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Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed) (Needs Joiners)

@Veirrianna Valentine @Unlimited @Anaxileah

Branislav fell backward as Jasper tackled him, his arms wrapping around the man in order to try and stop him from lifting the man up into a double leg takedown. As his back hit the ground the knife he held in his hand was sent sliding across the floor due to the fact that his elbow had struck the ground, directly on his funny bone. With no time to acknowledge the tingling sensation in his arm Branislav quickly flexed his abdominal muscles tightly, and raised his arms to his face.

The punches Jasper threw landed but did not do much damage due to Branislav's flexing, and the soldier had his hands raised in order to attempt to grab Jaspers hands of he threw a punch towards Branislav's face. This did not happen however as Branislav stopped moving after hearing the gunshot ring throughout the hospital. As Jasper climbed off of him, the Outcast leader sat up and rose to a full stand. His facial expression was hollow and he hid the frustration which was generated by this set back. The man turned to face the wielder of the gun, and he sighed. His right hand raised and his fingers made what looked like a peace sign, but was actually the number two gestured with his hands.

"You have 2 minutes, so talk quickly." Branislav said concisely as he lowered his hand back down to his side's. The man at this time was obviously anticipating the Outcasts arrival in the Dome, and he knew out of all of the people in this room he had the most leverage. This did not however, mean that he would let his guard down or bank on the fact that he would be bailed out. His body stayed tense and he was constantly ready to make a play, and look for an opportunity to change things into his control.

Okay Anya was driving away out of the dome and well away from everything. The further they were away the better. She didn't know what else was going in. She didn't like it. The wind was blowing snow still at her face. After about ten more minutes of driving she had to stop dead center where ever she was. She couldn't take it anymore. The visibility was bad inside and out of the truck. She turned off the truck and hopped out.

Wind and snow snapping around her as opened the door stepping out. Grunting as she moved her scarf finally to hide her face. Reaching for her glasses to protect them at best. She didn't have all of her protective gear which would have come in handy. No time to dwell on that. She was warm and armed the best she could do. Turning she walked to the bed of the truck and stepped on the bumper. Leaning over to look inside tons anything useful. Just her luck there was a bag that had some things in it. Anya reached over and shook the snow off of it. Bringing it close to her face I examine the contents.

Garbage bags!! A full box of garbage bags was inside. Grabbing that she stood up and hopped down off the bumper and hurried to get back inside. Wiping her glasses and she took them off once more and ripped apart the box to pull at a bag. She threw the box aside and went about to shake the bag open. With that done she opened her door and placed part of the bag at the edge. Leaning over she pulled the door closed and the end of the bag caught when she closed the door.

It was big, it was black, it was a bag. It was being pushed somewhat against her but it offered the reprieve she needed. Satisfied she turned on the truck and turned the wipers on. Lights on full blast and she gunned it. The warmth inside the truck was rising a little more. She didn't care about not having visibility to her side mittor. Hell she pretty much is going blind at this point. Anya just gunned it on the gas and kept both hands on the wheel. They heard her so she didn't say much else.

Her only goal was to get to them where ever they are. She hoped for the best that she was hopefully mere feet behind them after making up the time she stalked to do something about her window. They were only two people carrying Hush who wasn't on foot himself. She hoped they managed the Twins managed with him without collapsing themselves.

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Taylor saw the jeeps go by. No, too fast for targets. Then the scouting party. Nope. Too big to take on. Just then, a missile went over her head, and landed a few feet away from her, causing a car to explode. She ducked and protected her head, just in case. I'm still alive. And my ears are ringing. Great. She then noticed Frank, who was stumbling around. She looked after Frank pointed out a small group that broke off. "Ready?" She whispered. She had her gun ready, she was ready to engage in combat. "Honestly Jade, is that your definition of a small flank?" She was half teasing, half serious. Scare tactics. She then moved to follow the group of 8. "Frank, get in position to shoot. I want you to tag the person bringing up the rear. Make sure it's a kill."




Kyani had frozen (get it? ha). She didn't know what to do in this situation. The fight had led to outside the storage room, and was now between the assailant and Jasper. Then a gunshot rang out, and neither of them had a weapon. A woman had approached them, with...two wolves? It was an odd sight, but the presence of the wolves was calming to Kyani, since she is a member of her Native American Wolf Clan. The Wolf Spirit was headstrong and prideful, but also wise, and Kyani took the spare moment to inhale and exhale deeply, her dark eyes closing for a moment before looking at the newcomer.

