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Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed) (Needs Joiners)

Joy & Osiris Carter

The flurry made it hard to see once the walls had begun to crumble from the cold. Wind and snow whipped in all different directions. Joy scrambled through out the building, searching for the Pack's leader. The lab was a maze of hallways and rooms, who knows where he could be. On top of that, there were multiple floors stacked on one another, she didnt exactly have the time to search for the guy with the cold only growing worse. She knew he was capable of handling himself, but there was a gut feeling he was not okay. She ran as quick as she could. Speeding down a hallway, an overhead light began to flicker, followed by more rumbling and before she knew it, the end of the corridor crumbled and caved in. Joy stopped her legs, sliding a little ways to a halt, and waving her arms to catch her balance,"Shit," she cursed. The small girl turned back, she had to find another way. "Delta have you picked up anything?" she panted through her helmet.

"Nothing yet, cover more ground. We'll find him." he reassured her. Delta, the A.I., had begun so send out signals from Joy's helmet. When the Pack had some down time, Joy had tweaked with the members' communication hardware to send back a specific signal upon receiving Delta's initial ping.

Back at the abandoned apartment complex, Oz rode out the storm, at least until it leveled out. The strong burst of cold hair had equalized into the normal blizzard that matched outside the dome. It was no longer a hurricane of wind, it was just...windy now. Surprisingly, the old structure held up fairly well. It was even more battered and torn up than before, but Osiris could help but thank the structure for supporting itself. Still, there was no time to lose, Oz pushed off the wall, one hand still hanging onto the sniper over his shoulder. Again, he ran back out the door and went for the stairs, climbing to the top. The roof access door had been completely blown off from the wave of air than barged through the dome. Osiris instinctively extended a hand over his face, even through his helmet protected him from the outside environment. The roof had accumulated a few inches of snow, boots crunching over it to the ledge. Shifting his weapon into both hands, he placed his eye over the scope, and touched a button near his helmet that switched his vision into thermal. Scanning the white canvas, he spotted an orange blob in the distance,"The hell?" The longer he watched, the closer the blob got, and the easier it was to make out the shapes and objects. Trucks, and a few of them, heat signatures in the shape of bipedal beings along side them. Through thermal vision, he couldnt make out who exactly these people were, but he knew they wouldnt be friendly if they discovered the Pack here. "Wolves, be advised theres a convoy headed our way. They might be F.S.F. ETA about...10 minutes tops." The probability of the small troop being the Outcasts went over the warrior's completely. His best guess was the F.S.F. since this was their ground...boy was he wrong. "Oz, I need your help, come quick! Its Hush," the desperation in his sister's voice carried through the comms, and before she even mentioned Hush, the male twin took off with out question at the word 'help'. Throwing the strap over the shoulder, and making the lengthy weapon cling diagonally across his back, he pulled the shotgun that was placed in the same area. Yet again he bolted for the door-less staircase, the lab being his next destination...

Joy felt like she was going in circles. She ignored the wounded around her, eyes searching for one person only. For most, pretending like wounded people arent there was a hard task, but for Joy, it was quite the opposite. The girl resented Dome dwellers. Her philosophy was that the Domes were breeding ignorant people that had no idea what life was like outside, how hard it was. So naturally, she didnt harbor an ounce pf sympathy for them. "Wolves, be advised theres a convoy headed our way..." Her brother's words sounded more muffled than usual thanks to the snow. Delta spoke over the announcement,"I got him!" After cursing the fact that the Pack was going to have company soon, she proceeded with Delta leading the way. "Back down?" Joy asked with disbelief. "Yes, hes...on the bottom floor."

"What the hell is this..." despite the odd location, she trusted Delta enough to go through with it. The elevators were either destroyed or frozen in place due to emergency protocols of the building. Stairs it is. Joy didnt waste time running down every step, instead she jumped over the rails, one by one, jumping side to side, over and over till she reached the bottom. Delta's directions led her to a part of the building that was eroded away from the blizzard. There was rubble and crumbled concrete everywhere, followed by lab and science-y debris and destroyed equipment, most unsalvageable. She approached the scene and found her leader laying there in a pool of his own blood that was turning to slush with the snow. "Oz! I need your help. Its Hush." She yelled into her mic. Kneeling next to Hush, her hands patted him down, looking for the source of the blood. Around his chest was a strange sloshy feel when she applied pressure. He was shot. "Oh Hush, who did this to you," she asked with out expecting him to answer, he was drifting into unconsciousness anyway. "Delta whats your analysis?"

"Multiple gun wounds in the chest cavity. Hes already lost a lethal amount of blood, he needs to be taken care of right away...his heart rate is decreasing rather rapidly." even the child-like voice sounded frantic.

A faded shadow was nearing the two through the snow. It was Oz, approaching the destroyed building. When he spotted and recognized his sister and their leader, Osiris rushed to their side,"How long has he been like this?"

"I-I dont know! I just found him..."

"Alright," Oz paused, thinking for a moment, his heavy breathing beginning to diminish. Of the two twins, it was Osiris who remained calm in these situations, he believed a clear head was necessary for problem solving. Unlike his sister whos emotional and hot-tempered. "Help me get him up, we need to take him inside, out of the snow," Osiris had minimal medical training, the most he could do was clean a wound and suture it but even so, Hush needed an expert, but for now it will have to suffice. Osiris moved to Hush's head and arms, and scooped him from his under-arms while Joy firmly took hold of his ankles. Moving him like this was probably not the safest method, but its all they could do with little time. The twins moved him into a chem room and laid him on a table,"Joy, see if you can find a towel or something and run it under the sink," he instructed. Joy listened and searched through cabinets, shoving passed bottles and empty flasks until she found a cupboard full of towels and cleaning agents. Quickly she rolled it up and turned the faucet....nothing. "Damn, the pipes are frozen!"

"Just give me the towel then!"

Joy tossed the ball of cloth to her brother then ran back to the table. She gripped the edge when Oz spoke,"Turn on your flashlight," and as he commanded her, he reached for the small light that portruded from his helm, switching it on, and his twin did the same. They held the only lights in the dark room. With nothing to clean the wound with, the most Osiris could do was wipe away an excess blood and apply pressure. "Give your blow torch," he extended a hand waiting for her to comply.Joy reached hand behind her, into the pack that was at the small of her back and she searched for the small, hand-sized torch,"What for," she asked when handing it to him. "I dont have stitches so i need to cauterize it," he said, his eyes fixed on Hush. Joy's hands worked fast to remove and strip Hushes upper body. "Im going to roll him to his side, I need a look at his back, and you need to hold him place." Oz lifted Hush so that he was laying on his side. Joy took over and held him there while Oz looked it over,"One went all the way through,"

"Thats good right?"

"Well..." Oz lit the tourch,"Good because the bullets out, bad cause that means the others are still in him and the hole is whats causing him to bleed," this was tricky. The amateur surgeon decided it was best to close up the wound that went through, but the others will have to bandaged. Taking out the remaining bullets will cause further blood loss, and with the convoy on their way they were short on time anyway.

"4 minutes," Delta warned in Joy's helmet.

"Delta says we have four minutes till the feds show."

"Okay, then. Here we go." Thankfully Hush was out, other wise hed be in searing pain, though Oz was sure hed feel it when he woke up. With the burner on low, he pinched together some of Hushes skin and melted it shut. Slowly Joy laid him back on his back. "See if you can find bandages or something."

