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A Demon Among Us

Ashley woke up in her home in the small town of Regnai and took a bit to actually stand up. She was still living there despite her wanting to move to the big city or even get her own section of the Underworld/Hell/Whatever it's called. She put on her normal clothes and walked out, it was peaceful outside to say the least.

She ran her fingers through her hair and walked forward. Hopefully she'd see some people act dumb or something or someone would probably want to date her for her looks. She liked humans this way but would like to see cousins and distant brothers and sisters but they were nowhere to be found.
So, yes. Marino did live in a small(ish) town and yes, he did work at his parents mini mart. Marino pushed his fingers through his now shoulder length hair and set them back on the task of steadily drumming a beat on the cash register counter top. Beneath his fingers were lotto tickets under the glass case, and a quick survey to his left and right displayed an exciting variety of foods with varying obesity risks. The three prepubescent kids sorting through the 25 cent candy and the whirl of the slushie machine were the only noises piercing the silence. "Exciting...." he mumbled to himself. Marino turned his attention the window. He knew his parents needed his help, what with watching over his bratty and very much loved 3 younger siblings. But, what about him? He watched a lady walk by, dark wavy hair bouncing in the wind. Couldn't he just be free to live his life out of these automatic doors? "Come on..."
Then Ashley had a thought she never had before.

'Wait, I forgot! There's something I can try here. Maybe some "candy" as they call it. Maybe not, I don't need to eat anyway. Meh, let's go.' She thought walking to the nearest store. There was a guy at the counter and children playing around. 'My my, the young ones are always my favorite.' She walked through the store and found nothing appealing. Maybe that guy lied to her, or she just forgot the description. Either way she headed for the door, which moved on it's own. Technology was really good for humans, sucks that they stopped using magic.
Marino blinked. "Wait! I -" he blurted out of nowhere to the woman who...who was minding her own business? Marino had no idea why he had called out to her, but somehow he had been unable to keep his eyes off her as soon as she entered the store. Okay, weird. Come on, please have an internal monologue that was less like the incredibly gross early 21 year old that I am... The three kids pushed themselves up to the counter, handfuls of candy grasped in their fists. He ignored them, and tried to make a coherent sentence to compel the woman not to leave, for some reason? "I - um! Did you need help finding something?" He forced out, offering a pained smile. Please, Marino. Be more embarrassing. Love you, man, you the best.
Ashley froze, she didn't expect anyone to talk to her here. But at least she wasn't going to be bored all day like any other day where nobody did anything. The overworld was like that most of the time, but hey, free fun with a human.

"Hmm, is there anything here that's good? Other than you, of course." She jabbed at him, it felt good to compliment people. Maybe it was her semi-kindness that didn't allow her to live where she belonged. She still had no idea but that was her best guess. 'Oh, children are here. Well I guess I can watch them until something else happens.' She thought shrugging.
If the sudden heat spreading to his ears was any indication that Marino probably should have kept his mouth shut, he tried not to acknowledge it. "I-I'm not, uh, good..." He swiftly took the candy that was dropped on the counter from the children. He barely even bothered to count the assortment of change released from their grubby paws, before shoving the spoils back over to them. Thankfully, the kids (who maybe should bathe more) were scurrying out the automatic doors when Marino turned his attention back to the woman, now only in the company of lottery tickets, cheap beer, and junk food. "I just thought," he raised his voice a bit and pushed his fingers through his hair. "I mean, I just feel like you may have forgotten something." Honestly, he had no clue where he was going with this. Marino was not usually one to hit on women, especially in the confines of his family's convenience store - he could almost hear the voice of his mother, nagging about the reputation of the store. He was usually a good guy, it was the truth! But, Marino just felt something...completely inexplicable but urging him to not just let the woman leave.
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She smiled. So today was going way better than expected.

"Oh of course you are, you have this place all to yourself. I don't think I forgot anything...So any plans for later?" She asked just wanting to not have her day ruined by just leaving him alone. This guy looked handsome to say the least. Hopefully he would do more funny things that she'd seen in human behavior.
"Plans?" Marino repeatedly incredulously. Admittedly, he had washed his hair that morning for the first time in like, four days - but was this woman actually into him? He offered her a half smile, aiming for interested but probably landing on apologetic. Damn, drop the act, dude! "I'm sorry," Marino let out a soft sigh. He should just not even try to be smooth. "I know this sounds stupid, but I just felt something really weird when I saw you," he admitted. "Like some freaky urge to - " No. NO! That sounds way too sexual. "No, I mean like a desire - " Okay, no that's worse, Marino! Quit fucking up, you'll be a registered sex offender before you know it! He cleared his throat. "What I mean is, I felt like we know each other....somehow?"

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