"I am a scientist of the H.E.A.T. Program, and this is an F.S.F. Agent whom was protecting me. This man," Kyani gestured to Branislav, whose name she still did not know, "Attacked us. I have reason to believe he's with the Outcasts or the Wolfpack." Kyani deduced, moving over to Jasper with worry on her face. She gently placed a hand on his shoulder before asking in a small whisper, "Are you alright? How can we get away?" She glanced around the hospital, looking for some way out, and noticed a man entering different rooms and urging people to leave due the Outcast threat outside. There are still some good people in this cold world...Good. Kyani thought to herself before looking back at the situation at hand.

Tag: @Veirrianna Valentine Character's Mood: Worried User's Mood: Headaches suck.. Location: Hospital Inventory: Prototype Jacket, Orbs, Other Tools in Pouch on Hip

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“If either of you had seen the numbers we’re up against, you’d forgive me the relative size reference.”

Frank moved up behind the task force and noticed the lone soldier covering their collective behinds. This were obviously not Branislav’s best trained men. He was legging at least a few yards behind the main group. Frank closed in on him when he wasn’t looking, suddenly moving with a lot more stealth than he had managed to muster so far, and stayed for a little while behind a parked car, knocking an arrow on his bowstring.

Looking at the slightly turned rear-view mirror he waited until the man was facing to the side, quickly and quietly got up from behind the car and shot his arrow just beneath the man’s jaw, piercing through both the major artery and the poor man’s vocal cords. The last release of air was nowhere near loud enough to alert his team-members of his demise.

The rest of the team seemed to be spreading out in groups of two and one of three, circling around the building to check all entrances. Frank calmly walked up to the man he just killed, put his boot on the man’s skull and pulled the arrow out of his throat. Like a sword, he whipped most of the blood from it before re-inserting it in his quiver.

“Rear is down. I’ll go after the one’s circling…around…backwhat the hell?”

A warm glow suddenly passed over him through the partially broken-down roof. His first reflex was that the dome’s environmental controls had finally reset and come back up, but that was no artificial sun. That was the real deal. Theories and implications immediately came rushing into his conscious and unconscious thought, but he quickly pushed them away and focussed on the here and now.

“Jade, backlight?”

“You guys are seeing it too? For a moment there I thought I was finally losing it.”

“You’re not, focus Jade. How’s the backlight?”

“Right, of course. It’s ah.. It’s almost like I planned it. Sun’s in my back, I have clear vision. Speaking of which, your targets seem to be as surprised by the light as you are. If you’re gonna strike, do it now.”

“I was hoping you’d say that! Taylor cover me, I’m about to do something stupid!”

Frank quickly dropped his bow, pulled the silenced pistol from his pocket and started running for the lone group of three still gazing up at the spectacle unfolding above their heads. Squeezing the trigger, his first two shots pierced through the rightmost spinal cord, instantly dropping the first target. The other two were standing in front of each other, but the moment they turned around to see what just happened to their TeaMMatE, Frank was already half a feet away from the second target, his barrel underneath the man’s chin. The split second the man had left to live he could only realise how screwed he really was. Frank used his left hand to stop the body from collapsing, keeping it in between him and the last man standing.

Only then truly realising what had happened, the man quickly dived for cover, throwing his rifle up to cover himself with a short burst, but the trigger never reached far enough to make contact. Frank may not be a great sniper, or very good at stealth, but at this distance his aim was swift and dead accurate.

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She took cover behind a pillar as Frank moved out. She kept her body out of sight. All of a sudden, she felt warmth on her chest, and everything around her blinded her. "What the..." She heard Frank say something as he ran out. "Wait what are you..." Taylor took off her helmet and ran towards Frank. She broke to the right as the group of 2 just realized what happened. "Shit!" Taylor slid into cover, almost getting shot. She pulled her rifle and shot 1 bullet into the head of the first Outcast member. She swiftly changed targets, hitting the 2nd one in the chest. She put the rifle on her back, as she charged the Outcast down with a Kunai. She threw it, and it went through his throat. She pulled it out, and wiped it clean. She jogged back to Frank.

