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Fantasy A Fantasy RP


The Sleeping One
Hello there! I'm new to this site, but I'm a moderatly experienced Roleplayer (or to put it more simply, have patience with me.). I'm here to invite you to RP with me, in a world/setting that we can agree on.

For now, I have both a setting (Fantasy) which I want to keep, and a world which is still work in progress and up for changed. Now, the world doesen't really need to be changed as it's made specifcly to allow any character (in the limits of the setting) to be played. For now, I want to agree on the world and then we can agree on the characters.

The current world is made of 4 continents. One continent is Wilderness, with mostly Orcs, Elves and Animalistic races (Ratfolk, Catfolk, etc.). One continent is Civilization, having most of the population. It contains all races, but the majority is made up of Humans and Elves. There are two continents I'm not entirely sure on, both unexplored. One is supposed to be frozen and/or covered in snow, while I left the last one in case someone wants a mysterious character. For the sake of simplicity, I want to use Earth's time (as in weeks, days, years). Technology isn't very advanced, with the best firearm being a flintlock. Magic is found in diffrent measures and from diffrent sources.

As for characters, almost everything is okay. The thing I don't want is Time Manipulation, and Space manipulation (such as teleportation and dimenstion creation) should be somewhat limited. Basicly, just make a flaw in your character and I'll be happy ^_^. As for races, be anything. You can even be an anthromorphic pig for all I care (in fact, that's why the world is WIP. So I can still have places to be the origin of a race. In this case though, the Wilderness is the 'natural habitat' of anthromorphic creatures). Another thing I feel I need to adress is Racial alternates, such as Vampires, Werewolves, Revenants etc. They're okay, but I'd like you to PM me your idea of it.

The world is set in motion by Events. The Event I usually begin with is an Undead outbrake, where Vampire Lords seek to overthrow the king (There's no Mary Sue NPC's here! Everyone has a reason). Aside from that, I like a Sandbox-like playstyle, which is why I like defining the world before the start. We could start anywhere and go anywhere, though there are always concequences.

Now that I finished that boring, unimportant rant of mine, I'll start wraping this up. I have a few characters ready, but I'll choose based on other characters. I'd prefer if it would be realistic (even though it's a fantasy setting) that they'd meet. For example, two cutthroats might work for the same employer, but there's a slim chance that a cave digger and a princess will meet (Though, I am proven wrong by Snow White). That's it.

Oh, and since I'm not familiar with the site, I'm not setting the max number of players yet. I hope that @Milus will help me on this one. Eight seems reasonable, however. You can post your character ideas (both PC and NPC. If it's a PC it can also be considered an application, just be sure to provide a semi-detailed description and biography of the character, including abilities and equipment), world ideas, event ideas, and everything else in the comments.
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Hello OzirisXP, I am new to this website and I have only participated in only one RP and therefore I consider myself a beginner. I was hoping that, if you allow a beginner like myself to join, would you be willing to help me work through some ideas that I have for the world?  
Hi @OzirisXP! I'm really new to this site and I'd be very interested in this RP. If you'd be willing to take me, I would absolutely love to join! 
Everyone's welcome, new members and veterans alike. You're free to submit your ideas, characters and everything else here. One thing I will ask of older members is to have patience with me (and any other members that are new). I might need a bit guidance, but I hope not too much. Anyway, I think @Miluswill be joining us too. Now, I don't have a max number of players yet, but if there's more than that, I think that those who applied first should have an advantage. That means that you have a near 100% chance of being in the RP.
Everyone's welcome, new members and veterans alike. You're free to submit your ideas, characters and everything else here. One thing I will ask of older members is to have patience with me (and any other members that are new). I might need a bit guidance, but I hope not too much. Anyway, I think @Miluswill be joining us too. Now, I don't have a max number of players yet, but if there's more than that, I think that those who applied first should have an advantage. That means that you have a near 100% chance of being in the RP.

could we be allowed to make a genie character?
Well I was just going to make the average genie that grant wishes expect she wouldn't be restricted to a certain amount she can grant.
Well, diffrent worlds = diffrent Genies. A Genie in "Aladin" doesen't have to be the same as a Genie in "The Amulet of Samarkand". But, if you want a wish-granting genie, just note that that's a bit powerful and there have to be some restrictions. Maybe not to the amount of wishes, though. Some examples are: "You may only grant wishes to others." or "You may not grant X type of wishes."
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Well, diffrent worlds = diffrent Genies. A Genie in "Aladin" doesen't have to be the same as a Genie in "The Amulet of Samarkand". But, if you want a wish-granting genie, just note that that's a bit powerful and there have to be some restrictions. Maybe not to the amount of wishes, though. Some examples are: "You may only grant wishes to others." or "You may not grant X type of wishes."

oh! Yeah I see. Oh yeah I was going to restrictions on it. Like can't make people fall in love and bring people back from the dead. That kind of thing. And also I was going to have it where she has to have a master and can only grant wishes to the master she currently has.
That seems fine @animegirl20 ! For now we have 6 (or 7 if you include me) people that want to RP. Do we want to stick with that or let more people join?
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It is, @Carolbrock. Unless you think something is game breaking or not present in a fantasy universe, you can make anything. Though, remember, if the priestess gets her elemental powers from a God (instead of just supernatural bending), the God probably has (an) Elemental Domain(s).
My character is probably going to be a lycanthrope/werewolf, though I haven't decided if he's going to have anything else going for him.
When everyone decides on their character, I'll be making a post tagging everyone, placing a short description of their character next to their name.
@OzirisXP I made some lore for this RP that I would like you to look over. Please feel free to change anything that contradicts what you previously had planned or you just don't like. Oh and thank you for letting me join this RP.

