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Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed) (Needs Joiners)

“Do you think they’ll go for it?”

“I hope so. Joy’s crazy, but that Osiris is a decent kid. Not to mention that they’re almost inseparable and I doubt I could take em on together. But that’s for a later concern. They’ll take their time to think it over and they’ll need some time to get Hush up and running again too, so they move down on our worry-priority list.”

“Got it. By the way, Frank, that hospital the Outcasts were attacking? It’s crawling with high-profile targets in there. I only took the occasional glimpse, but I already noticed the big man Branislav himself, the doctor with an F.S.F agent I know only by reputation, that scavenger you told me to watch and a chick giving off some seriously disturbed vibes.”

“The weird chick, was she accompanied by two wolfs by any chance?”

“Yes, that was the strangest part. They seemed to actually obey her commands.”

“Scorn. What the Hell are you doing here.”

“You know her?”

“You could say that. It’s a long story. Try to stay away from her if you can. If not, tell her you’re with me. I’d say that should give you a fifty percent chance she’ll let you live.”

“Do I want to know the other fifty?”

“No. No you don’t.”

“Thought as much. You really hung out with some colourful people. So, you wanna go in there?”

“The only action I could take there with any positive results would be blowing the place up with a rocket-launcher. I don’t have one… Also … it’s a hospital. Blowing it up would probably be bad.””

“Yes, Frank, yes it would be.”

"Is there any FSF members in Washington DC? … I repeat, is there any FSF members in DC?"

Jade’s radio crackled up again, this time tapped instantly transferred to Frank’s earpiece as well. However, as he was still a little off, he wouldn’t have been able to see Jade’s eyes widening behind her scope. She grabbed radio and pressed the button.

“Taylor? Taylor is that you?”

As she released the button, the first reply came through her earpiece, instead of the radio.

“Someone you know?”

“On my first OTG mission, my team, or I should say my captain's team, found her. She was lost and starving so we took her in. She became the most capable officer I know. We lost contact with her squad a few days ago. If it is her, she’ll need help.”

“Understood. I was gonna wait for the dust to settle anyway.”

“Taylor, do you copy? This is Jade. Jade Lewis. Can you hear me?”

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Jade's voice came through the radio. "Can't talk too much, but it's nice to hear your voice. Now can you tell me what the hell happened?" Taylor's voice was still calm. "And where are you? Obviously, the Outcasts did this, but when?"

She stopped in her tracks, and found a safe hiding spot. She sighed heavily. "As soon as I know your location, I'll head to your location." She knew that her FSF members knew that she could get out of this mess she's in. "Also, don't worry about me," Taylor said in the comms.

Jade laughed in that way where it’s really not much more than breathing out with a sound. Taylor was tough. Figured she would survive. That’s part of what she liked about her.

“The Dome breached and the Outcasts took advantage. It could be some long-formed plan, but I doubt it, they're's only a handful of them attacking. It does coincide a bit too neatly with your team dropping off radar though. I wonder, do you thinkd they took your team out so they could get in unnoticed? We should talk about this face to face.”

A small pause, hesitation, lingered before she continued.

“I’m currently working with someone though. Not F.S.F. He’s… an old friend. We’ll meet you at the old pre-dome apartment complex in central. There aren’t much more Outcasts left and if you stay away from the hospital you should be clear. Good luck.”

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"Affirmative," she said into her radio. She slipped out of her hiding place, and snuck back into the labyrinth of Washington D.C. I'm surprised the Outcasts didn't get lost in here, she thought to herself. She slowly made her way back to the old apartment complex. She avoided any paths to the hospital, hoping to slip by any threat that might be there. Taking the long way around, her body was tired, but she continued to push through the strain. Almost there...Just a little more to go.

She picked up her gun, just in case things went sour around where she was. Alas, she made it to the apartments. She opened the door, sat down, and waited. Her body was exausted from a long journey south and to the apartment complex. She really wanted to be in that dome. Those bastards... she was relatively warm in her armor, so she kept it on. No telling if there is going to be any warmth in here.
After Jade made a final check on the situation, she packed up her gear and went down. Her emotions were conflicting. She really wanted to help Taylor, but she already promised to help Frank all the way. Now, here she was, practically forcing him to help her. She was sure he’d understand, but it still didn’t sit right with her.

Added to that was the problem going the other way around. Taylor was a very loyal F.S.F soldier. Jade wasn’t sure how she would react if she found out what she and Frank were up to. She really didn’t want this to end with a confrontation between Taylor and Frank… especially because she had no idea who would win.