Joy pushed off the table and rummaged further through the lab. Near the door was an emergency kit, and she pulled it off its hanger. Her hands pulled it open, and inside was medical tape, latex gloves, bandaids, a bottle of peroxide, and bandages....where was all this stuff earlier??? Anyway, she grabbed the bandages, medical tape and the bottle of H2O2. "Here," she rushed back. Oz raised his hand that was occupied with the towel and used his teeth to pull off his glove. Joy across from him turned the cap of the bottle and tossed it aside. "Pour some on the towel," he said. With a peroxide dabbed towel, he wiped at the wounds on his chest then folded the towel and placed it over his wounds. The twins worked together to keep it in place with medical tape and bandages,"One minute and thirty seconds," Delta warned.

Finally it was done. Joy helped Oz with putting Hush's limp body on his back,"You have to cover for me," he nodded to his sister, trusting her entirely,"Lets get out of here," and the two exited the room going into the opposite of the building, trying to avoid the troopers arriving. At this point, retrieving the HVT was a lost cause, with a downed leader, there was no chance. They had no idea where the scientist ran off to, Hush was the only one who went after her and he was unconscious. They exited the lab and went for the alley ways, trying to get away from the hole of the dome as much as possible. "Logan! Get your ass to us, we could use help!" Joy yelled into the comms.

@The Shadow Realm

@The Endergod

Mentioned: @TheOutcastDudes

(Sorry this was a little rushed)
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@General Deth Glitch

Jay's pistol peaks out of one of the windows that, unfortunate for Jay, he had not covered up. You can't see anything else but the pistol, as Jay has no current intention to reveal himself. "Hey, give me a reason to trust you..." Jay said, not a waver in his voice. "I'm not too afraid to fire back, anyone could be anyone in this chaos." You see one of the windows get blocked up with a misshapen-looking chair, as the pistol gets swapped for Jay's smg.

(Just to let you know why you're passing by his location, it's that, since he had to go through the same entrance (I'd assume, atleast), he'd be pretty close to said entrance. In my previous post, he had been desperate to find someplace to hide.)

  • Response

    As the hot surface of the heater glazed Hush's skin a slight yelp emitted out of him, however he quickly went quiet. He didn't feel much of anything anyways. The current events were nothing but a mere speck to him, however as time drug on he began to recollect more and more information. As they exited the building and into the ally-ways, something began to tug Hush out of his deep slumber - as that of a nagging aunt. With one final push Hush remembered all that happened, and the nightmare that would surely follow.

    "U..Gh.... Mad.. Man" A slight bit of bloodied dribble ran out of the corner of his mouth as he strained to speak, making him appear as that of a sickened pup. "Ghost coming for us all..." As the sentence fell to a close, as did Hush once more - leaving the twins to their current fate.




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  • It was strange. It was almost as if nothing had changed. Riding her motorcycle with Frank on the back, chasing through the ice wastes. Of course, things had changed. This icey wasteland used to be the most crowded part of the dome and, more importantly, there was no all-terrain jeep following them. No Tamora. Jade snapped back to reality.

    “I’m getting off here. This is one of the first buildings they built, from before the dome was up. It’s high and it’s built to withstand a storm like this. I’ll have a good view of the plaza and with luck I might even be able to peek through the windows of your building.”

    “Good. Very good. Alright, if I’m fast it should still only be the twins in there, but if you see Logan or any of the others, do not hesitate to interrupt me.”

    “Got it. Good luck Frank.”

    “You too.”

    The building might be sturdy, but the elevators were still down. It was a long walk up, especially with a guitar-case filled with sniper rifle. The view was worth it though. Jade had always loved watching the wastelands from a high point, but this was something else. The buildings, crumbled into ruins, covered in snow and ice, it had something… sublime.

    She took one quick look before she assembled her sniper rifle and installed herself on the roof.

    “I’m in position. I have confirmed visuals. The twins are inside with Hush, nobody else in sight of the building. Wait… something’s going on… Oh my… Frank, it’s the Outcasts… their attacking. It’s a bloody warzone out there!”

    “The Outcasts? Shit, I should have known. What kind of numbers are we talking about? Dozens? Hundreds?”

    “Dozens. It seems to be an advance party, but they’re good Frank. They’re tearing the F.S.F apart!”

    “I’m sorry Jade. We can’t afford to get involved. We only have a small window where the twins’ll be alone, and the two of us can’t fight off an army. Especially not an army of Outcasts. I bet it’s that bastard Branislav. He’s the only one bold enough to improvise his way through a Dome breach so successfully.”

    “Frank, one click away from your position. There’s a small group of F.S.F fighting off a handful of invaders near a hospital. There’s an officer…. I… He’s a good man Frank.”

    “How many?”

    “Four. They’re taking cover behind cars but advance quickly. You’d come in from behind so we have the element of surprise. I also have a pretty good shot at them, but the moment they make me they can easily change position on me.”

    “Got it. I’ll come in hot, draw their fire. You try to time your shots with mine and pray that we can take ‘em out nice and fast.”


    Watching Frank in action was always worth your ticket. He parked the motorcycle behind a small building and climbed up the fire escape, right behind the assaulting party. He pointed at the two soldiers to the left with the laser pointer on his assault rifle, signalling Jade to go for them first. Her L115A3 would not be as fast as his SCAR, but he would likely have to take cover after the first attack.

    He steadied himself just around the corner of the building and waited for the group to advance. The two soldiers he hadn’t pointed out walked out first, trying to push the F.S.F defences back, but they never got further than two steps. Frank opened fire the moment they got out of cover and Jade matched his first shot perfectly leaving only one man standing within the first five seconds of his assault. He quickly duck a little further into cover and turned around to where he thought he heard the noise come from. However, before he looked high enough to discover Frank, Jade’s second shot hit his torso, knocking him down and out of the fight.

    Frank jumped down from the fire escape and used his revolver to end the lives of the soldiers bleeding out as soon as possible. Without waiting for a reaction from the F.S.F. soldiers he just saved, he jumped back on his motorcycle and resumed his original course.

    “… Thank you. That meant a lot to me.”

    “You’re welcome. We’re in this together now Jade. What’s the status on the twins?”

    “So far the same, they seem to be stitching him… wait. They’re on the move. The boy’s carrying their leader and the girls covering their escape. A group of Outcasts is nearing their position, but they seem to be after the lab, not them. They’re going into the alleys Frank. If you want my cover during the confrontation you’ll have to make sure the alley you’re in is running East. That way I’ll have a clear shot.”

    “Got it, I’m almost there.”

    Frank got off his ride just off the main road and entered the city’s maze of streets and alleys. He’d studied the map of this entire city before he got here, so he knew his way around. He trailed somewhat behind the pair of wolves, but did not yet engage.

    “Just tell me when they’re in sight and I’ll stop them.”

    “Alright. Coming into view… now!”

    Frank got up and walked around the corner, right in front of the two running twins, carrying his old friend. His assault rifle was hanging loosely from his shoulder, dangling against his hip, practically in his hand already, but not quite yet.

    “Well aren’t you two in a hurry! Wait up for a minute, I don’t believe we’ve been formally introduced. I’m Frank. I’m here to talk with you about the future of the Wolfpack.”


Hold on there!