Between the large civilization continent  and the wilderness continent there lies a isthmus that is primarily covered in desert. This area long ago was mainly used for transporting goods from one continent to the other but once travel by boat became an realty, the few things that are traded through this desert are smaller high value items, such as gems and well made silks. Within the desert the smaller villages that existed there soon became small towns and grew even larger over time to become city-states. The desert city-states are all independent of each other and have somewhat different cultures due to the vastly different traders that enter the cities. The main similarly that these cities all share with each other is the God Aenar and the sect of his.

Aenar is the God of ice, purity, and cleanliness. His sect is responsible for most of the cities’ sanitation. These priest and priestess are gifted the ability to control ice by their god. When anyone dies in the city, the sect is called upon to help deal with the body. They begin with freezing the body to stop the body from decaying and bring the body to the temple of Aenar and there they being to dress the body for the funeral. 

When travelers began to bring new diseases to the cities, the sect of Aenar became responsible for the care of the sick and dying. Due to the nature of the desert, it was not possible to grow the herbs need to cure these diseases it lead to many deaths. When a priest had accidentally began to freeze a living man that he thought dead, he saw that the man began to get better after this freezing. This event lead to the discovery that lead to the concept of freezing therapy that is used to fight diseases. Sadly, this doesn’t work on all diseases and sometimes the therapy itself can lead to deaths.

A priestess named Alya is traveling from her home in hopes to find a method to stop incoming diseases and find a safer way to treat them. (She will be my character and I will probably post a description of her once I work her personality out)
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@OzirisXP You said to post characters here so here's mine


Andrew Leonardes








A sword(the one shown in the photo) and a bow

Continent of birth:



Extremely talented archer and swordsman


His parents abandoned him at a young age, he learned quickly that the wilderness is no place for a child.  He made himself armour to camouflage in the wilderness.  At a young age he had a high kill count, most his kills were from his homemade bow that he traded for a better bow, he traded with a dead man.  He also killed men and women with his sword he got from a weapon wagon that was supposed to go the civilian continent.

His plans now: 

He started traveling to the civilian continent for better work(an assassin)
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@OzirisXP If the cs format is inappropriate, notify me as I am more than willing to change it. Just wanted to get my thoughts down.



Gora Uti.















872 lbs. (395 kg.)



×1 canvas drawstring sack.


Continent of birth:




1. Strength: Ogres are naturally sizable creatures, and with great size comes great strength. Gora can lift up to around 2.5× times his body weight under optimal conditions.

2. Durability: The skin and bones of ogres is naturally thicker and tougher than that of most other races, allowing Gora to survive, but not necessarily shrug off, impacts and attacks that might have killed smaller beings.

Vision: Gora has a more effective natural night vision than humans, but not by much.



1. Expert climber: Gora can climb most solid, uneven surfaces, from cliff faces to trees and castle walls.

2. Adept wrestler: Gora is skilled in the takedown of creatures his size or larger in a grapple.

3. Capable lobber: If he can throw it, he can throw it fairly well.



1. Recovery: Ogres possess a rather slow recovery rate from wounds, and it can take an incredibly long time to fully recover from serious injury.

2. Uneducated: Gora lacks any education, and doesn't really understand large societies in general.

3.Short fused: Gora is quick to anger, often with damaging results to both him and others.



Born deep in the Wilderness to a lost community of ogres, Gora was raised to survive in a harsh, unforgiving world. He learned from a young age the value of strength and fearlessness. He was cast out to survive at around eight, as is ogre fashion, and left to make his way in the Wilderness, alone. This went on for some time, until races like the Elves, Orcs, and the Animalistic began to expand deeper into the Wilderness, encroaching upon ogre land. Ogres, including Gora, found the first colonial settlements to be prime targets for those in need of food. Many ogre raids occurred, not always violent. If no one interfered, the ogre would usually just eat whatever they wanted from the storehouses and granaries, then leave. But if someone did interfere, then the ogres strength and knowledge of the Wilderness were brought to bare. The governments of the colonists were outraged once news of the attacks reached them, and sent forth armies to eradicate the threat. A mass inquisition of ogres ensued, resulting in the deaths of most in the region. Losses were unexpectedly large on the side of the societies as well, but, after half a year, it could safely be said that ogre raids were no longer a threat.


Gora survived. He fled from the soldiers, fighting when he needed to. Eventually he made it to an as yet uninhabited coastal region, and there he waited out the rest of the war. When he set out again, he could not find another ogre, not even one from another community. When he realized the damage that had been done to his race, he sank into a despair. But it didn't take, and was replaced by a dull anger. His will to live had not faltered, and he moved constantly, living off land and unwary traveler. After years of scraping by he came upon a band of entertainers, and was talked into joining them by their manager. He stayed with them, traveling across the cities of the Wilderness as a "captured" troll. Eventually, there act became profitable enough that the manager wanted to move it to Civilization. Finding he had nothing left in the Wilderness, Gora agreed. However, when they arrived, the manager tried to get Gora to improve his performance. He wanted Gora to have a tamer, and act as if he was a beast barely held at bay for fear of the whip. Gora, enraged, refused. The manager threatened him if he didn't agree to the changes, and Gora promptly crushed him. He ran off into Civilization, unsure of where he could go in life.



1. Somehow achieve vengeance on the nations of the Wilderness.

2. Reform ogre society.

3. Find happiness as one of the last ogres (if that's true).
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The cs format is perfect as it is, though settlements in the Wilderness are usually villages and tribes. However, there are enough towns that it doesen't clash with your backstory.

I don't really understand that. Plant spirit/ghost as in: Dryad, spirit of nature, Ghost of a dead plant or a possessed plant?
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It's okay. Everything's fine really, as long as it's not 'game' breaking or some kind of deux ex machina.

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