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Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed) (Needs Joiners)

??Ollie Wayne??

Mood:Excited and also Moderately Annoyed

Ollie was enjoying the crunch of snow beneath her feet when her comrades approached. She wondered what it would be like to run barefoot through the wintery land, though subconsciously she knew it would be freezing.She listened intently to Branislav's instructions as she crouched low and patted the snow into a miniature snow man. She smiled softly before smashing the snowman back into a shapeless lump and standing up to answer Branislav's inquiry. She gave him an affirmative nod and echoed his question back in the form of an answer.

She followed behind Andrew on the path, resisting the very tempting urge to jump off their vantage point instead of walking. She knew it was attract unwanted attention so she stayed on the ground. Besides she was busy trying to discern what the hell Andrew meant by carholder. She stepped up softly behind him and clapped an aggressive hold onto his shoulder, trying to make him stop to answer her question.

"What is...carholder? Insult?" Her face contorted at this into something unreadable but undeniably annoyed and her grip tightened to the point where she could begin to feel the outline of bone through Andrew's gear.

"Answer."@Folk Tale @Penance

  • Response A warm puddle of blood was forming at Hush's feet when he heard the faint crackle of a gunshot. The sound of comms chatter began to fill his helmet, telling him that the H.V.T was attempting to run - finally giving himself enough motivation to stand. As he rose a series of pops rapid in fluctuation followed, along with a small trickle of blood seeping from he bullets P.O.I. "I-I got her.. Just watch my back." Hush then started to the building in which they entered, his foot dragging limply behind him.

    After entering the building Hush activated the thermal vision on his helmet, revealing a small squadron of F.S.F troops in a 100m radius, scanning every room in the building in search of survivors - or him. "I swear if any of you even so drop a pen, I'll kick your asses myself." The line seemed to be coming from a distant Soldier, scanning a room on the 2nd floor - and then with one quick glance noticed one of them behind him. The young soldier seemed more frightened than Hush was, his hands shaking wildly on the pistols trigger. "F-freeze right there.." The kid looked as frozen in fear as the world did by now, so with the slightest of a gesture Hush took the pistol from him and aimed it at the soldiers head. "I need a little decoy, you understand?" Hush said the sentence as though the man was a child. "You're going to come out of this here room screaming like you're on fire, and tell them I went South,. You understand?" The F.S.F guard nodded nervously, and then - like asked ran out of the room screaming.

@Folk Tale[/URL] @Penance [/border]
Andrew turned his head around and gave her a closed eye smile that showed nothing but innocence "what is insult is correct! What does she win?"

Suddenly he held up a machete and his innocent smile formed into sick and twisted one "a chopped off hand if she doesn't let go. Now~" he said looking in her eyes with his crazy ones
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  • A lone motorcycle passed through the jammed traffic like a rat through a maze. He wasn’t too far away, but the F.S.F roadblocked some important chokepoints so the gridlock cost him a lot of time. Once he was close enough, he parked his chopper just outside the yellow tape, waited for the officer to look away and crossed it without looking back.

    Most of the commotion seemed to be happening at the back of the building, so he entered through the front. As he opened the door he heard the sound of an SA50 round fired from the roof. Logan. It looked like they at least still used some of the old tactics. Leader goes inside, one sniper on the roof of the building, another on an opposite building.

    As Frank walked inside, one terrified door guard walked up to him and tried to keep his voice steady as he said “You can’t be here sir. It’s dangerous.” Obviously untrained. Took some evening course and became a daytime security guard to earn some money for his family. Adorable. Frank gave him a quick glance and continued walking. “S-sir!” His voice finally shaking, but his balls apparently growing, he drew his licensed pistol and aimed it at him. Frank simply flipped one side of his coat to reveal the holstered revolver on his belt and continued walking. The metal detector bleeped as he passed through. Once he reached the elevator he turned around, pressed the button for the second floor and smiled at the man who didn’t have a clue how to handle this situation. And then the doors closed.

    “Second floor, offices and cafeteria.” The doors slid open as it was the only floor that didn’t require some high level access card to go to. Soldiers were beginning to search through the rooms from the other side, so Frank took a quick turn to the stairs and started walking them down. As he was halfway there, another terrified looking man, F.S.F this time, came running up, gave Frank but a passing glance before deciding to ignore him and ran up to his superior officer.

    “Captain! Captain! He… He went south sir! He went south!”

    “But you just came from the north block of the building ensign, how the hell would you know he went south?”

    “… I … I … I saw a monitor from the security cameras sir!”

    He may have been a wimp, but he was fairly decent at improvisation I’ll give him that. North it was.

    Frank walked continued down the stairs where that guard had conveniently left all the security doors open, apart from the ones that Hush had already kicked down of course. What a pleasant surprise it was to be able to follow a trail of blood right up to a seriously wounded wolf. He stepped through the last door into the same room as his target.

    “Hello Hush, it’s been a while.”

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@Penance @Genieva Von Bubbles

~ Let them be... As long as they get it done. ~ Thought the leader of the outcasts as he watched the rambunctious duo make their way down the long and snowy path. His eyes focused on them as Ollie put her arm on Andrew's shoulders, and Andrew's reaction to this. Though he could not hear their words he knew could almost make out what they were saying from their body language alone. They were definitely not the ideal pair for a high-level mission, but they were a very effective and dynamic duo for sure. Branislav took a long, slow and deep breath inward. He held the cold and crisp air in his lungs for a few seconds, slowly letting it out in a controlled and steady fashion. His right finger twitched slightly, an unnoticeable muscle contraction to the man as he stepped forward and looked along the vast frozen ice ball before him.