Damon was suddenly being harassed, he had barely entered the city and a man was asking him why he was trustworthy? All he could see was a pistol wait... now it looked like a sub machine gun... "You don't need to trust me. I just want to help people and seriously buddy, all that little gun of yours will do at this distance is make an nice outline of me while I shred your hands with this here rifle." he said as he ducked behind a parked car and kept his eyes out. He could see the hospital in the distance but he had no idea what was going on there. He knew that it would be a target for the Outcasts, take what they want regardless and.. well.. medical supplies are worth more then the lives they save. "I am just going to go ahead and give you a choice, you let me pass and either choose to trust me or ignore me or, you can pull that little trigger and watch your hand turn into a stump. I don't want to just sit here while this city freezes and god knows who it culling the populace with the snow outside." He then took a quick peep through the cars windows to get an idea of where to aim should this turn into a fire fight and to see if this vainglorious narcissist was making his own attempts to get a better aim.

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The Twins & Frank

collab with @ObiSemKenobi

The pair kept at a pace they could handle. Joy tried to rush her brother but Oz would remind her that he’s carrying more than a hundred pounds of dead weight...well...almost dead if they didn’t hurry. They used the alley ways of the now abandoned sector of the city after the dome caved in on itself. Running for about less than five-to-ten minutes, Osiris would have to continuously push Hush upward to avoid slippage, "Wait wait," he called his sister and stopped for a second to adjust his leader. He panted heavily, the cold weather called for difficult breathing. Each time he exhaled, his HUD would fog up," Okay ready," they continued.

The weather grew more extreme the closer they headed for the hole in the dome. It was a crazy idea, but DC was compromised now, with the F.S.F. and Outcasts running about like mad men. Both twins thought of the small shelter they lived in before joining the Wolfpack, and for now it would have to suffice. "Picking up a heat signal, and it’s really close," the child-like voice of the A.I. emphasized 'really'. Joy said nothing, she assumed it was a civilian still trying to escape the invading blizzard, but she remained no less cautious. She jogged a little faster than her brother to move in front of him," What’s wrong?," he asked, noticing the change in position. Suddenly his question was answered when a man turned the corner and blocked them. Joy raised and aimed her weapon on a dime, staring him down with an annoyed look on her face. The stranger spoke first, “Well aren’t you two in a hurry!" Joy rolled her eyes at the obvious observation. The man continued," Wait up for a minute, I don’t believe we’ve been formally introduced. I’m Frank. I’m here to talk with you about the future of the Wolfpack.

"Oh God, you sound like those religious people that would show up on our doorstep as kids," she replied with venomous sass. Osiris formed a tight line with his lips, he never did like that mouth on his sister, got her into too much trouble in the past. Oz took a good look at the man, the rifle at his hip. Unlike Joy, Oz remained unemotional during confrontations such as this, and in fact became even more aware. Why would this stranger, who knows nothing about them (and vice versa) approach them without being armed? Something wasn’t right, and he didn’t like it. Multiple scenarios ran through his head, but one that stuck out was that this man was bait, a diversion. Being a sniper himself, Osiris knew every trick in the book. Was Frank flushing them out? Redirecting them? Or keeping them still for a sniper with poor skills? Or maybe it wasn’t a sniper, perhaps he worked for the F.S.F. and the twins were walking into an ambush....no...this guy didn’t look like F.S.F. maybe was an Outcast and they had finally caught up with them. In any case, they had to get away. If he was working with a sniper, there were a few ways to fix this:

1. Move into cover

2. Make a dash for the blizzard. He knew wind would screw up a shot like crazy, and with the flurry white that matched their suits, they probably had a good chance of escaping.

"Quite frankly (hue, get it?) I can’t give a shit as to who you are, which is why I kind of wanna kill you now, just to get us out of our way." Her finger touched the trigger.

"Joy!" Osiris quickly barked, seeing how she was getting caught up in her own cockiness and slowly descending into her trigger happy phase, he intervened. Joy growled, removing her finger," Since you soooo intelligently pointed out that we're in hurry, it should be fuckin' obvious to get out of our way."

Osiris was losing patience with his sister, but she had a good point. If he knew they’re in a hurry, why stop them, the man had working eyes, he could see the injured body they carried, so why hold them up? "Hey, let’s talk inside," he proposed, jerking his head to an empty building beside them. Plan A it was: get out of line of sight, "It’s pretty cold out, I’m sure we could use some warmth. Besides, there’s F.S.F. and Outcasts on our trail, don’t think talking in the middle of the open is a good idea," he made an excuse.

Joy, keeping her gun on Frank, turned her head slightly to look at Oz with her peripheral vision, "Are you kidding me?!" She was too caught up in her frustrations to catch on to the things Oz picked up. Even if the idea seemed crazy, Joy trusted her brother none of the less. "Come on," he said with a calm tone. He was taking a risk, walking away toward the cover of a building, if Frank wanted them there, the sniper would most likely shoot to keep him from leaving, in that time Joy would be left to deal with Frank himself, which Osiris knew she was capable of. She was small, but she packed a pretty mean punch with that prosthetic arm. She was a hand-to-hand specialist, she loved it too. The feeling of having someone beg for mercy in your bare hands excited her.

The moment Osiris moved, Jade fired a magnum round into the door and an “I told you so” in Frank’s earpiece. The loud pang and whizz of the bullet made Osiris stop dead in his tracks. One foot froze and hovered over the ground, just as he was ready to take the next step. He retracted it and turned around with a muffled chuckle under his helmet. 'Bingo,' he thought. The sniper did exactly what Osiris wanted, now that Frank's partner revealed their location with a shot of their bullet, Oz felt better about the odds of getting away. Joy on the other hand, tensed from the sound and scowled at Frank, "What the hell are you trying to pull?"

Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Forgive me, my partner and I had a little wager going on how long it would take you to realise you were at gunpoint. Suffice to say you just cost me five bucks.

Osiris, adjusted Hush again, his back starting to feel stiff, either from the cold or from the weight pushing on him.

"Look, I have you at a bit of a disadvantage here since you don’t know anything about me while I know quite a bit about you."

Under her helmet, Joy raised her eyebrows and gave a sassy look that would say a challenging, "is that so?" Granted if her opponent saw her face.

For instance, I know that your sister here is the close quarters specialist, so if things get to violence she would take the first hit. One look at that door should tell you that my sniper’s rounds are more than sufficient to pierce that prosthetic arm of hers should it come to that."

Joy lowered her weapon to her side with the prosthetic arm, its luminous synthetic skin glowing in the snow. She took a few heavy steps forward, anger in her stride, "Is that a threat, cowboy?" She hissed with a slight tilt of her head. Luckily Osiris had ran to her just in time, lunging to pull her real arm back before she could get any closer, "Whoa whoa whoa," he said, trying to get her to stop. Frank raised his left hand, not to prepare a strike against Joy if she came any closer, but to signal Jade to hold her fire.

But we’re moving ahead of ourselves, let’s slow down a bit and talk things over first shall we? No need to rush into things we might regret later. We have all the time we need. My partner is keeping an eye out for the Outcasts and the F.S.F., but nobody is after you for now and it’ll still be hours before Hush is in any serious danger at this point. Take it from someone who knows."

Oz gave a nod, ready to hear what he had to say....until...Joy opened her mouth again, "Someone who knows?" She echoed. "Wait, how do you know Hush's name?" That was something even Osiris didn’t catch, and now he too wanted answers.