"You nearly got me killed." She looked down at her legs, and her right leg was nicked, but nothing serious. She quickly jogged back to pick up her helmet and attached it to her belt. She threw her hair behind her back, as she holstered all her weapons. "All body counts, KIA and accounted for. Right?" She looked at Frank.

She stopped and looked up at the sky. "Well...I never thought I would have seen the day when the natural sun came out." She was awestruck. Just stood there, in the middle of the road, looking up at the blue sky. "I thought...the sun was dying out..." Her voice trailed off. "Wait...."

Then it hit her. "Why would they lie to us?" She was asking questions that neither Frank nor Jade could answer this time.

@TeaMMatE11 @ObiSemKenobi

The quick disposal of mere grunts in the Outcast army went smoothly for Frank and Taylor. Soldiers who had the will but lacked extraordinary skill and training to withstand the initial assault of the two. Many men fell to their demise quickly, but what set the last man of the group apart from the rest was his selfless and quick thinking perception of the situation. Beep. Beep. Beep. A signal sent out to the rest of the company attacking this side of D.C alerted the remaining forces of enemy presence where Frank and Taylor assaulted, and the man who sent the signal would not go down without a fight. Quickly the Outcast soldier stood up and began emptying a full clip of his assault rifle towards Taylor, who was in an open position and not behind cover. The man's spray was wild and unfocused, and therefore the vast majority of the bullets which came from his gun were far off target and Taylor would have a good chance to get behind cover.

A few seconds after the signal which the remaining Outcast soldier sent out was received, another group of 12 more skilled soldiers made their way to the large warehouse. What set these soldiers apart was the fact that one of them had an RPG on his back and a few warheads to go with it. The rest were closing in on the somewhat disadvantageous positions Frank and Taylor found themselves in as they were in the middle of their intial assault. With only 25 seconds before the first soldier of the second outcast group was to come into sight, Frank and Taylor would have to react quickly in order to secure more defensive positions in this battle.
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Though they couldn't see it, a wide and enthused, yet predatory grin spread across Scorn's face as the information was so readily handed to her. It was no small wonder Branislav's men had so easily assailed the place, given how quickly the information had just been handed to her, or how incompetent the people seemed.

"I don't even need two seconds Branislav," she spoke cooly as her eyes passed over him to fall on the doctor, "I'm only here to ensure one thing. One person's safety after all."

Shouldering Flayer, Scorn whistled at her pack. Seconds later the two wolves had flanked around the doctor and her guard, growling dangerously and ensuring they knew they wouldn't like the outcome of disagreeing with the actions of the masked woman. Taking a moment to kick Branislav's knife back towards him, there was a brief time where the only noise seemed to be howling winds outside and the clatter of the blade on the floor, as if the pieces finally fell into place. She briefly wondered about the man outside, but if he knew best, and wasn't one of Branislav's, he'd stay out of the way.

"I have something I need your help with Branislav, so the logical, next step, would be to give reason to receive that help, no?" Scorn grolwed out as she nodded at the pair across from her, Branislav's quarry, "I need you alive, so let us figure out what you need from this pair, and then proceed to a more secure location."

@Folk Tale @Unlimited @Anaxileah
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Frank quickly tapped his lips with a finger when Taylor started talking. He whispered when he talked, though her gunshots probably made that useless now.

“It’s your lack of concentration that nearly got you killed, not me. There’s two more out there, probably coming for us right now! Get your ass back in cover! Jade?”

Before Jade had the chance to react, one of the remaining two soldiers quickly opened fire on Taylor. Because Frank was facing Taylor he saw the soldier the split second before he opened fire. He pushed his new partner to the ground behind a small brink wall separating the building from the main road.

There was still one other soldier and Frank didn’t like not knowing where he was. “Darnit Jade, do you have a visual on the second target?”

“Negative, he was with the other one moment ago, but he seems to have circled around the building. I have a shot on the one burning your cover, but there’s another dozen soldiers heading your way. Your call.”

“Nah, Taylor and I can take this one, you just warn us when you have the last one from this group in your sights. Alright, Taylor on my mark I’ll make a sprint for that car, hopefully distracting him long enough that you have a shot. Make it count.

Ready? Mark!”