Barring the Dome surrounding Washington there was nothing but ice and snow. White, cold and pure as it danced about in the air. Each individual crystalized droplet of water had its own beat and tune, which it followed towards the ground. When it joined the larger pile it became one of a whole. It became a small piece of the larger sum. These thoughts briefly filled Branislav's head as his tired and overworked blue eyes scanned the area before him. There was what he made out to be a half mile before him and the entrance to the Dome of Washington D.C. A growing distance of 70 plus meters was between him and Andrew and Ollie at this point as well. Down the main path roughly 100 feet was Schmidt, and 8 other soldiers with 2 vehicles parked perpendicular to the road. This roadblock was armed and ready, with fire support from both north and west mountains mounted with overlooking soldiers.

Tactically this was a sound plan, and it was going to be executed by those who knew what they were doing. But what was it more than that? This was the struggle present in the modern day. Evil and good, strong and weak, Left and right. What were these things but mere parts of a whole of a struggle created by human kind. An endless war for survival on a frozen ice ball known now as Earth. Empty hands begging for bread, encumbered hands with steel ready to kill their own kind. Like a crushed flower in the field, beauty destroyed by its own creator. A flower crushed by its own fluorist.

~ Focus, Soldier. ~ Thought Branislav to himself, as he looked towards the floor and the cotton white film that covered what used to be rock. He let out a deep sigh and concentrated himself, kneeling and looking through the scope of his rifle and scanning the area in front of the entrance to the Dome.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c91c835af_SnowSoldier.jpg.f33f9e453c632587be39268765d5012f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118049" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c91c835af_SnowSoldier.jpg.f33f9e453c632587be39268765d5012f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((I have two mid-terms, and a 7 page paper due Friday so sorry if I'm not as active as usual until this weekend.. Either way, the outcasts kind of have to wait until someone comes out of D.C. for us to do something.))



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Kyani let out a small shriek when she heard the gunshot, momentarily thinking that the bullet would hit her. When she felt no pain, she looked down at the man in front of her, watching the blood seep from his foot in horror. He urged her inside before him, the two of them now on the floor to stay out of sight of the shooter, who was most likely a sniper. The Native American female could hear her heartbeat in her ears and feel it in her throat, terrified. What could someone want with me? Do they want her dead, or alive? No....alive...they didn't want to shoot me. What could they possibly want? Kyani thought fearfully, looking around in fear. She could hear the other F.S.F. soldiers in the building and almost collapsed fully to the ground, feeling incredibly relieved.

The man that saved her began operating on his own foot, taking care of the wound and wrapping it with bandages and whatnot. The view was gruesome to Kyani, so she avoided looking at his foot and instead looked at the man's - Jasper's - face. "What could they possibly want with me, Jasper? Why am I your top priority?" Kyani asked, her voice trembling with terror. She never expected anything like this to happen to her, and it was not the best of experiences. Kyani watched as another man passed them by, exiting the door they had just come back inside through. He didn't look like F.S.F., but he wasn't aiming a gun at her, so he was none of her concern at that moment. After a moment, a sudden realization dawned on Kyani. "The prototypes!" Kyani let out a cry and immediately scrambled to her feet, confident that the sniper wouldn't shoot her since she was apparently wanted alive. She reached her lab within a minute and didn't know where her intern had gone, but the jacket she had offered to her earlier was on one of the lab counters. Kyani grabbed the jacket, then went to another safe to get the invaluable vials of liquid - it was the liquid inside each of the orbs, kept in vials to produce more orbs and possibly other things in order to provide heat. Since they had a specific activation process, they didn't warm up her hands as she placed them in her belt, keeping them there for safe-keeping. She let out a sigh and slid down the wall to the floor, sitting on the ground with her prototype jacket held close.


@Unlimited @LongWayHome @The Endergod @Anyoneelse? Character's Mood: Worried/Terrified User's Mood: Bored af Location: Hall -> Her Lab Inventory: Vials, Jacket Prototype, Science Tools

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  • Response

    As the officer drew the attention away from Hush he started up the nearby flight of stairs, in pursuit of his target - however the sounds of closing footsteps caused him to throw a quick glance behind him. The figure of a man long thought dead loomed over him, causing a light chill to run throughout his body. "T-there's no way.. Frank..?" The scenery around him soon began to melt away - dripping like wet ice, and causing the Frozen Wasteland to replace the building.

    In the distance, a corpse riddled in bullet-holes filled his vision - staining the snow around it in a menacing crimson. "I remember putting you down, Frank! You're just a figment of my insanity - a Ghost, a Specter!" The room began to form back as the words left Hush's mouth, and a slight stream of tears began to collect in his mask, forcing him to take it off. "You know I never wanted to harm you - or your wife.. WE were fa-" The sound of ripping cut off his sentence midway, as though he hit a brickwall.

    The Southwest part of the dome was finally giving weigh after relentless attacks for 4+ years, causing the elements of the outside world to pour into its insulated interior - freezing 1/5 of South Sides population instantly. Screams soon coated the air like a dense fog as pieces of torn metal began to tear through the cities buildings like butter - plastering the street in a mix of concrete, crimson and hundreds of dead bodies.

