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Fandom A Different Kind of Madoka Magica RP


In the last world, a magical girl changed the world for the better. But there are those who would change it back...

In another timeline, after Madoka's death and Homura's departure, a group of puellae magi banded together, and at the cost of life, limb and soul, defeated Walpurgisnacht. One Grief Seed was dropped. Two of the remaining girls remaining girls turned into Witches, and the other died defeating them.

The girl she saved made a contract, and wished for a world where nobody would ever turn into a Witch again, a world where her friends might survive.

Ten years later, that girl is still eternally fourteen years old, and puellae magi no longer turn into Witches. Instead, they slay Nightmares that drop Dream Seeds, and collecting thirteen grants a girl a wish. But every Dream Seed used dims a star, and magic has dangerous effects on the girls and their world.

In the coastal city of Rosefield, a group of desperate girls learns the rules of the world the girl and the Incubator created. Will they get their wishes? Can they change their fate?

Based off of Ewen Cluney's "Magical Burst" and "Magical Fury".
It was a particularly cold day when Clover and Kyari met Lucy.

The Nightmare was in the hospital, Kyuubey had said, so Clover insisted they make their way there in their regular clothes and transform in a bathroom. That had been easier said than done - it required a bit of waiting, and even then, the lightshow might have attracted some attention. Clover did not care for extra attention lately. She made sure the hall was empty before walking outside, and took the quickest route that Kyuubey could guide her down. After many steps and a few weird looks and whispers of "oh my gosh, two magical girls?", they made it to the labyrinth. They could tell they were getting close because the rooms in the overlong hallway no longer housed people; they housed amalgamations of needles and broken dolls.

The lighting was poor within the labyrinth, and the air smelled like paint. The walls dripped silver, purple and gold, and broken brushes littered the floor. Little familiars, tiny needles and IV cords, scuttled around. Clover made a slow, protective loop around Kyari, swinging her batons to knock the enemies away. A light shined at the end of the hallway. As they got closer to it, they could see a large moth casting a shadow. And, approaching from the other side of the hallway, a humanoid form.

A... magical girl?

"Hey!" Clover called, jumping at the chance to interact with someone. "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

(@EssentPon @SdrawcabDaer )

(@Karcen @Lil Shirou , just wanted to let you two know the roleplay has begun. @Gigi , good to see you're working with them on interaction.)
Lucy had discovered the Nightmare by pure luck. Usually, she took a short cut trough the park when walking home, but today, she had decided to walk by the hospital. She wasn't sure why she did, as the path was longer, but she guessed that she was just in that mood. However, when she walked past the hospital, she could immediately feel that something was off. She knew that hospital often had a lot of negative energy, as people often died there, but there was way more negative energy than it should be. It had to be a witch.

The short girl ran straight for the labyrinth, as she didn't want to loose the Nightmare this time too. She transformed inside of the labyrinth, and then searched. She found it quickly, as it resembled a giant moth, and those weren't exactly easy to miss. However, before she could attack it, she noticed two other magical girls on the other end of the room. Lucy couldn't believe it. She had hurried so much to get the Nightmare, and yet, two other magical girls ahd come there before her.

When one of the magical girls cakked at her, she jumped a little.

-Um...My name is Lucy, and I'm a magical girl, she started. I was going to slay this Nightmare, but you can have it if you want. I don't want to fight you...

@EssentPon @Mollisol
Clover was taken aback by the girl's passive reply. "Well, uh, thank you? I think we've got it. But..." she picked her brain. "I've seen you at school before. Maybe you were at a pep rally or something?" She didn't recall Lucy being one of the girls that whispered about her behind her back, but if Lucy brought up anything about how she got kicked off the squad, she'd been waiting for some kind of revenge. Not killing her. Just scaring the hell out of her if she ever came near again. As the other girl listened and formulated an answer, she turned to Kyari. "You got anything on her?"
"No, I do not. I barely know anyone here besides you..." Kyari looked towards Lucy with concern yet helpfulness. "If you wish, we can fight it together. I don't have a problem with that." She never had a problem with anything, for that matter. "If not then... If that's what you want." She glanced between Lucy and Clover, waiting for a response. "What do you think?"
Lucy was surprised by other pink haired magical girl's reply. She had never thought that any of schoolmates could be a magical girl. The short girl looked at the fighters for a while. At first she didn't recognise them, since they were a lot older than her, however their faces seemed familiar. She was rather sure she had seen the girl with the brown hair in the hallways, and she remembered seeing the other one at a sports event, as a cheerleader.

- Yes. I think we go to the same school. You're a cheerleader, right?

Lucy liked the proposition that was ptsented, however, she wanted to see the other girls opinion before saying anything.