A dark look covered Franks face as he replied. He knew the question would come, but that did not take the sting out of the memory, "We used to be brothers, a long time ago. I assure you I did nothing to him that he did not do to me first. With, of course, that little difference that I was sure he would survive, whereas he was sure I would die. It's a funny story really, you should ask him about it when he wakes up. It'll be so much better coming from him."

His features softened a little as he went on.

"But this isn't about him. Not entirely anyway. This is about all of you. I'll keep the storytelling to a minimum for now, but the summary is that I came here to put an end to the Wolfpack. One way or another. I believe it is a weapon that is too dangerous to be out in the open market, so I have decided to dismantle it."

Joy scoffed, lowering her rifle,"The only reason someone would dismantle a weapon too great for them, is because theyre scared of it," she muttered, earning a "shut up" nudge from Osiris next to her.

"I understand you would be prone to underestimate me, but I assure you I am quite capable of completing my goals. That said, I personally believe that you’re not as committed to the Wolfpack as some of the other members. Call it a hunch." The twins looked at eachother, not knowing the other had doubts about their own faction. Frank continued, "So, to answer your previous question, yes, this is a threat, but it’s also an opportunity. If my old friend was conscience enough to make any sort of remark, he would probably tell you to heed it.

However, I also know that you are not really the sort to back down when threatened, so let me just put it this way: I am going to tear the Wolfpack apart. If you are so loyal to them that you want to go down with the ship, I'll be back for you. However, if you find you already have doubts about whether this group of mercenaries is the place for you, you might want to consider getting out now and save yourself a whole lot of trouble."

Frank gave the twins one more look before turning his back to them. Without looking back, he added:

Think about it.” And continued his way.

@The Shadow Realm
Getting her information had been easy. Time consuming, yes, always. Especially if you wanted to do it the right way. That said, she had already gotten wind her information leak had been taken care of appropriately, and that currently had her kneeling on a rooftop, watching the seconds tick by on an old and broken down watch, waiting for her cue. In the meantime she idly watched the people on the street, living their simple and comfortable lives.

In a way she could argue they had a point, even justification. From inside the domes it was almost too easy to forget about the hellishly icy conditions outside of the few cities that stood, and humanity always had been good at pretending they weren't as fucked as they were.

Part of her envied their naivety, most of her hated it.

Eyes narrowing behind the darkened pits of her masque's ghoulish visage, Scorn finally nodded to herself as an explosion rocked the entirety of the nearby area. Homing in on the rubble filled cloud, it didn't take long for the sniper to understand why. It seemed the Outcasts had decided to be quite brazen, blowing a massive hole in the dome.

If there was a way to let the people remember what they hid inside for, it was most certainly that.

A massive hole that let the truth of the world shine through, invading and pervading the idyllic lifestyles of those that felt so entitled to the luxuries to heat and safety. A hole that let the beasts out of their cage and into the real world, where they had been lurking just outside of view. It was very much in style for the Outcasts, making sure everyone knew they weren't ever truly cast out that far. It also told her that Branislav was here. He wouldn't be anywhere else if they were attacking in such a manner.

Using her rifles sling Scorn secured the anti-materiel rifle across her back and pulled up her SMG before whistling to the pair of wolves that had been idling near her. Both rose immediately and began to follow her down the stair as she prepared to make her way through the streets to find her target.


It was sheer chaos as Scorn marked her targets. Between fire fights between factions of Outcasts and the enforcement in D.C., it really just came down to letting most people go by her, and the blizzard seeping into the precious dome aided too, the snow flurries and overall storm aiding in keeping her out of sight. As she pressed further and further passed the front lines she started coming across more and more communications groups of the Outcasts, no doubt making sure their front lines were regulated well.

Keeping an eye out as she flitted from shadow to shadow, alley to alley and street to street, the svelte woman made a point to find the smallest group she could. It seemed to be a simple outfit too, two men with automatics, one with what appeared to be a semi-automatic shotgun, and the last two, both communications based by the look of the radio one was carrying, armed with only side-arms. Not necessarily easy, but a cut easier than before.

Signalling to Cathadh and Reothadh, both wolves moved around just out of sight to flank the men before Scorn unwrapped either weapons straps from her body and held her SMG in her left and her rifle in the right, straight out and held by the barrels to show no harm was intended.

"I'm looking for your boss," she called out as she walked from the furious winds, her clothes and masque no doubt cutting an impressive figure despite her size, "You'll call him... now."

With that she tossed both firearms towards the man closest to her, who held the shotgun, before snapping her fingers and calling forth her twin wolves from the blizzard, both finding their targets and the men with the largest firearms. Taking off full tilt, Scorn bolted forth and tackled the man with the shotgun a he scrambled to keep up with his allies being assaulted as well as the weapons thrown his way. Slamming him into the ground, Scorn delivered a vicious elbow across his temple, rendering him unconscious before rising up and catching the wrist of one of the two as he tried to level his pistol at her.

With a cruel twist of her hand their was a cracking pop and the man dropped the pistol in agony as he cried out. Looking to her left and right, the Alpha ensured her pack held the other two men still, despite their struggles, before turning on the last man, currently in radio contact with whoever was listening, screaming about a wolf pack.


Delivering a vicious kick across his face Scorn watched as he fell before knocking out the other pair and disappearing to the nearest building, waiting on reinforcements.

@Anaxileah @Penance @Genieva Von Bubbles @Folk Tale
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Jasper struggle at first but in his weakened state he couldn't very well drag her to the bunker, but that didn't stop him from protesting verbally. "A hospital is a bad idea, with this much damage they will be full and dangerous. Not to mention the likelihood of me getting attention with such a minor injury is unlikely." All the way there he complained and tried to change the stubborn girls mind, but to no avail. And once they got to the hospital it was exactly what he expected, hundreds of civilians clamoring over each other trying to get help from already overburdened doctors and nurses. "This is a disaster..." His voice trailed off as he eyed a child standing next to a gurney with the parent laying still, not dead but certainly unconscious.

"Look, I know you mean well doctor but they are too busy to help me themselves. But, if you can get me into a room with supplies I can fix it up better than it is." As he adjusted himself so they could move again he motioned to a empty room to their right, a storage closet with meds, bandages, and everything else he would need to further treat his injury. "That room over there, but as soon as I'm done we have to report to command and let them know you're safe. You're important, and it's my job to keep you alive."
@Anaxileah @Unlimited

As the hospital which evidently the scientist and wounded man were heading to came into view, Branislav hurried his pace up a notch. This increase in pace was enough to reach the large glass doors of the hospital as the two he was following walked towards a room to the right side of the Hospital's entrance lobby. Many people ran about afraid and worried for their lives, their loved ones and the chaos surrounding them. Screams, shouts and agonizing words filled the air more than the snow and biting wind did. This commotion and anxiety made Branislav only sharper and more focused. Not only did it keep his senses on alert as he kept his calm very well, but it acted like the perfect camouflage. With so much going on about, it would be harder for someone to notice him, and luckily nobody did.

Branislav waited for the two to enter in the room which they walked towards, and only then would he enter the hospital himself. As he opened the door a frantic woman darted out and almost hit Branislav with her shoulder. She had tears in her eyes and surely enough a man followed after her, though right as Branislav stepped forward to try and enter the hospital. Like a wall the man hit Branislav and glanced off of the large soldier as if he hit a lamp post. The man hit the floor outside of the hospital as Branisalv regained his composure, and for a moment he looked at the man and the man looked back. Branislav could sense the fear in his eyes as he at the rifle in the soldier's hands, speechless and frozen in place. With no pity and no time to waste, however, Branislav turned and looked into the hospital. The man scrambled to his feet and ran away, looking back a few times as he followed the woman he was hurrying after. At this time the door which the two targets were walking towards was closed and they were nowhere in sight.