Frank drove up to the building’s entrance. His partner was already down, waiting by the door, but she was not as relaxed this time as she had been before. So it was really bothering her that much. He parked the bike and walked up to her, helmet off.

“You’re distraught. Don’t be. If you ask me to do something I do not want to do, I will tell you. Trust me. And if you are worried about me and Taylor I’ll promise you here and now that no matter what happens I will not hurt her, nor will I let her hurt me. Does that put your mind at ease?”

She smiled and livened up slightly. “Tell me Frank, how is it that you always know everything about me? It’s really rather creepy you know.”

“You’re an open book Jade, that’s part of what I like about you.”

“Right, well just get your charming old ass out back, she’s probably there already.”

They walked around the apartment complex and opened the door facing South. There, sitting on one of the stairs, was Taylor. She looked like a mess.

“Taylor! Man it’s good to see you again!”

As the door opened, Taylor reacted a little too fast and beared her sights on Jade and Frank. Once she realized it was her, she put her gun down. "Whoops, sorry about that. I'm just really edgy right now," Taylor responded to the greeting. She got up, and took off her helmet.

"Who's this?" she asked, looking at Frank and back to Jade. "This your old friend?"

Taylor felt like something was...a little off. She couldn't place it, but she felt really unconfortable. If this guy makes any sudden moves... she thought in her head.

She had one hand on the grip of the gun, which was pointed down at her side. She clipped it to her belt, and kept her hands by her side in case she needed to flick a Kunai out.

It was apparent she was more defensive, because she did not trust Frank. Wait...what did she say? He's not FSF, right? So what is he?


Anya was feeling the chill on her face since she didn't have time to put up her scarf. The weather wasn't being too friendly. Gladly she chose a decent sized four door truck. Whatever the model is in this time of age. The place she entered through the dome was deserted for the time being so she was lucky so far. She drove straight a few blocks as she quickly slammed on the breaks.

Sitting at a dead light as she noticed there was smoking coming from her far left. It wasn't just that there seemed to be people everywhere. There was a deep feeling inside her stomach and it wasn't a good one. Muttering some as she hit the steering wheel. Okay that isn't the best place to head towards. She knew her pack wasn't there. She couldn't see how far away, but she knew. It had to be the Outcasts, and F.S.F, and other people who didn't take kindly anyone. She was wasting time just sitting there in the truck. An irritated sigh escaped her lips as she was about to hit the gas when a sound came over her headset.

Osiris spoke through like he usually would. He told her they had to get out of there. Worst if all Hush wasn't doing too hot. This didn't give her time to think at all. Slamming on the gas as she turned towards her right pretty much busting a U turn. Heading back to where she came from yet she made a a right a few blocks down. Her only goal was to head towards the pack before something worst happens. While the lines were hopefully still open she spoke to Osiris. "On my way, you're right this place is swarming with people..."

-Sometime later.-

After some time driving trying to go against this blustering wind with the snowfall she was within the area where they were. Her face was beat red as she still ignored her scarf. She didn't have time until she stopped. The truck was cold inside from the busted window, but warmer than literally outside. Looking around she found an empty alley she pulled into it... If such a place were around. Hoping to see if they answer her she spoke again, "I'm in the area, I have a truck enough room for all of us.." Whenever they hopefully were connected she was praying to whatever gods that she was close by them. Hush being injured wasn't a good thing.

((Sorry, it is finals week. @Anaxileah @Unlimited ))

Anticipating the reaction of the other male in the room with the scientist he was attempting to capture, Branislav quickly let go of Kyani's neck and was prepared to take a syringe to the arm. What he wasn't prepared to do was take a bullet to the stomach, and in order to avoid the gunshot he leaned to the left quickly and allow his shoulder to get stabbed by the needle in the man's arm. The bullet fired from the gun went off and grazed Branislavs right hip and would draw blood, but it wasn't fatal. The pain wasn't nearrly as potent due to him flexing his entire arm. As soon as the thin needle made contact and was embedded into his arm, Branislav used the man's forward motion in order to counter attack.

