A Court of Kings

Well now, even Carl had been stumped by the statement. Had anyone predicted such a question? However, Carlton sat still. This was his opportunity to relinquish his 'daughter' of her unknown past, yet her hand was not his to lend. Katherine owed a duty to others, one that could not be bound by a king. "I'm sorry, my grace. But there are forces here that can't allow me to accept this proposal in her name."
Victor looked at him disappointed. "I'll not push the issue, I'll see you tomorrow"

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"I thank you, your majesty." Carlton said, somewhat wishing that the king would have pressed the issue and forced the words from his illegitimate mouth. Instead, the man ran to Katherine's chambers. Upon arriving, he saw the princess. Instead of ordering her to leave, Carlton instead demanded "Katherine. I must speak to you in my chambers. Immediately." He said, in a cool, harsh tone.

Katherine gave Cassie an apologetic glance as she jumped from her bed and put on her red evening robe. Somewhat afraid of her father, Kat followed closely on his heels.
Almost feeling spurned Victor sat drinking his wine, reading as he watched his fire burn

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After Carlton finished his story, Katherine remained sitting in her chair. She was shocked, scared and felt suddenly very aware of her new responsibilities. But most of all, she felt betrayed. "So, that means you are not a father.. But my uncle?" She asks, tears welling at her eyes. "And uncle George is.. Is..." She couldn't even say it.

She felt alone. The memories that she had of her mother were now confusing, and very, very privileged by the looks of it.

"And you, my dear. Now have even a greater secret. One that goes far beyond your parents.. But is rooted in your heritage." Carlton said, slyly.

He also thought that it was probably a good thing he did not tell his niece of the Kings proposal. 
Katherine finally composed herself, and rose from her chair. She could no longer be a teenager, a child. She had to grow up, for the sake of the lives and well being of others. "I need to take a walk." She said.

"Are you sure, my grace?" Carlton asked, but Katherine was already gone.
"My body cannont sleep tonight my lady." Cassie said before Katherines father came. After seeing her leave, Cassie headed back to her chambers. down the hall was the one she wished to take with her and to protect her. He seemed worried knocking and quietly yelling for the Princess. A minutet later, she began to speak, "Seler, Good Evening," in a gentle voice and a smile. "What brings you to awaken?"

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"I merely heard a voice, making sure there's no trouble my lady"

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"I'm greatful for your protection." Cassie replied. "I would rather you gather sleep." She was now by a coupe feet away.

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"Nonsense my lady, I will keep watch. You get your rest" Seler replied with a now as he left the room

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Princess Cassie watched him leave. "Good evening Seler." She said as she closed the door behind him. Cas decided to surprise Seler after court with his king.

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Katherine wandered the halls, hoping to find her way to the kitchen. Upon her arrival, she snuck into the wine cellar and stole a bottle for herself. She was sad and scared, but mostly afraid of what this new information now meant. Katherine went back upstairs, taking swigs of the bottle. Eventually, she found a quaint little lounge area on the ledge of a window in the east wing. 
*Next Day?*
The night went soundly as dawn approached. Morning sunlight shined through the windows as Cassie woke to ready herself for court with the king to request Sir. Seler to return with her home. A handmaiden knocked on the door and silently entered. "Good morning Princess." said the maid, "Shall I assist you?" "That shall be wonderful. Thank you." Cassie replied as she got up from bed. After a quick bathe, she hurried to become presentable and headed to see the King.
Katherine was awaken by the sound of the bottle she had drank crashing to the ground. Startled, she slowly began to remember where she was, why she was there, etc. Her window sill hiding spot wasn't much protection against her thoughts. She sighed, her head pounding. She began to make her way to her chambers. 
Carlton awoke in a chair, realizing he must have drifted off last night. He then called for a guard and handed him a small, sealed envelope that was embroidered and contained a specific seal. "This is to be sent to the Amorian Court" Carlton explained before the guard left.
The princess walked through the hall. Noticing Katherine, she spoke. "Lady Katherine? Good morning." Cassie spoke in a gentle voice. She was nervous about court today with the king and her hands were shaking. "How was you evening?"

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Victor walked downstairs to sit in the throne room with his friend king of Valain. Waiting for the others to arrive

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"Very eye opening." Katherine responded non - chalantly. She pressed at her temples as a sharp pain in her head arose and passed. "If I may, I shall excuse myself in order to prepare for today's meeting at Court. I think it may be one of the more important." She told the princess, feeling bad for leaving her so soon.

Katherine went to her chambers and was dressed in a gorgeous red silk dress that made her golden complexion seemingly more warm. Her hair was in long, loose waves and her smile seemed bright, yet forced. Quickly, she made her way to court.
King Andre raised his hands in delight. "Lady Katherine, welcome. Would you like some wine?"

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Katherine's headache forbade her from even touching a single glass. Instead, she curteseyed politely. "I kindly reject your offer, your grace." She said, flashing a warm smile. Instead, she looked for her father, no wait, her uncle... But he was no where to be found.
Victor glanced at her silently. His expression wasn't very pleasant. Of course his offer being refused was the reason for such an expression.

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As Katherine's eyes scanned the crowd for her uncle, she caught the gaze of the king. His expression was ice cold and seemingly stared right through her. Kat smiled slightly, offering a small wiggle of her fingers as a wave.
Victor looked across the room pretending he saw nothing. Seler stood beside King Andre surveying the room.

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Katherine was surprised to see the kings expression shift so quickly. She then wandered outside, not seeing her uncle. She didn't feel safe at court, not with the risk of them discovering her secret.

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