'Storage' The sign on the door read, and this gave Branislav the cue that they were either hiding or trying to help the wounded man. The other cue he got was that this room was going to be smaller than usual. This meant his sniper rifle would not be an ideal weapon in close quarters. In order to gain some room to maneuver Branislav had to create a distraction, he did not want anyone to come after him until he got out of the room with whatever information the scientist had. Without further a due Branislav raised his rifle and fired. Five shots, semi-automatically at indiscriminate targets in the hospital lobby. Doctor, nurse, patient, man, and woman. Blood spewed in the air from a doctor hit in the chest through the clipboard he held in his hands, he died before he hit the floor. A nurse pushing a man in a wheelchair clipped in her shoulder, her scrubs turned from white to pink as she gripped her wound with fear. A patient who was yelling at a doctor to attend to his wife, back turned to Branislav. He did not even see it coming. A man and a woman, hugging each other in sorrow and dread... They would now be reunited with their lost child in heaven.

These shots created a large panic, and people scurried away in fear. What this did unfortunately, was alert the two Branislav was after. Though they wouldn't know for a certainty that he was after them, who was shooting or why, they would know someone was in the lobby with a gun. Using the little time he had, the second after his last shot was fired his rifle hit the ground. Branislav unsheathed his combat knife from the holster on his left thigh. He held the blade in a reverse style in his right hand, and he took a quick running step towards the door. The heel of his foot hit right under the handle of the wooden barrier, his full weight pressing into it and sending the door flying open. Violently rang out a loud thud as now Branislav stood in front of the doorway, looking at the two inside the room.

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Dax drove up to a settlement his snowcat roaring to a stop next to a small snow dune, watching for a second he grinned. It was under attack and this meant loot. Grabbing his environmental suit and face mask he exited the vehicle and pulled a tarp over his snow cat hiding it from view. Opening a small compartment on the outside he grabbed his rifle and pistol. and headed off towards the tall building. In the flurry growing to a storm all people would see were two red eyes. this thought brought a grin to his face. Let them feel the fear, it was good for them. He moved passed many people running away and seemed to run faster as they saw this white abominable snow creature with a gun. The commotion was coming from the building that seemed to be a hospital. Walking towards the building he shot a few men that dared aim their weapons at him. Scum all of them, almost echoing his shots he heard five high high powered shots from the hospital. Dax's heart skipped a beat with excitement.

Hiding his bulky form in the building he watched as a man charged the door with his knife drawn, a hostile but he wasn't attacking him so Dax left him be and began to move through the room quietly looking through the bodies and draws looking for anything useful. Making sure to keep a eye out for the man that charged into the storage room. Dax was not a hero, he wasn't even a good guy but if someone needed help he did for a price... seeing the man stop short in the room Dax sat up watching in his helmet, what did he see? Dax moved quickly behind the man to take a look and saw the two people in the storage room. Possibly his pray? Dax raised his weapon in to his waist just in case he needed as he watched this man and the two people in the room.

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While it had taken a bit longer than she was pleased to have had to wait for, eventually, Scorn was able to listen in and get the rough location of the man she'd been searching for. He'd set off after a pair a touch further into the city, and while she hadn't managed to gather much information, she did get a general direction to head off to. As she skulked through the wastes that the streets were quickly becoming, the cloaked and cowled woman stalked amongst the fighters without drawing any attention, her and her pack padding just outside of the vision of most of the aggressors.

It took more time than she would have liked, but she missed most of the larger problematic groups. This detour brought her near the hospital and of course from there she began to realise that she may not be able to keep hidden much longer either as people scattered left right and centre. Calling Cathadh and Reothadh to her heels, Scorn watched as a bulky figure trudged through the blizzard and gunned down a few men before entering the hospital. As much as she wanted to follow the rough direction she'd been given for Branislav, she wasn't going to let this guy slip through her grasp. She knew that there was a chance he was with Branislav, and if he was she wasn't going to miss the opportunity.

Stepping into the open from the shadows of the building she'd been hugging, Scorn made her way silently to the entrance to the hospital, making sure to step over any fallen peoples around. Lifting Flayer to her shoulder, Scorn kept the barrel on point with her vision as she stepped into the lobby, anyone still talking at this point falling deathly silent as the gruesome visage of the skull masked woman with two white beasts stepped through the door way.

Most probably thought death had come for their souls given her appearance.

Levelling her firearm at the back of the man she'd followed in, Scorn made sure that any shots fired would do damage, but not be killshots, before motioning for Cathadh and Reothadh to the sides, the former hidden around a corner and the latter behind the lobby desk. Her voice then came free, cold as the world and firm as her will as she spoke to the heavily suited man.

"You know, mate, for all your skulking, you're not that hard to follow. Are you an Outcast, and if so, where is Branislav? He's part of a job that I need to finish."

@Folk Tale @WolfBoy34102
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Dax froze with the sudden voice behind him. He dared not move his body. He was foolish enough to not check his back. If he was hit from behind his armour would take most if the shots but one or two may go through. Dax grunted as the person spoke of this

Branislav. Was this the man in the other room...it was his only chance . He spread his hands to the side one with his rife the barrel pointing up the other empty. With a gloved hand he pointed ahead of him towards the door that was open and the man's back could be barely seen. The person wouldn't be able to see his head twitch towards the man due to the massive shoulders of his suit but he hoped his massage would go through. It was either That or take some bullets. Meanwhile outside the winter storm grew worse.
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(Not gonna bother with code as of this moment..)

"However, I also know that you are not really the sort to back down when threatened, so let me just put it this way: I am going to tear the Wolfpack apart. If you are so loyal to them that you want to go down with the ship, I'll be back for you. However, if you find you already have doubts about whether this group of mercenaries is the place for you, you might want to consider getting out now and save yourself a whole lot of trouble." Although Hush appeared as that of the somber dead, the cold words spoken by Frank pierced though his subconscious mind as that of a cold blade - inevitably causing him to wake.

The first words that emitted forth from Hush's gullet consisted on a pit of bubbly gurgles and weezing, however as more time passed audible words started to form. "I heard the conversation.." A short weeze caught in his throat halfway though his sentence, causing him to stop for a split second in time. "If you want to leave now, I wouldn't judge you, you dynamic duo. Family is what matters, I couldn't protect mine - you still can."




Kyani ignored Jasper as she dragged him to the hospital, ignoring the several people that surrounded her. She wasn't a medical doctor, nor was she a person who knew how to dress wounds other than small cuts - especially not bullet wounds. She glanced down at his foot as they moved, pushing past people in order to enter the hospital, and immediately became nauseated. It was not a pretty sight, but when she lifted her gaze to look back at the inside of the hospital, she almost stopped, her eyes wide in a mixture of shock, fear, and emotional pain. Her eyebrows creased together as she surveyed the many wounded - several had been dismembered, with either crushed limbs or professionally removed ones, others were oozing blood from places that shouldn't be bleeding, and several were sobbing uncontrollably.