In the same motion of leaning to avoid the gunshot, Branislav's other knife wielding hand swung around and he sliced towards Jasper's neck. With the intention of hitting his carotid or jugular, Branislav put his entire twisting body motion into the swipe. With the understanding that his attack could miss, his mind was already on what the next move would be. It Jasper rolled forward to avoid the swipe it would be a knee to the stomach response from Branislav, and if he leaned backward it would give Branislav a chance to advance and try to disarm the man with another swipe of his knife. The trained soldier used his perception and peripheral vision to keep an eye on the scientist in the storage closet with him. Branislav was at this point still oblivious to the other two in the hospital.
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Watching as the man before her motioned to the door, she nodded firmly from behind her mask. The truth was she had no intent on shooting him to begin with, not unless he'd tried to do the same first. Even then, his death, especially if he was an Outcast, would have been nothing but a hindrance. She needed to make sure they knew she was leaving them alive, even if they were a touch worse for wear after she finished. With a grunt both Cathadh and Reothadh stalked up to either side of the man in the suite, far enough away that he couldn't reach out and touch them, but close enough that a rifle couldn't be levelled without them leaping on him first, and waited passively. Scorn nodded her approval as she spoke.

"Right then outcast, you'd best not be playing me along. You can leave, or you can wait until I'm finished speaking to Branislav and do what you will afterwards, but if you make to follow me or put your other hand on that rifle of yours..." there was a dark chuckle, the disturbing noise only augmented further by the grim visage it echoed out from behind, "Well, my pack hasn't gotten a meal yet, and ballistic armour can only do so much against blades, or teeth. Let's just say that the freezing and the blizzard outside aren't the only ones that have a bit of a bite to them."

Leaving the man behind her, Scorn moved carefully through the area, motioning to any non-combatants she saw to leave as, like before, her rifle barrel followed every movement of her eyes behind her masque. As she did so a gunshot suddenly echoed through the building, it's starting point being the closet she'd been headed to. Doubling her speed whilst keeping her rifle up Scorn came to a halt as she took in the scene before her, understanding some sort of melee was ensuing. Whatever was happening, she couldn't afford to lose any of them. Regardless of her beliefs on his appearance, she actually didn't know which one was Branislav, and if she lost him now...

Firing a single round expertly between the heads of the trio and into the back wall, she snapped out her next words savagely at the brawling group.

"You're done! Either one of you is Branislav, and I'll be speaking to you, or there is a very foolish man outside whose about to become wolf food, and I'll be leaving you all to... whatever your business is trying to kill each other. The third option is that this magazine still holds fifty rounds and it's got a soft trigger, so keep your hands to yourselves."




@Folk Tale
Jasper was surprised by the man's quick movements and did lean forward to avoid the knife, taking a knee to the stomach, but the impact was lessened by the armor he wore. Still, he felt the air leave his chest and let out a sudden wheeze as he continued with his forward motion. He put his weight behind his shoulder, which was now in Branislav's gut, tackling the larger male backwards out of the closet. He wasn't much for close quarters, but he knew how to fight.

Now, with more space to move, he started to punch at the man's abdomen repeatedly. That's when the shot rang out and sort of startled Jasper, defending him a little in the narrow hallway. He stopped and backed up from Branislav as the woman spoke, holding his arms at his side in a neutral position.
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Who’s this? This your old friend?”

Jade opened her mouth to introduce them, but he was faster. He walked up to her and extended his hand, his drawing hand, away from his weapon and towards Taylor, inviting a handshake.

“My name is Frank. I see that you don’t trust me, but that’s fine. I’m a drifter, I’m used to it. But in this case you have nothing to worry about. I promised Jade that I wouldn’t give you cause to plant one of those very efficiently designed throwing knives into my throat, so I won’t. You have my word.”

“And mine.” Jade fell in. “He’s a good friend Taylor, I trust him like I trust you. You look like shit though, what the hell happened to you? ”

Looked like she had no choice. She shook his hand. "Well...you see, surviving in an artic wasteland, constantly on the road, hiding, killing and sleeping, and on top of an enemy raid, people tend to look like a fucking mess. You know me. I don't take ordinary routes."

Taylor then said, "I had nowhere else to go other than here. So what are you guys doing here?"

Something's up. Something doesn't feel right.

Taylor shifted a little, looking a little uncomfortable.

She trusted Jade...but...if anything happened...

"It was just a bloody mess out there."

Frank turned around to look at the door for a moment. Better let Jade do the talking for now.

“It’s a shitstorm in here too I’m afraid. Wolfpack is running rampant, targeting an important scientist, the Dome collapsed and the Outcasts immediately took advantage of the opportunity. There’s only a handful of them left, but I’m pretty sure there’ll be more soon and the F.S.F isn’t stopping them. To be honest, I don’t think this Dome will last for very long.”

“It won’t.” Frank turned back, facing Taylor again. “You have some good people walking these streets miss Woxwell, but the Outcasts are used to this sort of environment and the FSF isn’t. If the OTG forces were still up to full strength we might have stood a chance, but by the looks of it, you two are all that’s left. The three of us can’t stop an army, no matter how bad-ass we think we are. ”

"So, that's just it? It's over for the FSF? I don't believe this. Now I've completely lost EVERYTHING. My home, my fellow soldiers...is this what you're saying?" Her voice turned into one of disbelief.