@Folk Tale

"What I need from them is irrelevant now." Branislav began by stating, and he looking Scorn up and down. She didn't seem to be part of the Wolfpack, and she definitely was no F.S.F. The man's left leg slowly was put on the handle of the knife which was at the floor, as to secure its position next to him for easier retrieval. He then took this moment of silence to bend down slowly and pick his knife up, after he stood back up he sheathed the knife in a holster on his left thigh. The Outcast leader breathed slow and steady, his mind focused on everyone surrounding him. Seeing as how the woman who was asking him for help still had control of the situation Branislav found it would be best to stay on her good side. He had no intention of helping her unless it was mutually beneficial for him, so he would of course have to first hear her out.

"What do you want?" He asked, keeping his responses and questions short and simple. With no need for unnecessary babble, Branislav felt it was best to get to the point and waste as little time here as possible. In truth, Branislav did not really need anything from the scientist he came here for besides information. This information was the whereabouts of the science building, which right now was probably being encroached by his Outcasts. Branislav sought all information and prototype technology which could potentially strengthen his cause. The man was so focused on the situation ahead of him, that he did not even notice the brightening of the outside caused by the sun.

@Veirrianna Valentine @Anaxileah @Unlimited

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca7b9ab1e_russianman.jpg.131f47090825550843ca403318f05a2a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131165" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca7b9ab1e_russianman.jpg.131f47090825550843ca403318f05a2a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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She was pushed out of the way by Frank. Before she had time to recover, he bolted off. "Ugh." She stood up quickly, and put her sights to the soldier that was behind the car.

As the guy opened fire on Frank, she popped out, and released a burst of 3 bullets.

It seemed as if time slowed when the bullets went flying. They eventually connected to the target, making him effectively KIA. She followed Frank into the warehouse, taking cover.

But it wasn't over yet. "Another group of 12? Great." By this time, she was sweating bullets. Of course, this was absolutely normal under times of stress.
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Dancing through a rain of bullets was never really Frank’s idea of a fun time, but somehow it also got him really pumped. The amazing adrenalin rush shooting through his body as bullets connected all around him in a pattern closer and closer to finding him was better than any drug. He’d been shot and sprayed at so often, he could almost count down to the moment that the first bullet would actually hit. Luckily Taylor responded before that timer reached zero.

“Nice shot. Ok, we need to get inside a.s.a.p. At least inside the building we’ll have a bottleneck to channel them through.”

“I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. One of them is packing an RPG, could probably knock down half the warehouse.”

“So we make sure we’re in the other half. We need something to keep us alive. We’re trapped in this city like Caius Martius in Corioli, only this time the Volsci have machine guns. So we need a way to split them up or force them into one-on-one’s. The building is our best bet.”

“Whatever you’re doing, do it now! They’re five seconds away from visual confirmation!”

Frank jolted for the door of the warehouse that the second team had already blown open for them just before Taylor shot them. He turned in the doorway to make sure Taylor was following.


@Folk Tale
In the midst of all the conversation, Alex was pretty well near freezing his ass off. Of course, his suit provided him some protection, but outside the domed cities it hardly did much. With his bullpup assault rifle at his side, the only thing he could really do was wander around until he happened to find a group of bandits that were rather well-stocked. He sighed, wishing that plasma daggers weren't so sought after. Then again, the one tool that meant the difference between life and death was in his hands, so that was a bonus. However, that very difference between life and death just so happened to be the very one that everyone wanted. It was no surprise in the current state of the world, and he didn't have the time nor the resources to make more than a few. As far as he was concerned, the thing was handmade, and it was a little rough around the edges in terms of style, but it was his tool of choice in the frozen wasteland that was Earth.

Oddly enough, all the snow reminded him of an old joke that was passed down through his family: "If you're not freezing your ass off, you're not in Canada." The joke had lost some of its humour, obviously. However, the bleak, white landscape was surely not lost on Alex. It felt as if his helmet was about to freeze to his face if it weren't for the layer of insulation that was so thankfully installed. And then there was frostbite to worry about: you'd be an idiot to go outside without at least two thermal layers in your gloves. And that's not even considering the distinct stupidity of not wearing gloves in the first place. At that point, whoever did it was considered either suicidal or extremely stupid.
From the corner of his eye Frank would be able to spot the first of the second group of Outcasts. Being an experienced scout, the man was already aware of Frank and Taylor's position as he crept towards them ahead of the second party. Without much hesitation the guy raised his semi-automatic Kalashnikov and sent three round bursts of Anti-Personnel bullets towards the doorway Frank was in. These rounds were not very effective against Kevlar and other advanced armors, but against flesh it was devastating.