A child caught her eye, only about the age of 5, standing beside a cot with someone who resembled a parent on the cot, not moving. The sight forced a choked sob from her throat, but Kyani turned and faced Jasper as he mentioned needing supplies, rather than aid from any of the doctors in the hospital, who were all preoccupied with the moaning and crying people surrounding them. She nodded tersely, helping into the supply closet, and shut the door as she leaned against it, closing out most of the commotion from outside the room. She shut her eyes tightly and her lips were pressed together, her hands curled up into fists at her sides.
Why of all days, did the dome have to explode today? Kyani thought to herself, a couple tears escaping her chocolate brown eyes as she opened them to look at the fluorescent light above her. She glanced back down to face Jasper, letting out a shaky breath.

"I understand that we must hurry. I'll grab what you may need." Kyani spoke softly, her voice sounding a tad bit too calm, which indicated she was anything but calm on the inside. Rather than lingering by the door another moment, the female scientist went around the storage room, grabbing a large box for Jasper to sit on. She grabbed bandages, gauze, and antiseptic. If he needed anything else she'd grab it, but for that moment she felt what she had gathered and placed to the right of the military man was sufficient. Immediately after she gathered the supplies, she heard gunshots, and her hands immediately raised up to cover her ears. It was awful, but she knew that it was someone who was looking for trouble.

She pulled her weapon from its holster on her hip, slightly shocked that it had remained in its designated place on her belt, but raised it towards the door, her back to the F.S.F. member. She hesitated for a moment, thinking that maybe the intruder to the hospital wouldn't come in to the storage room, that maybe the weren't after her. However another moment passed, and she was quickly proven wrong as the door was kicked open, swinging it open with such force that Kyani stumbled back, but quickly regained her footing and then stared the man in the doorway right in the eyes. Her brown ones widened in surprise, but she kept her weapon pointed at him, the safety off and the magazine only one bullet down.
It's a different man than before...Who is this?! Kyani thought to herself, panicking on the inside, but remained calm on the outside.

"Don't try to pull anything." She spoke, hoping for her voice to sound confident, but only heard her own shaky voice echo in her ears. The gun was pointed towards the man's head, and she refused to look back at Jasper, for fear of feeling the brunt of the shining weapon the mysterious man held reversed in his right hand. The two that weren't in the close proximity to the storage room (@Veirrianna Valentine) went unheard, as Kyani's focus was entirely on the unfamiliar man, Branislav.


@Unlimited @Folk Tale Character's Mood: Terrified/Heartbroken User's Mood: Focused Location: Outside -> Hospital -> Storage Room Inventory: Gun, Jacket, Everything Else

Anya adjusts her glasses a bit more since she felt a slight draft freezing her eyes whilst causing tears. Sniffling some as she drags up the scarf around her face. Stomping her feet some to regain some feeling in her body, yet what good does that do? Muttering to herself through the scarf, "Let's get to it woman!" Anya walks on towards her destination against the wind. Lovely, right? The forever white of this world with unending cold. Crunching her way through the snow as she gets lost in thought...

.... happy about her latest contract. Granted it took over a year for her to accomplish this task. She had to use different means then what she was used too. The job was done, the best part of it all. An unaligned member had gone AWOL hence unaligned, former. She had to do a stake out for a time, but he caught on to her moves. He didn't see her because she used a disguise to the best of her ability. What did the lady do? She changed tactics, played with his head. She showed herself to him as if by some fate.

Of course she wooed him, courted him played the damsel in distress. She never allowed him to touch her, he enjoyed the challenge. Play the demure, naive part. Be a little docile, gain control. Hey women can use their sexuality when it is called for so long as they don't actually follow through with the deed itself. It took her the better part of the year to do that.

Anya claimed she was a virgin, wanted to make sure they were together for the long run that he was faithful. She said the touching part scared her because her family instilled that it can cause them to burn in hell. Oh yes, that lovely religious card too. She did just that. The religious self proclaimed virgin. Finally she told him how it would be done, that special night because he asked for her hand in marriage. Happily obliging to his minor want, after all that is what it was. It was bittersweet. They went off to a lesser domed town off somewhere in Montana, or what was left of it. The evening came...

There was a lovely dinner or what one could call a dinner, really old tasteful music before their time. She wore a lovely ensemble that also kept her warm. They danced, spoke of the future how they can endure with the future as it is.... until he turned to the bedroom asking if she was ready. A nervous nod given, and a sweet smile she followed him as he approached the bedroom facing the bed. Reaching to her waistline for her favorite friend, Daryl!! The one man to never disappoint. Knife behind her back, she reached on her tiptoes she whispered... "I know you stole those formulas for new sources of medicine, for your selfish gain... I love you sweetly, meet Daryl honey... by the way I'm Anya..." Yeah with that secret she lied using her mother's name... She brought the knife around quickly with precision right through his heart. He couldn't react to her words from the minor shock. With glee knowing her aim she heard that crunch, just for fun she pushed further on the knife hearing his sternum crunch more, muscle squishing with blood slowly leaking out. She twisted the knife to hear those beautiful sounds music to her ears as she laughed. Psycho much maybe? Laughing she pulled the knife from him as she looked at Daryl, another job done. The man fell to the floor with naught a breath or word..

The memory of it was bitter sweet, even now she was thinking of that. It happened a month ago and now her destination is a couple miles ahead. She notices the domed city, hoping to see if any of her faction were there. Slick with sweat under all her gear, but she felt rejuvenated at the memory so she pushed on against the snow, determined to see what may have changed despite this frozen world...

(Forgive me I haven't read many posts, just slinking my way in unsure who is part of what still reading on everything)
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Prove yourself

"Hold on there big guy. Now is not the time to trade, you ever seen a trans-faction power-struggle? Its like a fire fight only much more brutal. You seem like your new to the wastes, an F.S.F. kid 'eh? Well either way I ain't gonna stand around and trade while innocents are caught in this shit storm. If you wanna help me, fine, get your gun and follow if not then be on your way. The first thing I want to do is secure the hospital because Outcast 'aint like F.S.F. atleast the F.S.F. will try to avoid killing women and children, generally. Then I think getting people out of the collapsing area and taking them to somewhere with a localized heat source, probably the hospital. I got some ideas of where to go from there but better perhaps to see how those plans go first." he said as he stood up, gun in hand and at the ready, and motioned toward the hospital in the distance just as he heard gunshots "You want to trade, sure, after you prove yourself." he said running toward the hospital aiming down the sights of his semi automatic rifle.

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Anya finally reached the dome as she stood there not in total shock. Having heard Delta on the communications through her helmet. Realizing it isn't the best entrance to go through. Anya turns towards her right to head towards North.

She figures heading in that direction would be the best chance of even getting through. Anya was already amped up happy to see everyone, but that changed quickly. Trudging though the snow walking against the wind. After some time after she comes upon the entrance. Pulling down her scarf as she sucks in some cold wind. Looking through her shades to see if there is anyone guarding this entrance. Raising her arm to move her sleeve to look at her watch to count the seconds. A full minute passes by as she makes a run for it. All garbed up in white wasn't the best decision at the moment. Remember, she went off grid for a while so she wasn't aware of any of this.