Taylor was absolutely trainwrecked. "You have to be lying. There's gotta be someone else out there." She checked her ammo, and her knives. All accounted for. "Unbelievable. Everything I stood for, everything I trained for, is now GONE." She slammed her fist into the wall. "Fuckin hell...why do I even try anymore."

Taylor completely lost it. She was obviously upset by this news. "What do I even stand for anymore.”

Jade quickly stepped in, put her hands on Taylor’s shoulders and levelled her face with hers.

“Taylor, look at me. I need you to listen very carefully to what I have to say, ok? This is not the end. Not for you. Not for the FSF. We’re bigger than this. We’re at war. The world is chaos. We knew this when we signed on. That’s the whole reason we exist Taylor. We lost this battle. We’ll lose more before this is over. But we will not lose this war. Not unless our soldiers roll over and die every time our enemy scores a major victory.

We’ll retreat, gather up all the remaining FSF forces in the area, evacuate the city, save as many civilians as possible and hold the line until we have a chance to strike back. So don’t give up now. Fight for those we’ve lost and make sure it won’t happen to others. That’s what you stand for. That’s why you will never give up trying. Can you do that Taylor?”

Taylor breathed heavily. Anger filled her body, as so did sorrow. She started to head for the door, gun in hand, helmet on, prepared for war. Prepared for a firefight. Prepared for what was ahead. She cocked her gun, with her hand on the trigger grip, right hand on the foregrip. She vowed to kill all the Outcasts silently.

They will pay for this. All of it. Her boots hit the ground harder than normal, and looked out from the doorway without saying a single word.

"Taylor, wait!" Jade ran up to her to catch up, but didn't stop her from walking on. "Please, don't do this. I know what you're thinking, but there'll be hundreds of them before you know it. You cannot take them out by yourself!" Taylor kept walking, not looking back. Jade stopped. She'd made her decision.

"Alright then. But if you think that after everything that happened today I'll let you walk into the gates of Hell by yourself, you are sorely mistaken. I'm coming with you."
~ The Outcasts invade ~

As time went on the lone soldier that Branislav had sent for reinforcements had completed his job, and with haste. From all different directions surrounding the D.C. Dome, came swarms of heavily armed soldiers and vehicles. Large armored SUVs with mounted machine guns, grenade launchers and even one with a minigun on it. A foot army one thousand strong came from the blinding snow and approached the catastrophy struck dome, ready to create chaos and seize opportunity when it showed. With the intention of only neutralizing military personnel, the massive organized army hit the Dome from 4 major entrance points.

The most Northern entrance consisted of 500 of the most heavily armed soldiers in the attacking party, as well as the most vehicular support. 35 armored trucks slowly made their way forward, used both as mobile cover for soldiers and as a heavy weapons platform. On the most Eastern side was a smaller group of 250 soldiers with only 10 armored trucks, and this group too would be advancing slowly. Both of these major groups would be the brunt of the Outcasts assault on the D.C. Dome, and they would be in charge of taking major choke points throughout the city, and generating the most attention.

On the western front was a delayed assault of 225 soldiers that would wait in hiding before striking, as both a clean up crew if the FSF were to retreat and try to succeed control of the dome and as a flank to any major struggle points between FSF and the other Outcast assaulting parties. This group had the heaviest of weapons that the Outcasts wielded, RPGs and semi-automatic grenade launchers. These would be used to cause as much havoc on a flank as possible.

On the most Southern front of the assault was a group of 25 of the most highly trained, effective and intelligent operatives in the Outcasts. Hardened soldiers, some even from the original cast of Outcasts with years of battle experience and all with hundreds of names under their belt. This specialized group had a few of the most scientifically adept minds that Branislav had in his command, under the cover of the two first advancing parties this group would be responsible for silent infiltration of key targets which contained research or prototype technology. Not just that but because a few members of this group had heavy demolitions on them, they would also be targeting any major fuel centers or command posts and disrupting FSF communications.

This major assault would mark the greatest battle that this dome and most of it's residents have ever seen. Every single soldier in the Outcasts army was determined, inspired and eager to take over this city. They had the means, the guile and the opportunity. Now it was all a matter of time and fate, to determine the future of the nations former capital.

@The Shadow Realm
Taylor paused for a moment. She then said, "I may die, but I know what I'm doing." She went outside, heading straight into the heart of the city. She paused a second time, and said, "a firefight will also draw attention to any nearby soldiers." She continued to walk out. "I'm not afraid to die anymore." She paused to wait for Frank and Jade to catch up.

