A Court of Kings

"Of course, they should be meeting for a dinner my lady." Seler responded as they entered a large dining room. At each end the kings sat.

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"Your majesties, we have return safe as we left." Cassie told the kings as she curtseyed once more before taking her seat.

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Victor sat drinking his wine watching across the room, the King of Duphonte. He sat chuckling with his family, his court. Occasionally looking over to him having a laugh. He watched the woman who was to be his betrothed at one point sit with a man who would soon be the king of Duphonte whisper in her ear. It angered him greatly.

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With the tired some journey Princess Cassie decided to head to her chambers. "Excuse, I shall go retire for the night." She sari to her gracious host and walked towards King Victor. "My king, I shall see you in the morning. I'd like to thank the for allowing me to accompany you to the summit." She curtseyed and followed a servant to her chambers.

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King Andre's servant escorted her to her room "My lady, it truly is an honor"

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"Thank you. Send forth a message to Sir Seler to remember the events of today. He'll know what it means." Cassie put on her night dress and fell asleep instantly.

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"I shall my lady. H-he is very brave." The servant said to her with a smile. As he rushed off.

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Coming up from the chilly waters, the dark figure stood behind a nearby tree, watching over the princess. Seeing her go to bed, he waited. "Goodnight princess..." He walked around to the inside of the building and stood by her door when coming done the hall was Sir Seler. He watched and hoped her would know him from the boat.

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"And who might you be?" Seler asked the man as he held his sword ready to draw.

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"I..I'm a friend with the princess, and was given orders to watch over her." He replied with a lump in his throat.

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"You're in my kings palace, I distrust your tone. I will watch the princess and you will be on your way. If you're wise that is" Seler told him smoothly, recognizing him from the ship.

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"I do hope with that the gods will give you the power to protect the princess." He said as he walked away, trying to keep from making eye contact.

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"More than enough power to deal with anything" Seler said with a grin. He then knocked on the door.

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Katherine was tired after a long day of travel, but remained at the dining room table, playing with a fork and some of her food. Her father had already gone to bed, yet she stayed, drinking to her hearts content. She looked around the room, her dark hair curled and tousled. She sighed, biting her full, bottom lip.
The kings discussed the state of their lands for awhile, then it was back to the relaxing. Prince Alec of Duphonte began conversing with Victor. "I'm so glad you've made it Victor" he said coyly. Victor responded "I misheard you. You meant your majesty correct?" King Victor said growing impatient as the room fell silent.

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Katherine looked up, resting her chin on her arm that laid across the table. She didn't feel the need to act like a princess, after all, she wasn't one. Her attention was drawn to the discussion between the different royalties. Lady Kate sighed again.
"King Victor, I'm terribly sorry. You've met my lady haven't you?" Alec said smugly. The kings patience had run thin.

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Hearing the knock, Cassie woke up enough to say a few words. "Thank you Sir Seler, I hope tonight is calm." And fell asleep again.

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Seler left a couple of sentries at the door as he went back downstairs.

The king stepped up to Alec after he continued to laugh in his face and drug him over the table and began striking him. Guards from all sides rushed in the middle of the scuffle.

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"Oh my god." Katherine said, her eyes growing wide at the sight of the battle. She sprung from her chair and tried to help the guards calm Victor down. What was the cause of this? The thought to herself, confused.
Seler ran down as the king was pulled off of Alec. King Andre's loyal servant ran down to make sure everything was alright as a Duphonte guard jabbed a sword in his stomach. Seler erupted in rage at this act. Valinyan guards grabbed him as he shouted and tears streamed down his face. "The bastard! I'll kill him and all that he loves I swear it! I'll kill all of them" the guards drug him away. "This has crossed the line! This is an act of war!" King Andre proclaimed as the King of Duphonte replied "It has been coming and now it will come!"

The guards drug Seler by the door of the princess as he continued to shout.

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"What is going on?" Princess Cassie wondered as she woke up and opened her door.seeing Seler, she asked "what is the matter of this? Please let him go."

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Seler continued to fight back as the guards pleaded him to calm down "They killed him! They killed him!" He screamed through the halls

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