@Mollisol @EssentPon
"I think that'd be okay," Clover said. "So, Lucy, Kyari and I have a formation that we like to go into. She's the healer, and I'm the bruiser who protects her. What do you do?" She nervously eyed the Nightmare, which was flitting around attending to its minions.
Lucy was glad that the pink haired wanted to team up. She wondered who would get the dreamseed, but well, the important was ridding the world of nightmares, not collecting seeds, right? Besides, if they were three, they were less likely to die.

-Um... I can shoot things...um, arrows... with my crossbow, she said, embarassed that she had forgotten the word 'arrow.'. Her cheeks became slightly red tinted. Using my magic, I can make the arrows have different effects, like ice and things...

@Mollisol @EssentPon
"How odd, I have a crossbow myself." Kyari showed off her weapon. "I guess not every weapon is unique." She shrugged, seeming to go along with it. "My powers multiply my arrows and crossbow. I can also make a shield for myself and heal others. That is pretty much it for me."
Clover grinned. "And I have batons, so I can do this." She twirled one of her batons so that a spike-ball was launched in the direction of the Nightmare, smashing it. The startled moth fluttered over to them, scales falling from its wings. "I don't like those at all. Better get rid of this thing quick."

As the moth approached, its familiars seemed incensed that the Nightmare had been hurt. The IV cords, which had centipede-like legs, skittered into a circular formation around them, and a wave of walking needles prepared to attack. Clover gritted her teeth, and swung her baton-flails in wide arcs between the other girls, smashing through several familiars. However, the arcs were too high to hit the IV centipedes, three of which crawled underneath and gave Clover some swift bites.

"Oh, God," Clover said as she pushed them away with a black pocket of vacuum, cringing at the pain and the darkening of her Soul Gem. "That... stung..."
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Using her crossbow, Kyari shot at the three familiars. 1%. Small magic. Nothing special about shooting arrows. Now summoning two extra crossbows, however.... 6% Kyari began to shoot with all three crossbows at the Nightmare. 12%

"Keep going!"

To be safe, she cleansed her gem, causing the area outside of the barrier to start growing ferns. The staff of the hospital can clean that up.
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Katja and her sister Yui had been visiting her father as they often did in the hospital, but today it seemed a nightmare had taken up residence in the halls of the hospital. That could not be allowed to stand, while katja didn't actually care about gathering the gems and getting a wish as to her she already had her wish so what more could she wan she did not want her father to be devoured by one of those abominations.

" We have work" Katja said to Yui her voice carrying no urgency despite the situation. She did care but Katja was not one to show it she had a hard time understanding others and being understood.

Katja did not wait for her sister and quickly went in and started searching for the pocket realm of the nightmare, she would destroy it before it could hurt anyone in the hospital.
Lucy jumped back when the Nightmare attacked. She took forth her crossbow and started shooting towards the bug-like creature, not really paying attention to the fact that her soul gem was getting darker. As far as she knew, the darkness was only some smudge. When she saw that Clover was struggling with the IV cord familiars, she decided that it would be time to use her magic. She shot an array of explosive arrows towards them, finishing some of them of. Now she couldn't help but notice that her gem was darker. 17 %. She started to feel a small, but noticeable pain in her shoulders. Must be from carrying that crossbow all the time, she thought.
Yui was busy moving people out of danger. In case of any backlash happen nobody would get hurt. " come on. Hurry up please." She said to people as she moved them to the other end of the hospital. When she got everyone to the other side. "Please stay here i come back when its safe."

Yui then sets her eyes on finding her sister. She transforms into her magical form. With water forming her clothing and bow. "Katja where are you?".
Kyari shot 30 more bolts from her three crossbows at the moth. 6% dark. Another 30 were shot. Another 6%. That makes 12%. A small sting was felt on her arm so she released her magic again while the percentage was still low. This caused the hospital lights outside of the barrier to flicker.

"Not much longer..."
Katja had moved though the hospital stopping time here and there to move faster, brief stops did very little to accumulate magic not that katja was one to let it build up and she made it common practice t cleanse her soul gem after every battle. The big issue was to get rid of the nightmare before it had time to kill to many Yui would be safe for long as she made it to the nightmare first.

Finally after running though the hospital the world changed and she found the pocket where the nightmare hid and to her surprise other magical girls. They were not dead so that was a good thing still they had yet to kill the nightmare so that was bad and because of its location Katja would help. She slowed time to a crawl while it remained the same for here allowing her to move past the familiar and even on top of some to use as stepping stones to get onto the nightmare.

Then time resumed and Katja stabbed down onto the Nightmares head figuring if it looked like a moth then the head should be just as vital to nightmare as it was to a real moth.
Kyari was impressed by Katja's effort. But the fight was far from over. With her gem fully clean and spirits high she prepared herself for her finale... She desummoned the extra two crossbows and focused on her main one. Soon... It grew. And grew. It was her weapon so it was easy for her to hold it, no matter the size. The arrow began to glow immensely.