  • “Alright then, just… just don’t do anything stupid. I’ll try to convince Frank to join us, I’ll be right back.”

    Jade had a bad feeling about this. There used to be a time she would have welcomed the opportunity to go out in a blaze of glory, a good partner by her side, facing off against impossible odds. Those times have changed. Maybe Frank was starting to rub off on her, but she didn’t like to go in unprepared.


    This was not going to be easy. A fool’s war against the Outcasts is the last thing that’s on his mind right now. But she had to try. He had to see that this took priority. After all, he did it to save lives right?

    When she entered the building again, Frank was standing with his back against a wall, arms crossed, lighting a cigarette. He inhaled and slowly released the smoke again with a sound like a deep sigh. He levelled his face with hers, showing in his eyes that he already knew what was coming.

    “Looks like you hang out with some pretty colourful people yourself.”

    “Taylor can be a bit… hasty, but she’s not wrong. When that main force hits, a lot of people are going to die here.”

    “And you want to follow her in an unplanned suicide mission, throwing yourself against hundreds of motivated, well trained soldiers?”

    “No Frank. Unlike you two, I don’t have a death wish. But I do know I am one of a very select group of people that can make a difference out there when the true hell breaks loose. That’s what I do Frank. It used to be what you did too.”

    “I can’t Jade. I’ve got my mission and I have to see it through to the end. This is my chance to take the Wolfpack down and I have to take it.”

    “I know how you feel Frank, I lost her too. But we have to remember what we’re fighting for.”

    Frank jumped up and threw away his cigarette. Neither of them was calm anymore. They were officially shouting at each other.

    “You know how I feel? Do you really believe that? Do you know how it feels to lose the love of your life because your best friend killed her? Do you know what it’s like to realise that it could have been you who pulled that trigger? Do you know what it’s like to have the one person you had left to truly believe in plant three bullets in your chest and leave you to die?!”

    “No, Frank, I don’t. But when you first came to me, you promised me this wasn’t about revenge! You told me, you ensured me, that you had to destroy the Wolfpack because you did not want anyone else to end up like Tamora did. That’s what this was about! Well how many fucking people do you think will care about someone lying dead in an apartment after the Outcasts have swept through this city huh? How many people will come home to watch their loved ones, their family, dead on the floor! For fuck’s sake Frank, get over yourself and look at the bigger picture here!”

    “Five years, Jade! Five years! That’s how long I’ve prepared this mission. I’ve studied every inch of this city. Blueprints, layouts, the people, everything! I have the element of surprise. I have them divided. Their leader is down. I will never get another opportunity like this!”

    “Maybe. Maybe you’re right. But even if you are, is it worth it? Are you willing to let thousands of people die, just to make sure that another six people won’t be able to kill some more? Because if that’s true, you really have changed.”

    Jade was calm again. Frank was looking down. He turned his face to the wall.

    “I was never a good person Jade… but I’ve always wanted to be. Thank you for reminding me of that. Go tell Taylor we’ll be ready. I need a minute.”

    She placed her hand on his shoulder for a few seconds and left the building. She took a deep breath, calmed down her heartbeat and walked back to Taylor.

    “He’s in. But we need a plan. You might not fear dying Taylor, but I do.”

    Meanwhile, Frank let his tears flow for another few seconds before wiping them away and straightening his face. When he came out, he looked as calm as ever.

    “Alright, let’s do this.”


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"You might not fearing dying Taylor, but I do."

Taylor turned around. "I won't let you. But I have a question: are you willing to do what it takes to keep the FSF safe?" She meant it as a rhetorical question. Taylor turned around to look at the dome. "If we don't do anything, not only will we be wiped out, but thousands of civilians as well. It used to be if you targeted civillians, it was a war crime. Nothing's illegal anymore."

She started to march towards the city. "This is what we're gonna do. Attract little sqadrons of Outcasts, bait them away from the city, kill silently. When their bodies are discovered, open fire. Any fire will attract FSF members as well as Outcasts. We'll continue to go towards the border of DC. Take a few shots, fall back. Rinse and repeat. When forces arrive, we'll start the attack. If not FSF members, maybe other faction members will be attracted to the gunfire. If all else fails, we'll send a distress signal to any allies nearby. I'm not sure this will work, but we have to try."

