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Fandom A Dc Universe Rp: The Age of Chaos

"Sounds like gibberish useless to me." Nygma shrugged and pointed towards a red looking place, by the corner of the next street. "I do not remember the name, apologize, something like Sinatra's-- I don't remember." He shrugged again and peered through the window in thought. "You sound like a comic book I used to read as a child, rather dull - short story, too messy, too grim."
"My father... He solved every riddle. He was perfect... Why am I not like him?" He said, half talking to himself. "I failed the first one."
"What first one?" Toby asked the guy in a batsuit. Either he's actually Batman or some random other guy in the suit. Seeing the explosion, Toby didn't want any involvement in it but he was curious. "Oh and I'm not one of the bad guys."
"The first riddle! The first riddle he's ever given me, and I got it wrong... Who are you?" He asked.
Deadshot peered through his scope at the trio. As they sat there talking Jake zeroed in his sight and adjusted for the coming wind. "Remember your training, Remember your training." Jacob repeated to himself as he prepared his shot. He loaded the kryptonite bullet, the thing had cost him a fortune but if he could kill Superman then it would all be worth it. The bullet was heavier than others and he was firing from over 2000 meters away, so it would take a few seconds before it would hit, "Superman will be dead before he hears the shot" Jacob thought. He took a deep breath, steadying the scope, and squeezed the trigger as the 12.7mm rifle let out a satisfying crack.
"My name's Toby Harper, y'know the son of the rejected sidekick-" He was going to say more but he heard the sound of a gun and he shot into the guy who looked like Superman's son or something. "Superboy! Or whoever you are and Batboy!" He called by the nicknames he just gave them. He quickly caught them both and started flying in the opposite direction of the bullet.
"So that's how it's going to, huh" Deadshot loaded a fresh magazine and begin sending shot downrange hoping to down the vigilante approaching him.
((Since no one has posted for about 8-9 hours I'm going to do a Time Skip, heroes will be in the justice league, and villains will be in their HQ in Jump City. Sorry if you wanted to do something but this way the new characters can easily jump in.))

Back in the Justice League the current living heroes of the old generation were talking with the newer one. ((I'm assuming Superman is still alive)) superman looked at his son "It's okay.... Sometimes we fail missions but failing will strengthen us as we strive never to make that mistake again. Though it's worrying that there's someone out there who's strength and power can equal ours... Anyways the man who sent us this request will be arriving in a few days so we'll learn more about this mysterious boy."

((For now on you can play your parents or at least the ones that are still alive if you choose. Also I was planning to have the rest of the old generation of heroes to still be alive but that sorta failed. Same thing with the Villains.))

Back at Jump City the car had parked in an Abandoned Warehouse because an anonymous message was sent to Red X about fixing her power problem. They went through a door that had a staircase, after going down the stairs they opened another door that led to the actual HQ. Inside they were met with the villains if the old generations and their comrades. Instantly a man came up to the group "Ah finally you've arrived! I've already set up shop here since I'm here to help you people with whatever you need especially with technology and hacking, the reason I'm helping you is to beat the justice league and let you guys take over. Now Chaos come with me! We have much to discuss." He and chaos both left as everyone received a message containing the money they earned which was a lot. Like a couple hundred grand.



((I hope I got everyone!))
But dad I failed I had him but I just couldn't get the shot. We were out numbered and everything I tried didn't work*Blake clinched his fist* I could have got him but you said bring him back alive.
Raiden walked into the Watchtower with his father Captain Marvel. "Okay sun see the old guy over there that resembles superman you see on posters and old videos. Well that is him, we fought once and he won because back then I never honed my magic skills as much as I should have with my real life and all. Unlike you son I made sure you honed your magic and body to reach your full potential. Anyway I have to return to the Rock of Eternity so get to know these guys." Captain Marvel said before disappearing. Raiden scanned the room looking at the other next gen heroes. This looked like the guys he'd be fighting alongside, he hoped they are reliable.
Blake looked over at raiden and seen him scouting the room. Then walks over to him and sticks his hand out.* Hello comrade my name is Blake son of superman I will probley be assisting you on almost all of your missions.
(Btw Blake got shot with a kryptonite bullet earlier)

"What's with the formalities, c'mon now we're all friends right? If not we are now!" Nick smiled and he went next to them.
( I thought he dodged it) Yeah I hope we are all friends. Comrades need to get along on missions and off good friends always make a good team.*Blake smiles at them both.*
"I am Raiden Son of Captain Marvel, your or our friend here has a point." Raiden said as he shook Blake's hand. "I couldn't help but here some of you guys in here talking about a mission earlier. What happened? Why did some of you sound a little down over the subject?"
Well.. We failed an important mission we were outnumbered and I got the floor mopped with me. None of my powers worked. * He looked disappointed as he said that.* We should have got him.
"But aren't you Superman's son? How could your powers have not worked? What you speak of is unheard of unless.......... could it be that they had kryptonie? My father told me Superman was only ever truly vulnerable to magic and kryptonite." Raiden responded scratching his head.
No he said he was made in a test tube. Plus I couldn't kill him we needed him alive. The thing was he was faster than me too.*He looked at him with a stern face.* He block everyone of my attacks and freezing him didn't work.
Deadshot looked at the money, flipping through it. "I could get used to the fat stacks" he said looking at the rest of the group. He was a bit overwhelmed, the children of the worst villains were going to attempt something their parents had failed. Personally he was ready, he'd always wanted to see what it looked like when a Batman takes a 12.7mm round to the skull.
"Faster than you...... Could it be a knock off of Flash, Zoom, or some other Speed based warrior was genetically engineered? Anyway it doesn't matter bur what does is that we hunt this guy down. Since you said you failed that means this guy or his associates are still at large. Got any leads on them?" Raiden asked stroking his chin.
He's with red X and a couple others. No if that was the case he wouldn't be able to block the freeze breath or laser eyes. Plus he could teleport. We still haven't found the strangers names.
Red X was miffed when she had made it back to her base with her two passengers. It had been taken over, by strangers she had no clue of and they were ordering Chaos around. She may not have known the guy, even thought of the guy as a prize of course, but it urked her that this stranger went around ordering them like they were his soldiers. Not cool.

She didn't do something about it though, not yet. She had to know where Chaos stood in all this and get intel on this group because them being in her city, screw that. There was a reason she left Gotham alone and made Jump City her home. Red X did not like others being in her city unless she invited them in. Chaos and Nygma were there for a reason. "I'm all for causing trouble with the Justice League, but on my own terms and when I know I can actually take them down. Who made you the boss anyways?"
Thomas repaired his broken equipment back at the bat cave. He struggled with the thought of not being smart enough for these villains. His father outsmarted them easily. Thomas was not his father, after all.
Blake dashed off in anger. And flew to the bat cave to talk to Thomas. Hey, *he said as he punched the wall*
"Hey- hey!! Don't bring the cave down on top of us! What happened, Blake?" He asked. When he punched the wall, the sound resonated and echoed.
We couldn't stop them. My dad could have killed them all no problem and I couldn't even restrain one

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