    A few dead bodies even littered the cities sidewalks, cut in half from the sheer force of jagged metal or unlike one person - impaled head-first on a streetlamp.

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  • “You know I never wanted to harm you – or your wife. WE were fa-”

    Wife. That stung. He never blamed Hush for Tamora’s death, not personally anyway. But because of that event, because of the ruthless efficiency of the Wolfpack, he never did get to call her his wife.

    Frank had thought this moment over in his head a thousand times, thinking of what to say, what to do, when he finally faced him again, but reality beat all expectations. He could take a guess at what’d happened, but it didn’t matter to him much. The scene was set. He wasn’t a big believer in destiny, but this was just too perfect. It was like Hush’s shock tore the whole building down. The roof was collapsing, walls crumbling, snow and ice blazing inside. There they stood again. Inseparable enemies. Facing off again in a white wasteland.

    “This is not just about you Hush.” His face was as cold as the snow blowing around them. “I’m here to do what you should have done five years ago!” He stepped in and threw two quick punches. Hush blocked the first, missed the second. “I’m going to break them down Hush. Are you listening? I’m going to tear your Wolfpack apart!”

    Two more blows, no resistance this time. Hush fell to the ground, but Frank picked him up again. “Do you have any idea how it feels? Any idea what it’s like, when the only real friend you have left puts three rounds in your chest and leaves you to die in the wastelands?” He punched him down, picked him up again and held him up against a wall that hadn’t crumbled down yet. “Do you have any idea what it’s like to be so close to Heaven you can hear the angels sing, but the bloody cold is keeping you from bleeding out?”

    He tossed him on the ground again, grabbed his collar and began dragging him up the stairs. The sudden collapse of the building had left all security inoperative and he was free to drag him all the way up to the third floor. The soldiers on the second floor were too busy trying to get people out of the building to notice them. Only half the ceiling was still intact, the roof of the building appeared to be coming down any second. He threw him down next to a broken up wall.

    “Do you see that Hush? Do you hear it? That’s the sound of your world crumbling down.” Hush didn’t say anything. He was barely conscious enough to register what was happening. The shock had left him in a worse condition than the beating. “I’ll let you feel it Hush. I’ll have you share in my fate!”

    Frank drew his revolver and kept Hush still on the ground by placing his boot on his chest. “Don’t worry Hush, you’re going to survive this little encounter with your past. You’ll live, just long enough to watch me tear down the weapon of mass destruction that you created. You brought this upon yourself.”

    Frank blinked just before he fired three rounds of his revolver into Hush’s chest, on those exact places he would never be able to forget. “I’m sorry Hush.” He removed his boot from his chest and used it to nudge him off of the building. It was a long way down, but he would live. He was sure of that. And nobody would know it better than Frank.


The sound of deaths roar tore through the sky. Straining steel echoed throughout the air as it bent like rubber. From the top of his mountain he could see the catastrophic fissure tearing into the dome. He could hear people screaming like the bitter wind that whipped his face. His eyes widened, his heart beat rapidly, he could smell blood in the air like a shark in the ocean. Their fortress was falling... "Schmidt, go get everyone. We strike now!" Branislav demanded with haste in his voice over the comm-link between him and the soldier. Like a lion approaching the gazelle at the river bank, wounded and helpless. His killer instinct kicked in, he could feel the death about to rain down upon the people of Washington D.C. like the never ending snow flakes of the wasteland. The blizzard which had been brewing grew in ferociousness and tenacity, just like bold Branislav.

"Everyone else, converge on the main gate." His voice could be heard over the entire Outcasts radio frequency around them. Like creatures of the night they came from the mountainsides surrounding the dome. From the south came 10 camouflaged and armed soldiers trudging through the snow with purpose. They looked like a hungry pack of wolves surrounding their kill. Some had rifles, some had shotguns, and one carried an RPG on his back. The blockade which had been set up along the main path included three armored SUVs, one which had a 50.cal turret mounted on the roof.

One of the turret-less trucks drove off with the lone Schmidt inside it, frantically heading back to the nearest base outside of D.C. to call for reinforcements. The other two trucks drove down the path towards the main gate of the now failing D.C. dome, a total of 5 soldiers between the two trucks. Their force may have been fairly small, with a total of 18 people including Branislav, Ollie and Andrew, but with this perfect opportunity to be seized it would have to be enough. When the three merged with the trucks at the front gate, which was completetly unguarded due to the natural disaster, Branislav stood before the group in front of him. The other 10 soldiers on the opposite side of the dome would be listening through the radio comms.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c921951c9_russianman.jpg.3392c9a7b0ae0a32df2fe5e4e1b1feef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118256" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c921951c9_russianman.jpg.3392c9a7b0ae0a32df2fe5e4e1b1feef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"These people do not know of our struggle. These people do not know of the cold. They hide in their bubble, safe from the outside world. But now... There is a hole in their sky. Now they scramble like ants from the rain. We are THAT RAIN! We are the hole in the sky. Now they too will know what it is like to be cold." The man spoke with fire in his heart, his voice roaring like a lion in the jungle. Some of the soldiers near the trucks yelled in excitement and they were ready to strike, they were itching for adrenaline.

"Squad 3, attack from the south and create hell. You 5 take the trucks and go through the city killing anyone who looks like WolfPack or F.S.F." He began explaining the plan plainly so that everyone was on the same page. The men in the trucks, one of which who climbed up to the turret, fired up their vehicles and mobilized. The sound of V8s grumbling as they forced their way through thick snow.