After the scout shot three bursts he signaled with his hands for six of the 12 other Outcasts that were approaching to flank the warehouse. Without much delay the group split and quickly began running towards the northern side of the warehouse, looking for a doorway. The scout which made first contact with Frank and Taylor leaned behind the corner of a building as cover, but unfortunately for him his shoulder and foot would be visible by Jade and her high ground sniping position. The five remaining outcasts awaited for the split-off group to get into position before moving in.

@ObiSemKenobi @TeaMMatE11
For a split second, it felt like Frank was in that Matrix movie. He saw the muzzle flare slowly expand from the rifle’s barrel and the three bullets, hanging in the air with those cool tails of distorted air, coming straight for him. But apparently, he was not the One.

It was a strange sensation. Obviously, this wasn’t the first time Frank got shot, but it was the first time that he really didn’t expect it. It seemed unreal somehow.

“Frank? FRANK!”

His body made a sound like a thud when it hit the concrete floor. He wasn’t sure yet where the bullets had hit his body, but there was definitely something unfamiliar about this. He couldn’t quite place it yet. Point five seconds. He’d recovered from most of the initial shock and realised that two of the bullets had hit the armour underneath his coat. That was good. It was high grade. It would leave a few bruises, but shouldn’t have broken any ribs.

Point six seconds. It suddenly became painfully clear where the third bullet had gone. Oddly, he didn’t at first register the pain. He just noticed he’d lost depth perception. He lay on the floor, but couldn’t tell how high the ceiling was. Soon, the incredible pain came up on the right side of his face with overwhelming force. He let out an involuntary scream. Almost like a roar. He reached with his right hand because, besides the pain, there was a stream of blood running along his cheek that tickled him.

One point two seconds. A loud bang shot through the air. Jade’s armour-piercing round went straight through the wall and pierced the man’s skull with brutal force. Frank barely registered it. Help. He needed help. Jade. Too far. Taylor.

“Taylor? Taylor!” His first cry was emotionless, the second, desperate. None of these actions were processed through his conscious mind. Three point four seconds. He tried to get up. He found a surprising amount of strength in the rest of his body despite the unmentionable pain in his face. Slowly, steadily he was regaining full consciousness. He pushed his upper body from the ground, got overconfident and collapsed again through the sheer pain.

Taking it slower, he tried again. Awareness started coming back, desperation ebbed away. You’ve survived worse than this. For crying out loud Frank, pull yourself together!


@Folk Tale
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Taylor counted 3 shots she heard. Then, a loud thud. She looked out of cover, and saw an Outcast drop to the floor in a pool of blood. Then, she looked at Frank. He was on the floor, obviously shot. His voice startled her, initially. She ran out, and put his arm around her shoulders. She pulled her pistol from earlier, and helped Frank back into cover.

"Jade, I hope you realize that our chances of survival is low." Taylor looked at Frank. "Hang on." She put him on the floor, and started patching him up, looking around while fishing out her bandages. She patched him up, slowly. "Don't worry, Frank. Don't worry. Jade, Frank has gotten shot in the eye. 2 bullets hit him in the chest, but they were absorbed by the armor." Her eyes were full of concern, something that she never showed, even with her own team. There's something about her, a personality, she couldn't place. It seemed...familiar. She muttered, "bastard," cursing the scout.

She couldn't shake it. She got it patched up as well as she could before taking cover, with her rifle in hand. She heard footsteps from the Outcasts. "Jade, I hear a lot of noise outside the walls. Can you spot anything?"

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At this point the flanking Outcast group was all but around the corner of the warehouse, save for one who was lagging behind due to a foot injury the man suffered days prior. With good reaction and the will to do so, Jade would have a shot at the man before he fully crossed the street and was behind the warehouse. As for the rest of said flanking group, three of them stopped at the first door they encountered and were ready to breach. The other two which were waiting on the injured and slow member of their group advanced forward and made it to a large garage entrance for trucks which they entered slowly and silently.

