A Court of Kings

The next day King Victor awakened as he prepared to leave for the summit seeing if everyone was prepared to leave.

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Princess Cassie woke up with the sun, Still half asleep, she changed into a more suitable dress. Her new kitty looked hungry, so she walked towards the kitchen.

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Katherine had awoken earlier than most people that morning. Slightly hungry, she happily made her way to the kitchen. The whole place was empty, so she decided to get herself a bowl of cherries. Right as she was about to put one in her mouth, she heard someone coming in the distance.

"Excuse me lady Katherine." Princess Cassie spoke once seeing her I the kitchen. "Just food for the kitten."

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A servant walked in to them to tell them "His majesty wishes you to prepare for the journey"

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Lady Katherine did a small courtesy in response to the arrival of Princess Cassie "Of course, Princess." She said, finally taking a bite of one of her cherries when a servant entered the kitchen. It took Kat a while to understand, as she stood confused. "Wait, what journey?" She asked.

"2 hours my lady" the servant said as he left the room

(We need to get this going again!)

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"Thank you." She said as he left. "Katherine? Can I tell you something?" Princess Cassie asked. She placed the kitten on the floor with some food and water.

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Katherine's face remained slightly puzzled as she uttered the words "I am not going...". Assuming no one heard her, she knew she needed to confront the king and tell him herself. Spinning on her heal, Katherine was met with the voice of Princess Cassie. "Of course, princess." She said, slightly impatient but not intrusively so.
"As princess, I've faced being betrayed by ones I trust. As I shall be attending the journey, I shall ask of you a favor to watch over something of mine." Princess Cassie paused for a minute as she gathered a letter. In it was a rare gemstone only found in her kingdom, a shellstone, made from the sea that formed crystals with the varies tones of pink such as a sea shell looks. "Please hide this somewhere till I return. My mother gave me this as I was sent away. This gemstone is of my kingdom as when I return to throne, it will be placed in its original location, the royal ring passed down to generations of princess once in power." As she held the envelop for Lady Katherine to recieve.

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Lady Katherine was honored to have the princess put so much trust into her abilities of being secretive. Although, she couldn't shake the feeling that this may be risky. Katherine already had lots of responsibility, and felt incapable of trusting herself with such a precious heirloom. "Although I appreciate the faith you have put in my character, I must decline the offer. I would not want to have the chance that such a precious object might go missing by my hand." Katherine said, curtsying to the princess. "Good day, your highness." She said smiling, before heading to the chambers of the king.
The kind sat in his chambers anxiously as Katherine approached. He saw her as she came down the hall "My lady, have you made your preparations?"

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"What preparations!?" Katherine demands, not quite frustrated yet, but trying to get a straight answer. "My father and I agreed to spend the night, not go on some adventure through the kingdom." Lady Katherine is finally standing right in front of the king. "I do believe that our attendance is unnecessary." She says, more quietly now that she's closer.
"Adventure? It's a summit, it is a way to show the strength of this nation. I need to show them, Duphonte especially that my people, my nobles are superior to his." The king said as he stood up. "Your father is wise, I want him on my council"

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"The lengths you are going to are rather extreme, your majesty. I'm sure that if you were to simply ask my father, he would be more than willing to oblige." Katherine says, biting her bottom lip. "Then why must I come along?"

"Why not show him our women are superior as well? And you my lady, you would show them all up" the king told her as he gave her a smile.

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Lady Katherine exhaled loudly, coming to the terms of this arrangement. The king's commentary prompted a small smile and a laugh.

"Alright then. When do we leave?"
Lady Katherine followed the King to the door, smiled and curtseyed. "My father and I will be ready." She says, somewhat defeated as she returns to her chambers.
The king gathered his things as he was ready to travel

*time skip the long ship voyage*

The king stepped off of the ship, happy to be back upon dry land as a tall, tan older man with a mustache and goatee stepped forward to him wearing a crown. "Your majesty, you've kept me waiting for long enough" the man said with a smile. It was King Andre of Valyn. Victor approached him with an embrace and a laugh.

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Princess Cassie gracefully left the deck of the ship behind King Victor. As she did, a gentle breeze came forth, blowing off you light cream pearl hair piece. "Oh I apologize for my unkept appearance..." She said as her hair was flying through the wind. She curtseyed to both kings. "Princess Cassie, your majesty." Once finished her curtsy towards the King of Valyn.

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King Andre bowed "You look lovely my lady". "Now I'll ask you all to join me drink" he said in his thick accent

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