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Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed) (Needs Joiners)

@Veirrianna Valentine @Anaxileah @Unlimited

~ Interesting... ~ Thought Branislav as Scorn spoke, and he took note of the movements she made and the style she used to take off her smg. Her walking stance, seemed military like but it was hard to pin point exactly who she worked for. Then there was always the possibility that she was working by herself. The two wolves she had with her didn't seem to be from any organization he could figure out given the current situation, though they peaked his interest highly.

While he admired her commanding and straight forward demeanour, he didn't have good reason to trust her yet. So when she made her way behind Jasper, Branislav walked to the gun which she put down and picked up the sub machine gun. The soldier looked it up and down and shrugged, and then looked over to Scorn.

"If you need translator, I can not help you." The soldier said with his heavy Russian accent, making light of the situation unlike most would. His tone of voice was not disrespectful however, simply short and concise as to get to the point.

"The scientist come with us, that is all I need for now. I hand her over to my army and I'll help you with whatever you need." Branislav requested, looking over at Kyanni while speaking. While he had no particular knowledge of the prototype technology Kyanni had on her he knew that she had to have some information which could help the cause of the Outcasts. It would be important to note that she wouldn't be hurt in the process, unless she didn't cooperste obviously. He elected not to point this fact out at the present time.


@ObiSemKenobi @TeaMMatE11

The kunai which was thrown by Taylor hit its mark and silenced the outcast soldier, and the wounded man with no leg was already going into shock by the time he was out of his misery as well. The quickness of the woman's movement paid off, but the remaining assault force would not be as easy to take out. The warehouse was now full of thick gray smoke and the other outcast breaching party was moving through with haste. Unfortunately for Taylor however, playing dead would not be the right call in this situation. Since she could not hide her thermal signature, one of the breaching party soldiers noticed her out of the corner of his eye.

The man, realizing quickly that she was still alive and with the gut feeling she was trying to pull something, quickly charged and jumped towards Taylor and sent a thrust of his gun stock towards her head. This attack was followed with an angry yell. The other outcast soldier spotted a small part of Frank's foot sticking out of cover, as he was at an off angle to Frank. The man raised his fun and fired multiple rounds at the cover which Frank was behind, with a round or two aimed at his foot as well.

Jade had done a good job predicting the movements of the outcast soldiers through smoke and managed to take out two of them before they crossed. One man was clipped in the knee, and fell to the floor clutching his leg. He was invisible to Jade however, as the smoke was very thick now and he struggled to draw his gun and aim in the general direction Jade was. The man frantically blind fired rounds towards the building, with no real target in mind.

The rest of the 4 remaining outcasts of the second split group made their way to the same door which the first breaching party entered. They did a crouch run into the building and took cover behind a few boxes. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for Taylor, she would have at least 2 minutes to deal with her attacker before the smoke cleared and her flank was exposed.
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Frank was in a real predicament. After nearly getting his toes blown off he realised that there was no way he could take these two on from the position he was in. He got himself cornered. All he could do for now was stall for time. Every ten to twenty seconds he would release a quick burst from his assault rifle to keep them pinned down, but he had nowhere to go and no trick left up his sleeve. Taylor seemed to be in her own kind of mess, so he couldn’t exactly let them pass either. One thing was certain, if nothing changed fast, this would be a very short attempt at a guerrilla war.

“Jade? How close are you?”

“Close. I just need a little bit more time!”

“Alright then, I’ll just have you pull my ass out of the fire first then.”

After he emptied another clip and a bullet from the opposite side came awfully close again, he ceased his fire and grabbed the assault rifle at the top and held it out from out of cover. He dropped it and slowly came out with his hands in the air.

“Hold your fire, I give up! You got me. I’m getting to old for this shit anyway. Before you shoot me, you should know a few things about me though. You see I happen to be a very close acquaintance of your boss, Branislav. You are still working for him, are you not? Well, you tell him Frank is finally willing to surrender. He’ll like that.”

The soldiers looked at each other unclear on which action to take. Frank just stood there for a while with his hands in the air, letting them think it over. One of them reached for the radio while the other kept his gun trained on Frank.

It didn’t matter much what was being said over that radio. It was a bluff meant to stall for time and it had served its purpose. After the first few words were exchanged a nice patrol bike pulled up behind them and rained death and despair. Naturally they heard it coming, but the moment one of them turned around to see what all the noise was about, Frank drew his revolver with uncanny speed and shot the other one down. Didn’t kill him though, bloody cyclops that he was. Luckily Jade’s skill wasn’t impaired and she jumped off the moving vehicle, two pistols drawn, each firing a few well-placed shots to finish the job. Angel of Death.

“You alright Frank?”

“Been better, thanks though. Taylor seems to be in trouble, let’s see what we can do in there!”