Bang! The door which the first three were breaching was kicked in, and then followed a few clanking noises. A second after an extremely loud and thundering noise echoed throughout the large and mostly empty warehouse. Flashbang... As bright as the sun. Moments after the flashbang (which may or may not have affected the sight of Taylor or Frank) went off, the three initial outcasts of the flanking army moved in and took cover behind various large wooden crates nearest to the door from which they breached. As for the other five men, who's scouts face was laying on the floor of the street, they were waiting for an opportunity to reduce the chance of taking sniper fire.

@TeaMMatE11 @ObiSemKenobi
Jade’s shot had been one of desperation. A level beneath revenge. She hated it. They couldn’t have triangulated her position yet, but they were definitely covering for sniper fire now. It only made the situation more difficult. Right now, all she wanted to do was be the over concerned housewife for a while and fire a barrage of questions into the comms concerning Frank’s well-being, the nature of the injury, how she might help and whether or not Taylor thought to etc. etc. But she didn’t. She knew Frank, he’d want her to stay in the moment. Stay focussed. So after she got a grip of herself she immediately went back to scouting the area.

“I’d say about five of them lag behind to avoid my fire, but the rest got through.”

She aimed for the wounded man and pulled the trigger. She hit him through his hip. It was a large calibre round, so it made the man collapse on the ground. If left untreated he would bleed out.

“Hopefully I slowed them down a bit now, but I suspect at least a small group will breach your position very soon!”


Taylor was efficient. Professional. He liked that. Dragged him up to cover, patched up the wound. Now it was just a matter of ignoring the inconvenience and calculate for his inevitable loss in skill. All of a sudden he realised he reflexively pulled the pin out of a grenade he was apparently holding in his hand. He heard the second clank of a bouncing flashbang in the hallway and he threw the grenade in the same direction the sound came from.

It was something he had done so very often he could apparently do it in his sleep. If an assault force uses a flashbang they assume the targets will be stunned for five to ten seconds, so they will use that time to charge and take cover. That’s exactly the reason Frank never bothered with them. If you throw a live grenade in the opposite direction, it’ll end up right in front of an assault group charging out of cover.


He covered his ears and closed his eye, turning away as fast as he could, hoping that Taylor noticed it on time. When he heard the grenade go off, half a second after the flashbang, it somehow encouraged him. He may not have been at his full game, but he wasn’t out yet.

@Folk Tale

Lots of clanks and bounces. As soon as Taylor heard it, she shut her eyes and covered her ears. The flash went off, and she paid attention to the footsteps and gunshots. "Sounds like a team of 2-4 people."

She popped out of cover quickly, and took a burst of 5 shots at their position. It was more for suppression, if anything. She saw the grenade fly through the air, the one that Frank threw. She then concealed herself using the boxes. Her eyes darted around the room. She was looking for an opportunity to flank.

She couldn't see any scenario. The warehouse was too small, and there was not enough cover. She shook her head. As gas as she was concerned, they were pinned.

@ObiSemKenobi @Folk Tale
Clink, clink, clink. "Grenade!" A man's voice was heard shouting violently. With only a moment to react the initial group of Outcasts was cut in half and then some. Suddenly throughout the warehouse echoed a blood curdling scream from a man who knew he was done for today. "My leg!" The man yelled in horror, and gasped for air as he looked around at the other two of his comrades. One lay lifeless covered in blood and shrapnel with his arm completely torn off by sheer blast force, and the other sat behind a box covering his ears.

"Man down, man down!" Announced the uninjured Outcast soldier, and he waited until after Taylor's burst of bullets flew over head and ceased. He then rolled over to the injured and footless outcast soldier, and began trying to calm the man down. It was at this time that the second entry force, realizing their third man was taken out, breached and entered on Taylor and Frank's right flank. Without delay they too hid behind cover, and prepared to engage. The first offensive maneuver they performed involved throwing two smoke grenades and beginning to fill the warehouse with thick grey smoke.

The five man squad yet to cross the road initially threw two smoke grenades as well, in the middle of the street which they had to cross within Jade's line of sight. A few seconds after the smokes popped and before they began to fill the street, one man popped out quickly and scanned the roofline. Within two or three seconds he spotted Jade and sent a few shots towards her position, assuming this was enough of a distraction the four remaining outcasts sprinted rapidly across the street.