Zachary Reynalds

Location: Outskirts of Washington D.C

Time: 3:35 P.M

Weather Forecast: (Story important) Emerging Sunlight

As the city began known as Washington D.C began to fall, forces from all military branches of the F.S.F began their slow approach to the emerging warzone, fueled by a benevolent rage that could only be quenched by the taste of blood and victory. In the outskirts of the battlefield laid a squadron known by the name of Semper Fi, a mysterious squadron of highly specialized Spec Ops skilled in their trade, and the man that lead them was Zachary Reynalds, the founder and leader of The Fallen Star Federation. Their goal was to lead the impending attack, and the president being an former member of the United States Special Forces was ready to die for the nation he created, rather then see it fall before him.

With the light sound of gunfire in the background the doors of their APC swung open with a somber wail, and the man once called their nations leader stood, firearm and radio in hand. After surveying the battle that laid out infront of them, a single phrase emitted out of the veterans (Zach's) mouth, and as he said it- "Ooh Rah Soldiers!" an avalanche of soldiers wearing ballistic armor from "The Days Before" ran towards the epicenter of warfare, the sounds of their battlecry crackling the air around them like nearing thunder. In the rear the squad "Semper Fi" called out various orders to the soldiers ahead of them, and as the voices of men/woman surrendering in the distance, Zachary felt the tides turning in his favor. As he saw the city nearing closer to his position a light ray of blinding light fell of the surface of his facial features, revealing a patch of blue sky he thought he'd never see again.

As he gazed at the fixture of sky in awe, a startled bit of dialogue managed to escape from him. "The Government lied to us about everything." The words seemed to spread all around him like wildfire, and soon the surface claimed by war was accustomed by warm smiles.

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“Alright, this building proved to be a very decent vantage point, so I’ll get up again to see if I can detect any troop-movements and guide you on overall strategy. Frank, could you give Taylor an earpiece?”

“Yes, of course. These are high-end earpieces, they should be able to push through subtle jamming signals. I’ll come with you, Taylor. Guerrilla warfare like this is a lot safer in teams than alone.”

Jade was already moving up those stairs again, thinking how it might have saved her time if she had built the bloody elevator herself. However, when she got up on the roof, it didn’t take a sniper scope to realise the party had already started without them.

“Ehhmm, guys? This might not be as easy as we thought.” She quickly got out her scope, leaving the assembly for later, and scouted out the armies approaching from two sides. “The biggest force seems to be coming from the North. I’d say at least four to five hundred footmen accompanied by three dozen armoured vehicles. I’d stay clear from that one. A smaller group, two to three hundred footmen and only a dozen trucks come up from the East. That might be our best bet. They’re fanning out, thinning their numbers across the city. I’d be careful though. From a tactical standpoint, I’d say the city is being surrounded, and what we see is half of that force, but I don’t see the other half. The Southern and Western front seem quiet. That’s usually not a good sign. Be careful.”

Taylor put in the earpiece, and nodded to Frank. "Alright, Eastern flank." Taylor slapped the gun in her hand. "Ready?" she asked Frank, as they headed out towards the Eastern front. She crouched walked, making a low profile, and went from building to building. She whipered to Frank, "Follow me. Low profile, cover to cover movements." She peeked her corner, and whispered, "clear." She pushed up a few feet foward, to another building. She put her back to the wall, head facing the corner, listening for enemy movements. "Remember, sneaky kills. No shooting unless absolutely necessary." She put away her rifle and took out a Kunai. While they were meant for throwing, they had enough handle to use as a regular dagger. She had it ready, and up in case a stray Outcast member came by.

Frank moved along with Taylor, though his movement was nowhere near as stealthy as hers. He could remain fairly unseen though, but if he had to kill without being detected, well that would be a whole different story.

“If we’re going to do this stealth-like, I’m going to need different gear.” Frank’s voice was that of a man who tried to talk softly, but wasn’t very good at it. “Half a block away is a little licensed arms-dealer. Not as well stocked as the illegal kind, but the up-side is that the owner probably up and left without his stuff.”

“If you’re talking about SCARface, then you need to hurry. A small team has broken off from the main group and is coming that way. You’re clear for now, but I recon you have about ten minutes once you’re there to grab what you need.” By now Jade’s rifle was fully assembled again, but she, too, preferred to stay off the radar for as long as possible. If she started shooting at the team it would certainly slow them down, but they would also be able to take cover and triangulate her position way quicker than she’d like.

“Ten minutes should be enough. I know what I need and where to find it. That alright with you Taylor?”

She looked at Frank, and looked at his gear. "Alright. Follow my lead." She peeked the street, both ways, and motioned to cross. She crossed as fast as she could, and slid into cover. She had her dagger out still. She pushed up the street, slowly, but quietly. She whispered to Frank, "Think heel-to-toe. You'll find that it makes a more steady and less noisy." She demonstrated by pushing up to the next building, using the building she was going to for cover. "From here, where do I go?" she asked Frank.