"You two are with me." He pointed to Andrew and Ollie who would accompany him as he made his way for the science division of the city. From what he remembered of his scouting reports and infiltration documents it would be fairly easy to find. Crash! The sound of an RPG warhead hitting the south side of the Dome echoed through that sector of D.C., most of it muffed out by screaming and whirling of high speed winds. From that area the Outcast soldiers moved in and indiscriminately fired upon anyone they saw. They stuck in tight knit groups, covering each other like a team of professionally trained soldiers. Blood spewed in the air from each bullet fired, frantic civilians unsure of what was going on could barely notice them due to the hole in the dome and falling pieces of steel and glass. This was the perfect cover.

Branislav gestured for Andrew and Ollie to follow him as he jogged forward through the snow. In front of him the lead SUV slammed into the gate at the fastest speed it could manage. It used its intense weight like a battering ram, forcing the reinforced metal open like a door being kicked in by the police. The trucks rolled forward, the man on the turret spraying large caliber rounds into the air and at nearby patrols. Branislav made his way into the gate and moved to the left, surely being followed by Ollie and Andrew.

"Stay close, and only kill if you have to." He ordered as he began creeping his way through the city, sticking to alleyways and using the cover of larger buildings to not get hit by raining steel beams and shards of glass.



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As Jasper regained his balance he turned to the woman as she spoke to him and holstered his gun, surprised he hadn't dropped it when he got shot. "I don't know maám, I'm just following orders. And my orders say..." He was interrupted by her sudden revelation and reached out to grab her, to stop her from running off. "Hey, wait!" Jasper called out as he hobbled after her on his numb foot, his boot making a squishing sound from the blood and leavin a trail of crimson liquid all the way to her lab. He watched her pick up the jacket and stood behind her as she put the vials into her bulet, wondering what it could be. "What is that?" He asked as he admired the beautiful glow put off by the liquid inside the glass. He knelt down in front of the woman and sighed gently knowing it wasn't over yet. "I know you're tired but we must leave. More men might show up to capture you, my car is outside." And that's when he heard it, the shattering of the dome.[/b]
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Joy & Osiris Carter

"I-I got her...Just watch my back," Hush spoke over the channel. Joy tsked, watching her leader from a distance limp into the building after the F.S.F. and the scientist. She raised a gloved hand, switching her gun into her prosthetic one, and clicked on a different button near her ear,"What the hell is he thinking?!" she yelled to her brother on a private channel the two share,"He's going to get himself killed!" Osiris, on the other end acted quickly to reply,"Just hang in there, dont question him," his voice as calm as ever. The male twin tried to calm his sister, knowing her level of impatience and intolerance for stupidity, it might drive her into doing something reckless or...against orders. Now that the target had moved indoors, beyond his line of sight, Oz was free to swivel his sniper and look at his sister about a block away to his right, coming around the corner of a building. Using his scope, he zoomed in to see his sister's stance: feet apart, posture straight, shoulders squared with her gun in hand, a finger tapping on her thigh, and facing the building her leader had entered. She was definitely watching the building attentively, but it was more than that. The girl, suited up and armored, helmet glinting in the artificial sunlight, had begun pacing, swinging her gun in hand. "What are you thinking..." Oz whispered to himself with interest, narrowing his dark brown eyes in the scope.

Joy stopped, turned her head to the side to look at the building Hush disappeared into, and picked up her gun in both hands, storming toward the location with steps of intent. "Joy, I swear to God, I'll put a bullet through your foot if you get any closer!" He followed her with his sniper, watching the small figure cross the street. Joy didnt reply with her comms, but with her back turned to her brother in the street down below, she raised a hand and stuck out a very provocative finger, knowing he was watching her. Osiris cocked his head back,'Well then...'

Half way across, a loud crack rumbled with in the dome, and the ground shook beneath her feet,"Delta?" she called, hoping the A.I. would have some knowledge about the noise. "I dont know," the childish voice sounding fearful. Then it fell silent...the calm before the storm. Joy looked around, perplexed as to what that was. The thought of an earthquake passed through her mind, but she dismissed it. Since the Earth was frozen, tectonic plates werent as active as they were when the earth was warmer, and being born into a world of endless cold, part of her believed that earthquakes were but a myth. In the distance was a tidal wave of blowing wind and snow charging straight for them from the south. "What the hell," she stood in awe. The artificial sun over head begun to flicker, distracting Joy for a brief moment, then it faded completely. "Joy, get inside!" her brother's words were nothing but a muffle buried beneath a cluster of her thoughts,'Who did this?' 'The Outcasts?' Time felt like it slowed significantly, facing the disaster, watching people run away from it and toward her. They pushed past her, shoving and bumping. Her sapphire eyes under her helmet looked from side to side, eyeing the faces of citizens full of fear. 'They deserve it...' her eyebrows pinched together and her face morphed into a scowl, and suddenly time returned to normal speed. Joy made a dash for the lab, the wind starting to pick up around her as the whiteout approached at a rapid speed. She hooked her rifle to her back and switched back to the team's comms,"Hush where are you? We...we gotta go!" she yelled, followed by a grunt when she kicked the door open with as much force her adrenaline could give her. The female twin stumbled inside, the heavy metal door swinging and slamming shut from the vacuum of air outside. Shaking off some snow, she booked it to the nearest flight of stairs, mentally cursing her leader from insisting on going in "lone-wolf". "The dome broke! Where are you?!"