@ObiSemKenobi @TeaMMatE11
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By the time a minute, maybe two, had passed, Alex was about ready to collapse on the ice right where he was. His legs were feeling like jelly as it was-it was a wonder he even knew what the word meant in the first place. It was also a wonder that he had managed to survive for so long. Of course, some of it was due to his suit, but the rest he couldn't quite put a finger on. However, if he didn't find a group soon, he would surely be another victim of the freeze. Even so, no matter how desperate he got, he never seemed to find a single person. His stomach told him that the next person he found would likely have been food as well: fauna had been unreliable as of late. He shuddered at the thought. Cannibalism had never occurred to him, being from a family that had a steady supply of food. Then again, by this point, he didn't care.

Something in the distance, something he hadn't seen before, made him reach around him, near-frozen fingers fumbling for the bullpup assault rifle he always carried. He swung it up, pressing the frost-hardened metal to the side of his faceplate, clicking off the safety. Lucky it never freezes, he thought, or I'd be a dead man in my next firefight. Wait, aren't I already? His arms shook, but not from the cold. No, it wasn't from the cold. That wasn't the thing that made his whole body go tense, his blood turning icy as the surrounding air.

In the distance, he caught sight of a number of people, all armed and clearly looking to kill. He counted them off, and knew as soon as he finished that they would overpower him in an instant. He struggled to keep the iron sight steady, focusing on one person, then the next, then the next. He couldn't distinguish faction nor sex nor age. All he knew was that they hadn't seen him yet, and they appeared to be escorting a truck of some kind. He almost guaranteed it had some supplies: food, water, ammunition. Thinking of the third possible supply item made him take the magazine out of the gun and count the bullets. Relief washed over him when he saw that he still had thirty-two bullets. With him, those might have taken a few of them out by accident. This was clearly an operation better suited to stealth. He slammed the magazine back into the rifle, and reslung it around his shoulder.

At that instant, he stopped short. Was it really a good idea to try and steal from these people? Perhaps negotiating would have been more in his favour... Then again, there were more of them than there was of him, and he had nothing to bargain with to join them. Except, he thought, and drew out his plasma dagger, the one thing that had been keeping him from dying of thirst. How had he forgotten his entire life source? Perhaps this wasn't entirely a lost cause.
“They’re either ruthless or cowards, but they left their man to die. Expect two more from your flank.”

The moment Jade finished her sentence, she spotted the man moving slightly out of cover. The smoke covered the area directly in front of him, but he himself was still clear. She was just about to aim for a clean kill when he opened fire first. Jade immediately realised he was supressing her so the rest of his squad could pass. She also knew that if they did, Frank and Taylor were done for.

She didn’t hesitate for a moment. She stayed right where she was, not moving a muscle to back down. As the bullets came whooshing past her and impacted on the ledge of the rooftop, she inhaled and squeezed the trigger. A bullet grazed her mid-pull, throwing her aim off ever so slightly, hitting her assailant in the shoulder. Assuming he wasn’t ambidextrous, he wouldn’t be shooting any rifles any time soon though.

The other five were already on the move. Jade cursed at her choice of rifle as she bolted it for the next shot. The smoke was a big nuisance, but she could vaguely track a few of the other soldiers. Quick aim, quick fire. She was fairly sure she hit something as the movement she’d concentrated on had stopped, but she had no idea where she’d hit him. Another quick bolt-action as she tracked the last of the group running through the small gap between the smoke and the building. The moment she fired though, he was already behind a wall. Her shot easily pierced through it, but she had no way of knowing if it hit its target.

“Shit! Another three passed, possibly more. There’s nothing more I can do from here, I’m taking the bike and I’m coming your way as soon as possible!”


The moment Taylor pinned whatever remained from the first assault, Frank got up to check their left flank. There was a door in the room leading out to a garage of sorts meant to park transport trucks. Right now it was empty apart from one loose container, waiting for pick-up. A small sprint got him in cover behind it.

He had no visual on the door as it broke down, but he knew basic breach manoeuvres. If things were different he would probably have jumped out of cover and used his revolver to end it quick and clean, but as it was now, there were way too many variables that he couldn’t control. The first group consisted of amateurs, but they don’t give rocket launchers to amateurs. These men were bound to be better trained, but how much better was anybody’s guess. The pain from getting shot was still very much present and he wouldn’t know how much that affected his aim.