Both of them kicked the door to the smaller room in at the same time, guns blazing, steadily walking until they would inevitably find Taylor. Bullets flying everywhere, nerves of steel. Like a bloody 80’s action movie.


@Folk Tale
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LadyArdent said:

Okay Anya was driving away out of the dome and well away from everything. The further they were away the better. She didn't know what else was going in. She didn't like it. The wind was blowing snow still at her face. After about ten more minutes of driving she had to stop dead center where ever she was. She couldn't take it anymore. The visibility was bad inside and out of the truck. She turned off the truck and hopped out.

Wind and snow snapping around her as opened the door stepping out. Grunting as she moved her scarf finally to hide her face. Reaching for her glasses to protect them at best. She didn't have all of her protective gear which would have come in handy. No time to dwell on that. She was warm and armed the best she could do. Turning she walked to the bed of the truck and stepped on the bumper. Leaning over to look inside tons anything useful. Just her luck there was a bag that had some things in it. Anya reached over and shook the snow off of it. Bringing it close to her face I examine the contents.

Garbage bags!! A full box of garbage bags was inside. Grabbing that she stood up and hopped down off the bumper and hurried to get back inside. Wiping her glasses and she took them off once more and ripped apart the box to pull at a bag. She threw the box aside and went about to shake the bag open. With that done she opened her door and placed part of the bag at the edge. Leaning over she pulled the door closed and the end of the bag caught when she closed the door.

It was big, it was black, it was a bag. It was being pushed somewhat against her but it offered the reprieve she needed. Satisfied she turned on the truck and turned the wipers on. Lights on full blast and she gunned it. The warmth inside the truck was rising a little more. She didn't care about not having visibility to her side mittor. Hell she pretty much is going blind at this point. Anya just gunned it on the gas and kept both hands on the wheel. They heard her so she didn't say much else.

Her only goal was to get to them where ever they are. She hoped for the best that she was hopefully mere feet behind them after making up the time she stalked to do something about her window. They were only two people carrying Hush who wasn't on foot himself. She hoped they managed the Twins managed with him without collapsing themselves.

@LadyArdent[/URL] @Vladimir Amikov @The Shadow Realm

(Sorry its a tad rushed, my head hurts..)
Taylor quickly looked up. What the... She quickly rolled out of the way, and took a swing at the soldier. The soldier easily predicted the punch, and blocked and kicked Taylor back a few feet.

She landed hard on her back, letting out a few coughs. Smoke is really getting to me. She used this to her advantage, now that the Outcast soldier and her could not see each other. She grabbed her chest with her hand, and got up. She listened for footsteps in her immediate area.

To my right... She turned her body quickly to face the direction, with a gut feeling that the guy was to her right. She unsheathed another knife, and ran in that direction. Fortunately, she was right in her decision, and jumped onto the Outcast soldier, knees first, and she stabbed him multiple times in the chest. "Nighty night," she whispered in his ear, as she punched his head, hard enough to knock him out.

She got back up, and took cover again. She put away her knife and pulled her rifle again, bursting in several different directions, hoping to suppress or hit something.

@ObiSemKenobi @Folk Tale
Damn it, he thought as the truck pulled away. Alex dropped to his knees and slammed his hand into the snow in anger. Should have made contact. The young man shook his head, his stomach growling like crazy. His throat was a small-scale replica of what had once been the Sahara desert, hot and rough and gritty. Despite his throat's condition, he groaned. Am I getting a cold? He thought. At this rate, a cold would be the worst possible thing to happen, especially with the max temperature being about negative twenty. Soon enough, Alex dismissed it as being a direct effect of dehydration.

Despite the truck rolling away and him losing hope by the second, Alex got up and started running. Or, at least, what passed for running in his condition. It was sloppy, as though he was already out of breath. The lack of water was really starting to get to him, but Alex didn't want to risk burning himself through waiting too little, or freezing himself through waiting too long. He decided to just follow the tracks the truck left behind, or perhaps even what little of the truck's lights he could make out, and hope that it led to a safehouse. Maybe they'd even let him live longer than five seconds. At this rate, friendly or not, that truck was his only hope.

He made his way to where he had last seen the truck, which unsurprisingly was abandoned. He let out a slight groan at the distance he'd have to travel in order to catch up. At that point, he'd probably be dead. His hand grazed over the muzzle of his assault rifle, and his eyes widened. Alex had an idea, one that was perhaps crazy enough to work, but would it? Would they stop and turn around for gunfire? His only assurance would be a lack of urgency. An involuntary growl escaped him, and he pulled the rifle around his waist once more, turned off the safety, and raised it high above his head. The weight of it burned the muscles in his already weak arm, but he had to do this. It was his last shot, perhaps literally.

He pulled the trigger three separate times.
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