Outside, on the roof, Osiris quickly attached a strap to his sniper and slung it over his shoulder,"Logan, you may want to find some cover," and with that, jogged back to the roof access and climbed back down. He had to find some sort of shelter, and he didnt have time to find a good structure, all he had was the abandoned building he had set himself up in. speeding down the stair cases, he barged into any room, running about to lock or barricade the windows as much as he could. When he finished, he pressed his body against a wall, hoping to just wait out the storm that was to come.

@The Shadow Realm @The Endergod

??Ollie Wayne??

Mood:Excited and also Enraged

At Andrew's reply and threat, Ollie bared her teeth and snarled. She was having a hard time fighting the need to sink her teeth into his throat and rip his jugular clear out. However she knew that that would be unacceptable and that once she showed that side of her, the incurably animal and angry, she'd have to be put down. She was soon distracted by the sounds of screams and groaning metal as the south side of the dome collapsed, as well as Branislav's voice over the radio.

He approached moments later and gestured for them to follow. Only then did Ollie release Andrew's shoulder. She followed their leader closely into the city. Unlike her companions, she chose to take the upper route. She crouched low in the center of an alley between to buildings and rocked back a few times to her heels.Before launching herself, she spit at Andrew's feet with the hissed request of "Die."

Moments later she sprang off the ground and practically into the wall across from her. She didn't linger, using her momentum to bounce between the walls until she was on the rooftops. The raining debris didn't bother as much as it was easy enough to dodge. She kept watch from above as their little group made its way to the science division. As she moved, she shucked off her thermal gear, abandoning it on the rooftop. Sure it was kind of dumb but it restricted her movements and she was tired of wearing it.@Folk Tale @Penance



(I'm totally listening to Hakuna Matata while typing this post - roflmao)

Kyani opened her eyes as the man assigned to rescue her followed her into her laboratory, watching him with her wary, dark brown, chocolate-colored eyes. Since they were in her lab right now, she wasn't aware of what was going on outside the room, more specifically the interaction between Hush and Frank. She let out another sigh and held one of the vials between her forefinger and her thumb. "It's what goes inside the orb that lights and brings warmth to our dome. It's a chemical mixture that incorporates physics all in one - it's fascinating." Kyani began to look at the vial rather than up at Jasper, becoming entranced with her scientific creation. "This stuff," Kyani gestured with the vial, looking back at the soldier, her eyes bright with excitement. "This stuff lines the inside of this jacket." Kyani lifted the jacket she held in her other hand, opening it up to reveal the tubes lining the inside of the jacket. The tubes are made of a reinforced material that can resist breakage, filled with the slightly glowing liquid that Kyani was showing with the vial.

"I believe that this liquid could be the answer to helping unfreeze the earth." Kyani whispered to the soldier excitedly, up until he told her that they would have to leave soon, since others could arrive soon. Kyani nodded and was about to rise from the ground when she heard a large explosion coming from somewhere in the city. The ground rumbled with the force of the explosion, causing Kyani's eyes to widen and her to huddle even closer to the wall. The light outside flickered and soon disappeared, the orb at the center of the dome going out due to the damage dealt by a storm outside. Kyani peered out the window with frightful eyes as she watched the dome, her home, be destroyed by the storm. Snow and ice whirled into the city, buildings fell, and the windows blew out, glass spreading everywhere. Some of it blew onto Kyani and she immediately blocked her eyes from the shards of glass, only getting cut on her forearms and her cheeks. After the wind blew the windows out, Kyani looked towards Jasper, crying out, "I think that car might be a bad idea at this point!"

With a grunt the Native American female tugged the jacket onto her, activating the mixture by taking some of the blood from one of her miniature wounds and rubbing it against the end of the tube, where a semi-permeable membrane was spread across the end of the tubing, allowing the thick liquid to pass through, only after being oxidized by the air. Once the liquid permeated the tubing, the liquid inside glowed brighter, producing warmth against her covered skin. She removed her lab coat before slipping the coat on, allowing it to warm her as much as she needed it to. She did most of this within Jasper's view, except for the blood part - so far only her blood could react with it, since it was set to react with her particular DNA strands only. This was still a work in progress, but Kyani needed to think about other things at that moment.

The female scientist rose from where she was crouching, determined to find a way out of the now crumbling building. She helped Jasper up, since his foot was still bloody and injured, and looked around, helping the man towards the doorway while avoiding rubble. "Is there any safe place we can go to in order to avoid the rubble and the cold?" Kyani spoke to Jasper as they went, wondering what to do. She was a scientist - shouldn't problem solving come naturally to her? Even so, the government they had now, whatever the F.S.F. was, didn't relay all of their information to her, so she didn't know if any underground bunkers existed or not. That information would be useful, but that wasn't up to her.


@Unlimited @ Othersinthebuilding? Character's Mood: Worried/Nervous/Frightened User's Mood: Tired/Procrastinating Location: Her Lab Inventory: Same as before


  • Response

    "The one man I used to think of family is back to kill us all.." Hush thought this over in his head as he was dragged limply around the buildings crumbling frame. "They don't deserve this, this my fault and I'll-" A crushing pain in his torso stopped his thoughts midway, and soon his vision began to falter. Blood dark as night poured out of his inner torso, and in the distance the sound of cheerful laughter cackled lightly in the distance - the sound of what he grew up with. With one last hit, snow began to drift all around him, and a light stream of crimson lifted upwards in freefall from his torso - along with the imprints of three bullets.