The biggest problem though was that Jade failed to mention whether this group happened to be the one that carried the RPG. If that thing accidentally went off it would swiftly end this little guerrilla war they were trying to throw. He heard the unnerving sound of a pair of grenades bouncing in his general direction. He was almost relieved when his vision was obscured by the smoke quickly filling up the building. Then Jade came through the comms again.

“Ah great. You got that Taylor? I’ll take care of the flank, but you’ll be on your own against that new assault for now. If you can’t kill ‘em, just try to stall them as long as possible. A sneaky little ninja like you should be right at home in this smoke. I’ll circle around the building to flank them when I’m done here.”

A quick peek around the corner just before the smoke had fully annulled his vision taught him that the two soldiers were still in cover. Sadly it also gave away his position. He quickly moved back before he lost his last good eye.


@Folk Tale



Kyani smiled in relief as the female seemed to offer aid to Jasper and her, and was about to speak and offer thanks to her, until the female spoke to the man that had tried harming both her and Jasper. I have something I need your help with Branislav, so the logical, next step, would be to give reason to receive that help, no? I need you alive, so let us figure out what you need from this pair, and then proceed to a more secure location."

What...? Kyani thought to herself, too surprised to move. The female's wolves flanked Kyani on either side of her, keeping her trapped rather than protected. Why...why am I being so gullible right now...? I've been agreeing with what everyone's been saying...thinking that they're good people... Kyani's eyebrows furrowed together in frustration, and the scientist pinched her nose together. Well, I'm not going to cooperate for as long as I can. If they want the prototypes, I simply won't tell them how they work. Kyani thought with determination, glaring back up at the two cruel human beings.

How is this going to work out...?

Tag: @Veirrianna Valentine Character's Mood: Worried/Defiant User's Mood: Sad ._. Location: Hospital Inventory: Same shit as before

As she saw the smoke pop, she immediately put away the gun. She then pulled out a Kunai, shallowed her breathing, and took lighter footsteps. As she snuck around the warehouse, she took cover next to a crate where she saw the outlines of the 2 Outcast members. She threw one at the figure that was over another, the second one being the one who's leg was blown off earlier. In any case, the Kunai went through the Outcasts' throat. She quickly pulled it out of the Outcasts' throat and stabbbed the one who was down in the head.

She then headed back to the team that threw the smoke in the warehouse in the first place. She decided to lay down, and pretend she was half dead, and waited for the squad to breach in. As they walked in, she heard the footsteps, but the smoke was so thick she couldn't see their outlines. She played the victim.

And she waited.

@ObiSemKenobi @Folk Tale
Almost laughing as Branislav asked what she wanted, Scorn was bemused that finding him didn't seem to be enough. After all, simply being with in talking distance was all she sought to begin with. The technicalities of her request relied on sight, vocabulary and more than likely on five or six minutes of his time top, but regardless of how simple it actually was, it was an important task, and one only Branislav had a 100% guarantee of being able to follow through for this step.

"You to be yourself, Branislav. You're a natural born Russian, English being a second language at best. I don't have any assurances anyone else could give me the answer I need, especially since I only have one chance, other wise it's over. Because of this I'm even more inclined to make sure I stay on your good side, because I need the answers you can decipher for me."

Moving towards the man, Scorn drew her rifle out and held it tight in her right hand, holding it flush to her shoulder and trained on the soldier in the hall as she slid her smg's sling off, quickly taking the weapon off and placing on a box next to her, nodding behind her at it as she moved her left hand back to take proper grip of her rifle up. She then moved across the way and passed by the scientist.

"Just do what you're told, you're safe as long as it doesn't impede my ability to get my information," she breathed out to the lady before stepping around behind the non-Outcast pair and raising her rifle to bear at the man's back, continuing her words for all to hear, "Branislav, it'd be best to retrieve what you need from them. I'd imagine any proper counter-offensive should have been mounted at this point. Also, for you, soldier, this is a 12.7 millimetre anti-materiel rifle. I shouldn't have to explain what it will do to you, even if I only shot you in the foot."



@Folk Tale

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