LadyArdent said:

Anya was feeling the chill on her face since she didn't have time to put up her scarf. The weather wasn't being too friendly. Gladly she chose a decent sized four door truck. Whatever the model is in this time of age. The place she entered through the dome was deserted for the time being so she was lucky so far. She drove straight a few blocks as she quickly slammed on the breaks.

Sitting at a dead light as she noticed there was smoking coming from her far left. It wasn't just that there seemed to be people everywhere. There was a deep feeling inside her stomach and it wasn't a good one. Muttering some as she hit the steering wheel. Okay that isn't the best place to head towards. She knew her pack wasn't there. She couldn't see how far away, but she knew. It had to be the Outcasts, and F.S.F, and other people who didn't take kindly anyone. She was wasting time just sitting there in the truck. An irritated sigh escaped her lips as she was about to hit the gas when a sound came over her headset.

Osiris spoke through like he usually would. He told her they had to get out of there. Worst if all Hush wasn't doing too hot. This didn't give her time to think at all. Slamming on the gas as she turned towards her right pretty much busting a U turn. Heading back to where she came from yet she made a a right a few blocks down. Her only goal was to head towards the pack before something worst happens. While the lines were hopefully still open she spoke to Osiris. "On my way, you're right this place is swarming with people..."

-Sometime later.-

After some time driving trying to go against this blustering wind with the snowfall she was within the area where they were. Her face was beat red as she still ignored her scarf. She didn't have time until she stopped. The truck was cold inside from the busted window, but warmer than literally outside. Looking around she found an empty alley she pulled into it... If such a place were around. Hoping to see if they answer her she spoke again, "I'm in the area, I have a truck enough room for all of us.." Whenever they hopefully were connected she was praying to whatever gods that she was close by them. Hush being injured wasn't a good thing.


Joy & Osiris Carter

"On my way. Youre right, this place is swarming with people," Anya confirmed she was making a route for their location, and both siblings let out a breath they had been holding. "Good we'll see you soon," Osiris nodded and picked up his pace. Joy raised and eyebrow under her helmet,"We're not gonna wait?"

"The farther we get the better," he grunted, shifting Hush again. Joy wouldnt argue, not with het brother at least, so she just followed his lead.

-Some Time Has Passed-

It was getting tiring...The twins couldnt stop, not now, not with Hush like this. Joy always took a liking to the cold better than Osiris did. She was a tough girl, and both siblings spent most of their lives in the blizzard. Of course she spent the most time and grew accustomed to the harsh environment. And her skills with technology were a big help when it came to developing equipment to combat the elements. Osiris cursed under his breath every few paces when he felt the inside of his boot chafe his feet. The man stumbled a few times when the added weight of Hush on his back made him sink into a snow hole. But he didnt complain aloud, only to himself. Hush's life was far more significant than a few blisters or a twisted ankle.

Joy had gotten ahead, her brother lagging about seven paces behind her. Both of them huffed over their comms, trudging in fatigued silence. "How much farther?" the innocent voice of Delta came in through Joy's helmet.

"Still have quite a ways to go," she replied, and with out her usual sass.

"How come i dont know where this place is?" A series of beeps and digital noise played beneath the simulated curiosity in his voice, while he searched for information and scanned her surroundings,"I...I cant find anything," his voice quivered a little, beginning to think hes incompetent as an artificially intelligent being,"If i cant provide you the necessary--"

"Delta," Joy's voice cut in softly. She could hear his voice grow staticy and fuzzy. This has happened once before, Delta over thinking himself literally to death,"Youre fine. Its okay. You were created after I left this place so you purposely dont know about it, Id like for it to remain unknown...understand?" She tried her best to comfort him and keep him from collapsing on himself.

There was a pause, brief silence while he accepted her explanation,"Okay," he said, full of relief, then quickly switched himself offline. Joy scoffed and shook her head, amused by the AI's sulking. She began to wonder if she made him a little to humanistic, but it didnt matter. Though she wont admit it, she liked the little guy's company.

"Im in the area, I have a truck enough room for all of us," Anya came back on. The siblings immediately perked up at her words, looking around for any head lights through the dense snowfall. But it was useless, visibility was low this far away from the dome, they wouldnt be able to see the lights until she was about 3 yards away from their exact location. Delta came back,"Behind us," he advised them. Joy looked to her brother and jutted her thumb over her shoulder behind them. Osiris nodded to her then looked back some, to see if he had a chance of seeing the truck,"Keeping going youre close to us," he instructed her, his finger letting go of the button at the side of his helmet.