    A sparse flicker of warm light radiated across his frozen skin as he continued ever downwards - with images of his family held tightly in his mind. "I-I'll be with you guys real soon." As the sentence rolled to a close in his brain, a curdling crunch emitted from his body, and the pillow of snow around him began to steam with the taste of warm blood. The last thing Hush saw before dissipating was the outlines of troops in the distance.

    (Hopefully this gives you the feels.. Also, he isn't dead - so don't worry.)

Frank looked at Hush laying there in the snow for exactly one second. So this is what he looked like, five years ago. Doing what he did, it didn’t make Frank feel good. He never thought it would. He may have lost it there for a minute when the building started to crumble, but he really didn’t hate Hush. He was a victim of this as much as anybody. But the Wolfpack was like the old nuclear missiles, maybe even worse because they are so much more accessible, and they had to be dismantled. He’d tried to do it with reason the last time. That didn’t work out. So now they forced his hand.

Bloody mess.

He turned around and walked down the stairs. There was so much chaos that nobody seemed to really notice him. He was curious if the bike had survived the onslaught. It was built to withstand snowstorms like this, but it still wouldn’t do to well when a building crashed on top of it.

Incidentally, the motorcycle had been parked behind what appeared to be a supporting wall with a strong foundation. It was almost unaffected. Frank opened up the compartment underneath the seat and pulled out his mask. He didn’t activate his suit yet, the cold was still very bearable, but he would like a clear line of sight when driving through traffic as panicked as it was now.

Jade’s place wasn’t too far off, but it was in the north-eastern part of town, so it shouldn’t have it as bad as it is here yet. As he drove through the streets the storm seemed to be chasing him like his past. But he was faster.

When he pulled up near the apartment complex, she was already waiting. Just outside the panicked crowds trying to pack what they could before fleeing further north, was a woman in an F.S.F. O.T.G. Patrol uniform. Her environmental mask hiding her expression, but her body resting calmly with its back against a wall.

“I guess you won’t be needing the keys to my apartment after all.” She said, motioning a hand to the fifth floor where her little room used to be. Now there was a big shard of dome sticking through it. “So, how did it go?”

“He got the message.” He took off his mask and looked at her again. He might have lied when he said he could do this without her. “Turns out leaving an old friend to die is not as easy as he made it look.”

Jade took off her mask too and looked back. “Hold on to that feeling Frank. It’ll remind you that you’re not doing this for revenge.” She stepped in closer and put her hand on his shoulder. “You took a heavy burden upon yourself. If you ever need to share it with anyone, I’m here.”

A small pause. “Thank you.” He stood there for a handful of heartbeats before he looked up again. “We should probably get moving. There is still a lot to do.”

“Right, who’s your first target?”

“The twins. They’re relatively new and there’s a small chance I might be able to persuade them to leave the Wolfpack without having to take them out.”

“That sounds good. What do you want me to do?”

“When I make contact, I’ll have to be able to focus on them completely or they’ll take me out, so I need you to keep watch of the surroundings. Try to find a sniper position with a good view and keep an ear out for possible F.S.F comm chatter. I won’t have you fight your own people, so we’ll pull out at the first sign.”

“Appreciate that. So, how do you plan on finding them?”

“Their leader is severely wounded. I have a pretty good idea where they’ll be going…”
Andrew watched in awe as the dome was being destroyed "this is amazing!!!!" He said throwing his hands up in the air in excitement "more more!!" He loved destruction with a passion so this was like Christmas for him. However he saw his allies had left him and he quickly ran to catch up with them "wait up!!"

Once he got there he smiled at branislav as he walked next to him "so brainslave what happened??" He said smiling innocently

@Folk Tale @Genieva Von Bubbles
Yes, there is a bunker about two point six miles west of here. My car isn't designed for this type of weather anyway. It's probably frozen shut." As Jasper leaned on the girl trying to avoid putting too much weight on the smaller female he pulled his right arm around in front of her face and brought up a map of the city, most of it was in red now due to damage and cold. His alert system full of cries for help that he hated to ignore, but getting the doctor to safety was the only chance they had at fixing everything."If we hurry, we might be able to survive." He reached into his satchel attached to the small of his back and removed a small portable heat emitter, turning it on and allowing it to warm up. The device emitted a soft red glow and started to emit heat that might help them survive long enough to reach the bunker and acquire more suitable gear to battle the deadly chill taking hold of the city."Once we reach outside take a left and head all the way to the end of the street followed by a right and the base will be two blocks on the left." Even though he showed her the map he wanted to relay the directions to her verbally just in case.
Jay jolted up from sleep, a cold sweat covering him while he shivered uncontrollably. "Guess that's what I get for going for a cheap room... Always knew this sorta cold gave me nightmares," Jay muttered to himself, taking note. He had slept in his suit in an attempt to keep warm, and, thus, he gathered his belongings, and departed. Jay had spent the night in Detroit, and, over the next two days, was hoping to get to Washington D.C. Finding the "bus"

Would the future even have buses? Some sort of transport, anyway., Jay paid the money needed and hunkered down next to a random person.

