the luck of joining it in the beginning. I have a few PM going on too. They do take up much of my attention besides my RL problems. I don't take any offense to anything said. I still enjoyed everyone and the styles I was able to see. You are all excellent writers. This was merely a personal decision as for myself. This particular role play in itself with the stories it offers is thriving and interesting. I rather pull out than go stale and not be dedicated like I had previously wanted too.

Truly, again to offense to anyone at all. I just couldn't be dedicated like I once wanted to be when joining.
@Folk Tale[/URL] @TeaMMatE11 and I are currently in an all-out warzone, so anyone of us who feels like they could do something cool with it is free to post I'd say. I believe it's Taylor's turn to kick some ass, but if the Outcasts want to go Han Solo and shoot first (or shoot Frank, who they've caught a glimpse of), or regroup to count how many are left after Jade's sniper fire, they are free to do so :)

I really like this RP and I think there are enough people who still like it as well, so let's get the action going. If things seem to grind to a halt, just shout out and I'll add in a natural catastrophe or an aditional army of eagles or a german accented-timetraveler here to kill everybody if that'll steer us back to the main plot, but for now I think there is still quite a bit going on and no need for something that drastic. I could be wrong though.

Thus ends sermon #376. My apologies for all my rambelings, but it's late and I'm tired which makes me talk a lot. And often incoherently. So, sorry about that. Thank you for listening (reading) and for playing this RP. I'm going to bed now, so good night!
That's why I like doing one on one's xD
Veirrianna Valentine]I just meant who I was waiting on originally was all. I don't think Unlimitied has posted though. [/QUOTE] I would just post tbh and he can interject himself back in the story when he comes back. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31514-obisemkenobi/ said:
@ObiSemKenobi[/URL] The feels are strong with this one, I see.
Right, well since I would actually like to progress with this character, as I really like them, I'll get a post up either later today, or tomorrow, 100% mates.
Wow, that post was a lot longer than I remember it being when I wrote it yesterday. Once again, sorry about the wall of tekst, that happens when I get tired. I'm amazed to see most of you actually got through it though, thanks for that.

@LadyArdent I totally understand your position and I'm glad you at least enjoyed your time here. Thanks for the input so far and I hope you'll continue to enjoy your time on RPNation.

As for one on ones, I've never actually done those and have a little trouble understanding how that works. Is there a story unfolding, or really just two characters who decide to do stuff? Are there NPCs? If so, who controls them? It sounds like a nice way of getting into RPing and with a minimal group like that I assume you'll have the least amount of trouble with not getting responses and stuff like that, so it does seem really cool.
Hope that gets some minds thinking. What use could their possibly be, in the States, for a natural born Russian, that someone would risk their life to locate? Nobody knows!

Well, I know, but you lot don't (>u>)

Oh, @ObiSemKenobi you mind me messaging you with an idea that will start to partially unravel the enigma that is Scorn?
ObiSemKenobi said:
Wow, that post was a lot longer than I remember it being when I wrote it yesterday. Once again, sorry about the wall of tekst, that happens when I get tired. I'm amazed to see most of you actually got through it though, thanks for that.
@Veirrianna Valentine @Anaxileah - ill have my post up in a few hours, for @ObiSemKenobi and @TeaMMatE11 as well
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ObiSemKenobi said:
Wow, that post was a lot longer than I remember it being when I wrote it yesterday. Once again, sorry about the wall of tekst, that happens when I get tired. I'm amazed to see most of you actually got through it though, thanks for that.
@LadyArdent I totally understand your position and I'm glad you at least enjoyed your time here. Thanks for the input so far and I hope you'll continue to enjoy your time on RPNation.

As for one on ones, I've never actually done those and have a little trouble understanding how that works. Is there a story unfolding, or really just two characters who decide to do stuff? Are there NPCs? If so, who controls them? It sounds like a nice way of getting into RPing and with a minimal group like that I assume you'll have the least amount of trouble with not getting responses and stuff like that, so it does seem really cool.
What Folk said. For example, he and I are in a one on one (which is in the link in my signature) where we developed a world, separated it into two halves, and wrote about the different people on our sides of the world, which was incorporated into our characters and the story. We control our own NPCs wherever they're needed, while focusing on the story between out our characters.

Speaking of which, I have to reply to @Folk Tale in that 1x1 xD
Anaxileah said:
What Folk said. For example, he and I are in a one on one (which is in the link in my signature) where we developed a world, separated it into two halves, and wrote about the different people on our sides of the world, which was incorporated into our characters and the story. We control our own NPCs wherever they're needed, while focusing on the story between out our characters.
Speaking of which, I have to reply to @Folk Tale in that 1x1 xD
Have you ever heard the song 'Waiting on a woman' by Brad Paisley? You should look it up on YouTube because it describes our relationship perfectly. ;)
[QUOTE="Folk Tale]Have you ever heard the song 'Waiting on a woman' by Brad Paisley? You should look it up on YouTube because it describes our relationship perfectly. ;)

xD I believe do xD rofl
@Folk Tale

I think you misunderstood, I had Scorn offer Branislav her SMG, and she's standing behind Kyani and Unlimited's character(whose name escapes me at the moment) with her rifle aimed at Unlimited's character's back. Also she doesn't have goons with her, she has a pair of wolves =/
Veirrianna Valentine] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/30564-folk-tale/ said:
@Folk Tale[/URL]
I think you misunderstood, I had Scorn offer Branislav her SMG, and she's standing behind Kyani and Unlimited's character(whose name escapes me at the moment) with her rifle aimed at Unlimited's character's back. Also she doesn't have goons with her, she has a pair of wolves =/
She was also just telling Kyani she had no intentions of letting her be killed for any reason.
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]She was also just telling Kyani she had no intentions of letting her be killed for any reason.

But...can Kyani trust her...? >~>

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