"It was severely weakened... But all we need is one final push..."

She looked towards Clover and Lucy.

"On your cue."
Yui finally catches up to everyone and the battle. She a little surprise to see so many magical girls in one spot. "Sister i got everyone out of danger. Is the nightmare almost gone?" Yui says as the others prepare to finish off the nightmare.
Clover got up and wound her batons up. "Lucy? Are you ready?" She didn't wait for a response, and slammed both spikeballs into the moth's head before it had a chance to attack, spilling some blue liquid from its skin and dragging it over to the girls, about to finish it off, when there was a sharp burst of pain behind her ear.

She dropped her batons on top of the flailing moth, and motioned to the other girls. "I'm going to purge before I get much darker," she said, panting. "Somebody close-range want to kill this thing, and then we can figure out why we're all converged here?" She hadn't remembered this many magical girls in Rosefield. Sure, there had to be more besides her and Kyari, but there were... what, five in total? And all defeating the same Nightmare?

Kyuubey appeared next to them. "Sounds like a plan. In the meantime, we ought to find an exit quickly."

Clover gritted her teeth, and her Soul Gem jumped from her collarbone to its egg shape in her hand. It looked about 23% dark. She took a deep breath, and exhaled hard as she purged it, causing a sweltering pink haze to hover outside the labyrinth for a few seconds. "And why exactly is that, my secretive little friend?"

"Because--" Kyuubey was interrupted by the distinctive whirring of someone entering the barrier. Clover turned around at the sound, squinting with reinvigorated eyes to see who was there.

@Gigi , the battle is ending soon, so feel free to enter the fray and make a grab for the Dream Seed whenever you'd like.)
"Assaulting charge! FIRE!"

The charged up arrow was shot from the crossbow straight for the moth. When it hit, a large explosion was formed. This was the last hit needed to kill the Nightmare.

It was odd. It was only her and Clover. Now it's all these other people. She doesn't like competition. Not one bit. But she won't burst in rage about it. She's calm like that.

Her gem was 15% dark. Another stinging feeling in her arm. She cleansed her gem, causing the area outside of the barrier to develop some litter. She can clean that up when she leaves.

Ready to go, she invited Kyuubey onto her shoulder. She was going to question him later. Calmly and curious. Not harshly and suspicious.

"So what brings everyone here? Are we here just for defeating the nightmare or for the dream seed?"
Lucy was surprised to yet another two magical girls. She hadn't before considered that there may be many magical girls. However, now that she thought about , she guessed that there could very well be hundreds of magical girls in Rosefield. Maybe even magical boys? The short girl continued to shoot arrows towards the Nightmare, until finally it exploded tanks to a charged arrow by Kyari.

After the Nightmare had exploded, she looked at Dream Seed it had dropped. She wondered who would take it. Clover had already gone away. Maybe she was one of those heroic magical girls that slayed Nightmares for the protection of the people rather than for Dream Seeds? Lucy decided to wait and see how the others would react beore doing anything.
Katja had seen the final attack coming while she was still on the moth so as it came at her she stopped time and jumped down though the air towards the girl that had fired the air. She landed on the ground and time was still paused as she moved up. She would normally want to teach the two girls that had attacked the moth while she was on it a lesson but Yui was here so that took priority.

When time resumed Katja was next to Yui. She too saw the seed but unlike other she was not afraid to look greedy. " The seed in mine " She said flatly to others it would sound as though she had no emotions.
Unable to see the intruder, Clover jumped back at the sound of the other magical girl's voice. "And just who are you to claim that?"

She was distracted by something fluttering for the briefest of seconds as the barrier started collapsing, leaving only the gridded orb of the Dream Seed and the oddly empty (fern-covered, litter-strewn) hospital hallway. It was... a tattered book. With a hornet-yellow cover.

"Don't!" Kyuubey called, but it was too late, as Clover dove for the book.

"Would you look at this! Wonder what it can do for us, Kyari!" she said, glaring at the magical girl who'd tried to claim her prize. She wasn't sure exactly what she wanted in this case, but if Kyuubey didn't want her to have it, it was probably incredibly valuable.

Naomi entered the field, she'd been watching. She was always watching, there were five magical girls already weren't they all lovely heroes. Lovely. Let's sacrifice our self's for others, she scoffed. The buddy system wouldn't last long. It was survival of the fittest. The strongest one would get their wish granted first. She landed gracefully and strolled by the group pushing past Yui and Katja. She drew her sword.

They had all exited the pocket space and she saw the pink haired magical held firmly in her grasp.

"I'm selfish little bitch. I won't hesitant to kill single one of you."

Aiming The slender weapon to Clover's neck.

"Kyubey you made new friends. That's nice. Will you please hand it over. I kinda on a time here. "


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