"So, why're you here, anyway?" The man, An npc. a generic-looking soldier asked. Jay was a bit surprised at the comment, saying "...I'd like an introduction before giving away things like that. Can never be too careful." The soldier responded with "Yeah, yeah... I get that. Name's Kyle. Just heading to an outpost near Washington." Jay paused, thinking, before mentioning "I'm headed out to Washington D.C. myself. Gonna try and sell something." The conversation ended there, with Jay laying into his seat, and relaxing.


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    Within her bunker that she had made her home for the past, say, who even knows how long at this point, she was sitted ontop of what looked to be a weapons crate. Now, of course during this day and age, it would be empty. It was emptied long ago. Doesn't mean she can't use it as a mighty fine chair, or hell, open it up and the foam makes a pretty nice bed, since it seemed to be big enough for enough weapons that even a person could fit
    comfortably inside. And Shiki did fit inside, clearly as a blanket and a pillow that would be by far too stiff by now was placed inside. Shimmied inside in-case of any invaders to her bunker while she slept also the locking system, made to only open and close fully from the inside, sorta like a panic room. Anyways, not the purpose here. Shiki was trying her damned hardest to get one single match lit. She didn't have many left, since she never found them anywhere and any time she went into town they were either too expensive or she was caught beforehand by some individuals of varying backgrounds that wanted her nothing short of dead already.


    She yelped, getting a slight flame. What the match was for? Heating up a single can of food she had opened; and keep in mind she had only been eating skinned rats for the past few months, so she was damned sure she was going to get this thing cooked. Well anyways, anyone who used a match before in their life knows how little they last, so once it got to the end of the match stick, she used paper, and more and more substitutes as if hand-cooking something was possible. Eventually though, she could feel the tin can heat up, and didn't bother waiting any longer before tipping it to her mouth and drinking the alphabet chicken soup like a drink. Thank god these things never went bad. She never stopped for a single breath before tossing the can; and for a second having no reaction. Though if someone were to see, they would see it would be growing. she started to lightly shiver and shake in her seat, before throwing her arms out like someone stretching right out of bed, and let out a little yelp;

    "That was so good!"

    She let out a pleasured sigh, and her face was nice and happy. Quite the contrary to how so many people are dying out there, whether in a happy little dome or the evil wastes, and here she is, in a bunker covered with snow minus the door, which had a helicopter that had crashed blocking the way to make more so a secret entrance.

    "Let's see let's see..."

    She hopped off the crate, picking up her revolver and machete from the sides of the box, and attached to their respectful holster and sheathe. Which of course next came the mask.

    "What's gonna be the news for today, I wonder..."

Ferron had been out of his base for too long. The Wolfpack's leader had sent their sniper all over the city during the past few weeks, getting him to take out any high value targets that happened to be in his area. With all of the conflict that was going on, action never seemed to be in short supply for the sniper. In fact, it had gotten a bit too crazy for him. He'd gotten himself ensnared in an area completely occupied by H.E.A.T and had only managed to escape using his suit's special function, traveling for just a few hours each day before managing to get out of the occupied area. Now, he was heading back to what was reasonably safe territory, safe by his standards anyway. He'd just managed to get into earshot when he saw the dome explode, and he cursed. He was way too close, and without much cover at all. There would definitely be hostiles all over him in a few moments, if they weren't already there.

Quickly, he ducked into one of the closest buildings and ascended the stairs as fast as he could. Unfortunately, he had to go slow through the larger rooms, as his one good eye had to move over every part of the room before he deemed it safe to move through. This whole time he had his pistol out, along with his knife. This was definitely not a situation that he liked. He didn't know who had just destroyed the dome, but reason pointed to it being the Outcasts, after all, he figured he would've been called in for sniper support if the Wolfpack was doing anything big.

"Well, if they didn't think I was dead from yesterday." He murmured. He couldn't blame the Pack if they thought he was dead, after all, he'd lost communications after a stray bullet had hit his radio, effectively rendering him without support. Fortunately, luck seemed to be on Ferron's side, when he got to the roof he discovered that the building had some kind of communications dish, something he could hook into in order to get in touch with the Pack.

"And the rest of the area." he sighed as he hooked his transmitter up to the dish, setting his rifle down while keeping his pistol in his other hand. Once he managed to get his signal up he send out a series of messages, calling for any support from the Wolfpack. He asked for a response, requested a status on the pack, everything that he would need to know in order to figure out his next plan of action.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9342a5bf_russianman.jpg.d0d21c26bdfa08be952cf32fd7048f35.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118954" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9342a5bf_russianman.jpg.d0d21c26bdfa08be952cf32fd7048f35.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As pandemonium struck Washington D.C. the leader of the Outcasts remained calm and focused on the task ahead. After Ollie split up from the three Branislav made his way through an alleyway followed by Andrew, who was making irrelevant comments and asking pointless questions Branislav did not have the answers to. Rather than say something now the Ex-Spetsnaz infiltrator simply kept his lips sealed and his head in the game. When they emerged from what seemed like an endless alleyway he looked to the right and to the left, and out of the corner of his eyes spotted something interesting. It appeared to be a man and a woman who was wearing some kind of jacket Branislav had not seen in his travels before. This looked like one of the drawings in his scouting reports of some prototype technology. Whether this woman was the lead scientist here was unknown to him, but either way she could potentially be a lead.

Without further delay Branislav ran alongside the building in a semi-crouched position, keeping his head lowered as to avoid any stray bullets or shrapnel that could possibly be flying in the air. As he grew within 200-250 feet away from them he looked back at Andrew.

