A Court of Kings

"Cassius.." He said referring to the servant as he fell to his knees.

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Princess Cas saw him go down on his knees. She headed back into her room and placed her morning robe on. "Guards, what has happened?" She finally said waiting for a responds.

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"A fight broke out. War has finally been declared. It appears this summit is going to end early. The Duph are leaving" the guard said as Seler lamented.

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"Thank you." She replied as she swiftly and gracefully walked towards the dining hall. Seeing the chaos, she screamed from the sign of blood.

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King Victor stood angrily as Seler ran to Cassius' body. "It looks like this summit has turned into a damned war room" Victor said

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-Seler...- thought Cassie. Walking towards Victor. "Your majesty King Victor..." She spoke with a scared shaky tone in her voice. Placing a hand an his shoulder. "What has happened?"

In that moment the dark figure from the ship came into the room. "They were going after you princess. As it appears, you are worth killing for." He was beside Cassius and walking towards the princess.

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"Bastard" Seler shouted in Valinyin and drew his sword. As guards surrounded the man from all sides.

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"He'll speak in the dungeon" Victor responded. "Talk whoever you are. Talk now!" King Andre shouted

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"I am the son of a knight, a protected sworn to risk my life for the princess. I am the head knight of Princess Cassie." Said the man in a proud, confident tone.

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"I'll have proof at one" Victor demanded. "Princess have you met this man?"

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"We grew up together before she was sent away. My father, Sir Calloway, gave me his dagger." He held out the dagger to give to Cassie with the blade towards him. On the handle was the crest of her family knights.

"Yes. On my adventures to collect seashells, he'd accompany me. He is Sir Calloway, Isaiah Calloway.

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"Very well. We will discuss this further Sir Calloway" Victor said as he exhaled. "Sir Seler, escort and protect Princess Cassie, do not forget your duty" King Andre spoke commandingly as Seler bowed "Come with me my lady"

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"I will follow Sir Seler." Cassie replied still holding the dagger. "Keep my dagger Princess, for safety." She heard Isaiah say as she walked towards her chambers.

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Seler entered Cassie's chamber looking around the room "My lady, I'm sorry for the outburst it's just..." he said before stopping himself

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"That's alright. Please finish you thoughts. I'd care to learn how my protectors feel." She replied feeling his pain.

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"It's not a very knightly thing to admit my lady" Seler responded as he stood staring across of the room. "My lady Cassius and I were close."

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"I understand the knightly honor." She paused looking into his eyes. "My knights who protected me all died I the invasion of my kingdom. Even some innocent lives such as my handmaiden." Putting her hand on his, she spoke again. "If it make you any better, I shall make she Cassius has a proper burial."

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Seler's eyes filled with tears. "My lady. We... I.. I loved Cassius.." He said as he sat down, seemingly ashamed as he cried.

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"A knight shall stay strong in battle, and as when one who is loved, tears are alright." She replied. "I am sorry of my presence..." She said after felling sadness develop through out the room.

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"It is not your fault my lady" Seler told her reassuringly "You have been too kind to me"

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"If my presence was not here, Cassius would not have been harmed nor killed." Pausing as she sat down. "The enemy of my kingdom want my body to be cold, breathless, as I stay alive, hope is left and all power can not be achieved."

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