Assuming it isn't a complicated entrance she goes through without a problem. Sighing as she pulls her scarf up once more as she trudged through the city. There wasn't anyone around so she was in plain site at the moment. Keeping calm as she removes her shades to look better. Placing them in her pocket as she comes towards a building to her left. A dank alley littered, she scopes around to see if there was anyone living there. Nodding to herself as she notices a spot between the dumpsters. It wasn't the best but she runs over to it crouching down. Breathing deeply as she looks out from the alley from her little hiding spot uncaring at the smell. Quickly she reaches a gloved hand to put on her communications again. Listening once more as she presses the button to speak. "Delta it's Anya I won't be on for long. Please tell me where is the pack located if you have locations..." Listening for a couple seconds to the static as they come through quickly. Delta,"
Anya you need to get with them quickly the place is swarmed, leader is down.." Rolling her eyes as she listened to the rest of their words knowing full well he wasn't in the best of conditions. She just doesn't know how serious it is at this point.

Shaking her head as she reaches up to speak once more hopefully reaching the twins this time. Anya realizes time is of the essence at this point so she spoke quickly, "It's Anya, I'm in the city North from you guys.. Turning everything off and I will be back in touch in five..." Hoping they heard her words as she switches everything off.

Grumbling as she goes to stand up moving towards the building. Standing hidden in the alley as she looks around. She doesn't see many people so far so good. There are a few cars around which is the next step. A truck and some smaller cars nothing that looks to official or out of place. Sighing as she doesn't have many options she runs knowing she is a blur of white. It isn't as cold on this side of the dome. Under all her gear she is sweaty.

Finally she reaches the truck as she crouches down on the driver side. She does a quick look around as she reaches for the door handle. Jiggling it some and it doesn't give so she mutters a little and stands up again. So far no alarm so pretty much she stands back a good foot to unzip her snow suite and reaches through her sweater to reach for the gun. Quickly she pulls it out with her right hand and smashes in the window as it quickly shatters from the butt of her gun. No time to place it back in her holster she throws the gun inside the truck and reaches to unlock the door.

That done she opens the door climbing in, and sweeping away some glass with her gloved hand. Once she is seated she slams the door closed and bites off her right glove. Flexing her fingers she reaches around for the wiring system. Once done she reaches inside her unzipped suit for her knife inside a pocket. Knife out she reaches to open the cover over the wires.

All of that said and done she wired the truck to start, throws the knife aside carelessly and slams on the gas. Hoping to all she doesn't get noticed. Quickly she reaches with her right hand to turn in her helmet again. Hoping the come through over the system as she drives through the city heading towards the hospital from what she heard earlier.

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Joy & Osiris Carter

When Frank turned to leave, the Carter twins watched him for a moment, until he was out of sight. When he was gone, there was silence between the two, taking everything their new aquaintance had to say. And oh boy did they have questions for Hush. They stood there, in the silver winds of the blizzard, and for once tried to guess what the other twin was thinking. Joy broke the silence at last,"What. The fuck. Was that?" She shook her head, tucking the butt of her rifle under her arm and holding it across her, the barrel facing the ground. Joy initiated the continous journey when she began walking first. The whole idea that Frank shot down their leader over something that happened years ago just seemed down right stupid to her. Through the comms she spoke up again,"I dont get it, so all this, is over revenge? Why, cause Hush popped a couple in the old man?" She turned around to face her brother, walking backwards. Joy raised her hands and shook them with heavy amounts of sarcasm,"Oh boo-hoo. Poor me," her mockery of Frank traveled into her brother's earpiece,"Grow a pair and suck it up. You're not the only one who got shot and lost something," she waved her prosthetic arm about to her brother. Knowing the story about her arm, Oz could see why making that point was important to her. Some years ago, before joining the Wolves, the girl made a reckless decision while on a supply run, resulting in the loss off her arm. After venting to Osiris she turned back around, her back facing him once again. Her head swileved back and forth while scanning the snow covered area. Joy was a little offended Frank didnt even think about the fact she lost something too,"Insensitive asshole," she muttered, and because of his reason behind going after Hush, she couldnt help but see the man as a child. "The good 'ol 'You took something from me so Im gonna take something from you' crap."

"Lets just get going, you can complain once we're at the safe house" Osiris groaned.

"Yeah, yeah, what ever..."

-Some time has passed ^u^-

The duo made it through the snow covered labirynth of DC's streets, and passed the gaping hole in the dome's side. It proved to be a bit of a struggle at one point when another convoy of Outcast troopers were coming in, via the hole but they stood hidden, using the snow and their white suits. The wind was thick and icy, even with their specially lined suits, the twins could feel the tightness in their chest from the dense air. They were only about a mile out from the dome. The twins agreed to seek refuge at the small shed they used to inhabit before joining the pack. They practically grew up there. The siblings lived out in the snow for most of their years, never having the luxuary of being cozy in a fish bowl. Joy resented the civilians, they werent facing reality. All of them lived in glass, pretending life was normal, ignorant, naive, and even stupid; thats what Joy thought of them. Part of her was sort of happy to see the dome collapse on them, maybe now theyll see how harsh the world has become, maybe now theyll have sympathy toward those living outside the dome, to the groups of people that cant afford to travel through the unforgiving, never ending blizzards to seek a comfortable life under the glass barrier. No one ever helped those people, they were on their own. Joy was sore toward the fish-bowl people, being born and raised in the snow, she was disgusted by the thought of them walking around the streets, with the false warmth of their artificial sun. Joy stifled a sarcastic chuckle. "What," Osiris asked her over their personal channel.

"Nothing," she replied dryly, a sour taste in her throat.

They panted heavily in their comms, trudging throw the slush, knee high, was tiring work, and they still had miles to go! (I forgot that Hush spoke so im just gonna add it here) "I heard the conversation..." a familiar voice said with some struggle.

"Hush!" The twins exclaimed in unison. They stopped, Joy moving closer to check on their wounded leader, propped on her brother's back,"How you feeling, tough guy. Took some nasty bullets back there," she smiled in her helmet, her voice soft and not so brash for once. Sure, she could be a bitch, but her heart thawed for people in need. Besides, Hush and Osiris were about the only people that had her respect, which was very hard to come by. "If you want to leave now, I wouldn't judge you, you dynamic duo. Family is what matters, I couldn't protect mine - you still can."

The twins exchanged silent glances before Oz spoke up,"No, uh uh, not gonna happen. No way, no how. You just sit tight there, alright buddy? Just..." his voice grew hesitant,"Just a little while longer," he felt a tinge of guilt. They still had a ways to go, and walking on foot could take several hours. Osiris jumped a little to adjust the body higher onto his back for a better grip. Joy stared at Oz for a moment, the mystery of her facial expression underneath the helmet, but even through that, Osiris could tell he said something she disliked, by the way the face of her helm looked at him. Not bothering to ask in fron of Hush, Osiris continued the trek...

Suddenly their luck had changed,"Uhhh...Joy?" The ten year old year old voice spoke up in her channel, his voice a little shakey in fear of disburbing her. According to her vitals (like heart rate), and silent mouth (for once), he sense she wasnt too happy right now. Joy sighed, trying not to get annoyed,"What is it now?" she asked.

"Someone's requesting contact on the Pack's main channel, should i tune you in?"

"Yes," she granted permission. Joy waved her hand to get her brothers attention, and when she did, she pointed at her ear, telling him to listen in on the main channel. Since Delta took liberty of switching from the twins' personal line to the main one, she couldnt tell him personally. Her voice wouldve been muffled under the helmet, and quiet with the howls of an overpowering blizzard around them.