@LadyArdent @The Shadow Realm
“It’s right around the corner. And thanks. Stealth is not something I’ve grown accustomed with.”

Frank smashed a window, removed the bolt-lock and kicked the door in... as quietly as possible of course. Once inside he immediately went back, kicked in another door and opened up the armoury. Everything he needed was right there.

He quickly assembled a grenade belt and an ammo belt with clips for his assault rifle. He put the armour-piercing rounds for his revolver in the hidden linings in his long coat. All that was for when the shit hit the fan. What he was really after was the compound bow, neatly stashed in a large crate with a complimentary quiver fitting around thirty diamond-tipped arrows. The arrow-heads had a non-standard shape so they could easily be pulled from the victim’s body to be re-used.

“There we go. That should help to make me a bit more quite-like.”

He took a handful of seconds to make sure the bow was properly strung and quickly slid a 9mm with a silencer in his pocket before turning for the door again. He had a revolver on his hip, a pistol in his pocket, an assault rifle hanging from his shoulder, a quiver with arrows on his back, a grenade belt and an ammo belt crossing each other on his chest and a compound-bow in his hand. All he lacked was a skull on his shirt to completely fit the part.

“Guys, a squad is moving in on your position fast. You have about two minutes to get out of there.”

“Got it, I’m done here. Did you get everything you needed too, Taylor?”

Taylor took overwatch, and wen Frank was ready, she fell in, grabbed a few mags, and a silencer to fit her rifle. She picked up a .45 with a holster, and found the correct silencer to go with it. She nodded, and said, "ready." She put the pistol away, and walked out with the rifle in hand. She put her back to a nearby building, after crouch running, hidden from sight, and waited for the squadron to come barreling down on them.

She kept her breathing shallow, as she was trained to do. She didn't budge a muscle, hearing the thumping of her heart. Somehow, in this moment of silence, everything has gotten colder, and louder. Her weapons felt heavier, her armor weighing her down. The clouds seemed to get darker, and the boots, colder. She kept her cool, and played the patient game.

((I'm just responding to @ObiSemKenobi and @TeaMMatE11 so they have something to work with.))

The armory/gun store which Frank and Taylor were raiding was slowly being approached by the Eastern assault of the Outcast army. Luckily for them they had enough time to acquire all of the things they needed, and even enough time to get into position before first contact with the Eastern battalion was made. The first sign of enemy presence would be two fast moving armored SUVs moving through the streets with large black snow plows on the front. These were two quick scouting parties, as well as attention grabbers. Loud V8 engines roared through the city as the black vehicles zoomed past the building Taylor was hiding behind, too fast to be a reasonable target to reveal her position to.

Moments after the fast moving scouts came through the sound of gunfire could be heard in scores. Large caliber kalishnikovs, a few small arms including stolen M4s, UMPs and the odd .45 rang through the streets. Sparks flew from random concrete and metal surfaces as the bulk of the Eastern Outcast assault made its way into D.C. In the blink of an eye a warhead fired from a vehicle mounted rocket launcher would zoom past Taylor's head, about a foot away from the corner of the building she was using as cover. She would be able to smell the smoke of the rocket propelled grenade flying past her, and would be able to feel the heat of the explosion it caused as it hit a parked car a mere 10 feet away from her down the street.

This initial engagement was simply a fluke, and luckily it would cause no damage to either Frank or Taylor. In fact, their first opportunity for infantry engagement would be the smaller squad of 8 Outcast soldiers moving to the right of the very wide street Taylor was next to. A large warehouse was their target, and Taylor and Frank would be able to see this particular squad had only light arms and close quarters combat weaponry designed to clear buildings. The squad split off from the main assault force and moved south-east, into the warehouse which was about 60 feet away from Taylor's current position.
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Frank was just moving into the street, admiring Taylor’s ability to blend into the landscape, when the trucks drove past. He only barely managed to get in cover in time to hide from them. The attack was obviously more of a scare-tactic than a precise assault, they appeared to be hitting random targets. After the biggest chunk of the force had past and he had confirmed that missile missed Taylor, he spotted the smaller team going inside a warehouse.

“Are you two still alive down there?” Jade’s voice was supposed to sound jokingly, but there was some genuine concern in there.

“We’re fine Jade, but after this is over you and I are going to have a little conversation about the definition of ‘a small team’. Taylor, did you see that squad going inside the warehouse on your right? That might be a good opportunity for a first strike.”


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