"We will follow them for now, they might lead us to the lab." He ordered as he then clicked a button on the side of his helmet, and was patched through to the rest of the Outcasts in the Dome.

"Ollie, hone in on my position and follow us from a watching distance. Vehicle Squad I'm placing a beacon on me as well, ASAP. Everyone else spread out and hit any critical targets like generators or hospitals. Make as much of a mess as possible." Branislav said as he ran towards Jasper and Kyani. Since they weren't able to move as fast as he was with Jasper's foot injury, which Branislav noticed as he closed in about 50 feet away, Branislav and Andrew were able to make ground on them much quicker than they could get away.

Like a hawk flying in the air who spotted a fish in the ocean, ready to swoop in and kill at any moment, Branislav had the focus of a laser beam. His eyes were trained on the two individual's every movement, trying to predict where they would go as they made their way through the city streets. The sniper which Branislav held in his hand was turned off of safety and ready to fire. His finger itched to let off a round or two but he would not let that get the better of him. He would instead follow the two from a distance of roughly 40-50 feet away, and make as little noise possible. All the while his gun was raised and pointing towards them in case they happened to turn around and see him and Andrew closing in on them.

@Anaxileah @Unlimited @Genieva Von Bubbles @Penance



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Jay looked at the city, mouth agasp at the sight before him. He had been forced to walk part of the way due to some "sudden miscalculations" in the travel, the bunker the solider had mentioned was where everyone stopped. At first, Jay had been spiteful, angry at merely the concept of losing what little money he had left to make the journey. Though, now, none of that seemed to matter. Those words the driver had said, "sudden miscalculations", rang through his mind like the first angry gunshots of a riot police unit at an otherwise-peaceful protest. He finally understood what was meant by this, intentional or not:

Nothing had been going to plan.

Jay's continued existence had been riding on this city. Meanwhile, the city was being fought for by the different factions. Countless have probably died and are injured. Even the city itself is dying, in a way, when part of the the dome collapsed and a majority of the plant-life probably shriveling up altogether in the cold.

Words like these bounced around in Jay's head while he made a desperate rush to find shelter. His shelter happened to be the main room of a small shop, to which he quickly blocked the door with whatever was around him, and then quickly planted himself onto the floor, trying to relax and take inventory of what just happened, amidst all the chaos around him.
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Damon had finally arrived back in D.C., it had been what? Six years since his last visit to his birthplace? However, as he approached the entrance he could see something wasn't right people seemed a little edgy and then he heard the sound of metal groaning as it pull apart under its own weight followed by a distant thud. If he were paranoid he would assume the dome had been breached... but then realized that the door was not nearly as warm as it should have been. This wasn't some new construction program the dome HAD been breached. That would also explain the lack of guards on the door itself, likely been doubled up on the breach or something. He pushed his way through the door with a grunt and just left it open, it was hardly going to be the biggest contributor of cold now that the was a hole in their heavenly dome. His vision was a little better inside due to the fact most of the dome was still there but it was far from perfect, the storm was wreaking havoc with the finely tuned ecosystem they had developed. Where the damage was, was already a blanket of white and the rest of the city seemed to be slowly following suit. Now that he was away from the worst of the storm, and the wind was not shrieking quite so loudly, he could hear gunfire. People panicked screams were also on the edge of his hearing. He had to get the people safely away from whatever pointless war was happening. "Got some new heat gizmo they want to keep private?" he muttered as he made his way over to the chaos. "Time for everyone to die for some guys greed, and we think we are different from all those dictators though out history? Humanity...."



Jasper told Kyani of a nearby bunker and she almost wept for joy. Well, she would have, if her tears wouldn't freeze as soon as they left her face. As he gave her the instructions they continued to go through the building, soon reaching a part of the wall that was knocked down entirely, allowing them to leave with ease rather than attempt to leave through the front entrance, which was destroyed. Jasper put his arm in front of her, showing her the map he had on his arm, furthering the information about the route they'd take to get to the bunker. Once outside, the two of them began heading in the direction that Jasper had indicated before, Kyani's mind on all of the alerts he had been receiving on his map. She looked at him with a small frown, thinking about his wound and about the other people that needed to be saved. "Sorry, Jasper, change of plans."

Kyani spoke to the F.S.F. soldier, and since she was the one with working feet she began to drag the man towards a hospital nearby, wanting them to look at his foot. "I can help the scientists in the hospital and you can get help with your foot. The hospital should be fine, and it will be full of people in need of aid." Kyani said sternly, not willing to take no for an answer. She tugged on Jasper, leading them to a hospital, and didn't notice the two following them 40-50 feet behind them. Her pace was hurried, and they soon arrived at the hospital closest to them. Kyani watched with horror as people ran about screaming and panicked, as well as people being brought into the hospital for their bad wounds. She put a hand up to her nose, the smell of blood traveling to her, making her feel sick. She hated all of this - what was happening was like a nightmare.

"Come on, Jasper, let's fix your foot up."

(I'm sorryyy. I'm trying to be realistic, and Kyani would want Jasper to be healed and she'd want to help people, so yeahhhhh
xD Sorry)


@Unlimited @Folk Tale @Penance @General Deth Glitch Character's Mood: Concerned/Worried/Frightened User's Mood: Tired/Rushed Location: Lab -> Outside -> Hospital Inventory: Same as before

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