"ANYA! God, am I happy to hear from you," Osiris started, between the two he always did the talking....for obvious reasons. "We ditched DC, and I suggest you do the same. Things got a little dicey and Outcasts and Feds are crawling all over the place. We're directly North of the hole in the dome, about a mile and a half out. We'd wait for you but..." he paused, static and panting filling the comms during that time,"We cant exactly afford to do so. Its Hush..." another brief pause," hes hurt." Osiris let go of the button at his ear, moving his hand back to keep Hush from slipping.

@LadyA @The Shadow Realm
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Taylor was walking down south, trying to find at least some shelter for the night. She walked down on a path that was created by the FSF from outpost to outpost. Oh man, it's already getting dark. She tried to envision an unfrozen Earth. Why did I have to come into this world, trying to survive IN the

apocalypse? Why couldn't have I been born when Earth was not frozen?

She reached a security checkpoint, in which she took out her FSF badge. The guards let her through. Security is more tight on here now. I wonder what happened. She continued walking down, with the gun by her side. She took out one of her Kunais, and started spinning it in her hand. Lucky I found these, she thought, looking at the kunai with marvel. She put it back in the sheath and continued walking. She eventually reached the hub of FSF, Washington DC. Waaaiiit...something's not right.

She dove behind cover, in full awareness just as she is when leading a squad. This time I'm on my own. She readied up her gun, and saw a hole in the dome. No doubt about it, this is definitely the Outcast's work. Well shit.

She took a look at the dome again. Oh boy. She peeked the corner of the building for a quick second. she quickly darted behind cover, hoping no one noticed her. If this was recent, most likely those bastards will be around still.

Now, Taylor especially hated the Outcasts. Attacking my home city like that....They're gonna pay, big time. She decided to get herself out of there. She started moving North again. She quickly darted from cover to cover, trying to conceal herself as much as possible. She put her gun on her back, and took out one of her Kunai, just in case she did get spotted. Right then, an Outcast member walked around the corner. Taylor threw the Kunai with deadly accuracy, killing him on sight. Try that again.

She dragged the body behind a building, and covered up the blood trail, and covered as much of the body as she could. Well, looks like this is how I'm gonna have to get out of here. Sneaky like.
Fight theme:


Since Branislav was not expecting the scientist he was following to actually be carrying a firearm the situation before him would require a bit of improvisation and finesse. This would not be an issue however, as the man kept calm and focused. His mind worked as if he was in a room playing chess by himself, and not standing in a supply closet with a gun aimed towards him. Within the first two or three seconds of locking eyes with Kyani, Branislav faked a look of sheer surprise and fear. His hands raised in a 'Don't shoot' gesture, looking as if he was not a hostile. The man then took a deep breath and let out a faint smile, the blade still held in his right hand.

"Thank god you're alright, I'm here to help keep the data safe." He said in a genuinely reassuring tone of voice, his hands lowering slightly in relaxation. Although as soon as he saw the brows of the woman in front of him furrow at his statement, the moment he foresaw the grip on the gun she held loosening his left hand whipped forward and slapped the gun in her hands with as much force as he could muster. He did not give any tell that this was what he was going to do. His whole body was put into it, causing the gun to be throw against the wall and hit the floor with a solid thud. To follow this up, quickly Branislav lunged forward with his left hand grabbing at Kyani's throat. The man moved with confidence, speed and control. Every move was visualized and executed with precision.

@Veirrianna Valentine , @Unlimited



Data...? What data...? Kyani thought to herself, her slender eyebrows furrowing in confusion. There was no data, only her prototypes that would need protection if any. As soon as Kyani's grip shifted on the weapon she realized that the man was trying to trick her, and he succeeded. Kyani had hesitated. Again. Why did I bloody have to hesitate? Kyani thought to herself as the man slapped the gun out of her hands, causing a strangled noise to come from the scientist's throat. His hand came up to her throat, but even though she had stumbled back, losing her balance temporarily, she was able to dodge his grab to her throat by ducking under his arm and making a dive for the door.

Her short-lived escape from the man's grasp ended before she could even reach the door as his arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her back and pushing her against the wall. His hand reached its destination at her throat this time, cutting off her air supply. She choked, gasping for breath, until he loosened his grip on her throat a little bit while his grip on the rest of her tightened. As she sucked in the air, filling her lungs, she spat at the man holding her against the wall. "Whatever it is you want, I won't help you." She glared at him, her messy black braid releasing a couple strands in front of her face as her gaze remained on his. She struggled against him, but she was significantly weaker than he was, no matter how fast she may be.


@Folk Tale Character's Mood: Pissed/Scared User's Mood: Focused Location: Supply Closet Inventory:

Taylor sighed. Well, time for an emergency call. She put on her FSF comms, and said, in a quiet voice, "Is there any FSF members in Washington DC?" She made sure the comms were on the secure channel, and for a nearby proximity. "I repeat, is there any FSF members in DC?" She kept darting from cover to cover, trying to make it out of DC, again. Every minute she was out here, she was getting a little colder by the minute. She needed a shelter, and some warmth for the night, and the only way to get out of this hellhole was to make an emergency call. She sat down, behnind a building, hidden from sight. I'll be lucky if I get out of this one alive.
Safety in Numbers

He reached the hospital and could tell it was less then secure. A couple F.S.F. security caught offguard, a couple more dead who were just in the wrong place. He looked down at the guard, Radio might be useful he thought as he grabbed it and secured it on his belt. His rifled was not suited for such confined space and he stowed it on his back in preference of his six shooter. The lights were on low, some flickering to unsteady voltage and others, flashing red in warning. It were earily quiet as he stalked through the hospital, as he passed rooms he could hear wails, sobs and other noises of dispair, these people had woken up to find their simple lives over turned. He went into a room, gun first and checking his corners before focusing on the man and what could only be assumed as his daughter cowering in the corner. He lowered his gun and in a whisper told them "Follow me, once we find a few more people you can start to plan ahead" he said as he re-entered the hall way into the next room, this time empty. It was a much larger room, not a patient room like the other one but it appeared to have only one way in our out. "Ok, I am going to keep looking for survivors and I am going to send them here." he said to the man before kneeling to talk to the young girl, maybe 12, "theres going to be some people, they might be hurt or they might not. They are going to need you to smile to make them better, ok? Can you do that for me" he then turned his head back to the father and gave a curt, knowing, nod. Then he set off again, repeating the procedure room to room and sending them there as quietly as possible.
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Once they were inside the storage closet Jasper sat on a container and sighed gently. He removed his bloody boot and took the wrapping off to change it, pulling a bottle of peroxide from the shelf and dousing the wound in it, gritting his teeth as it burnt away bacteria. He cleaned it up after it was done and grabbed another can from the shelf, putting the end against the bullet hole and pulling the trigger, filing it with an expandable medical foam before wrapping it again. He put his boot back on and wrapped where the holes were to keep out dirt and cold.

As he finished up the shots rang throughout the hospital, Jasper reaching for his weapon. Unfortunately he had dropped them in the snow where he got shot, but by the time he realized it was to late. The door burst open and the doctor stumbled in front of Jasper. He set quietly as the exchange between the brutish man and the doctor, biding his time to strike. He waited till the man had hold of her neck and sprang from his seat, grabbing a syringe and the gun from the floor, thrusting the needle at the mans arm while firing the gun toward the mans abdomen, no matter what happened the doctor should be able to escape, with or without Jasper.

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