A Court of Kings

"Meow! Meow!" the kitty then screamed..."Meow!" a man came out from her window and tripped over a chair from hearing the kitty scream.
"Meow!!! screamed the kitty as she cuddled with Cassie. "Meow!" 
"Wha...ats going one..." Cassie spoke in her sleep before going into a deep sleep...
Though John could've taken the man alone he did not want to kill. "Guards!!! Guards!!! Intruder" He yelled as he pinned down the man.
"Meow!" yelled the kitty running down the hall. She then came back in the arms of a guard. "Meow. Meow Meow Meow meow. Meow." It seemed the kitty tried to speak as she walked back to Cas.
"Help me with this man!" John said as the guard came over and picked the man up, he walked out with him and waited there. John looked at the princess, he thought about waking her but it would be no use to do it so he decided to tell her in the morning. "Why don't you stay here and guard her, ill go take the man to the king" John said as the guard nodded and stood next to cassie's half broken door. John walked off to the throne room but he knew the king probably wasn't there but maybe someone else important was, so John kept walking there.
Katherine tied up her long, dark hair and strolled through the castle. She wasn't sure about what it was she was searching for... But she knew that she wanted to be something exciting.

John got to the throne room but sadly no one was there, he cursed and walked to the kings room. When he got there, he hesitated to knock on his door but he knocked very lightly. "Sir i have a ma..criminal here" John said as the man struggled a bit but it was easy for john to control him.
Baldur sat in his room relaxed lazily throwing his knives at a wood board across the room. He awaited Victor's next move to be set in motion.
"So criminal, who was it that sent you? How did you get in? And what are you after?" Victor asked angrily

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Criminal: "Recuse me, my lord. Princess Cassie must not know of this. I was sent by her father. Instructions been given to gather information to make sure his daughter is alright. If I do return, then she is alright, but I thee doesn't, drastic measures against the rivals will be taken."

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"If you're here from his majesty why not use the damned door?" Victor asked angrily

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"Too late for that. Tell me what information you have if you want your head"

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"The princess is alright and seems happy." He confidently spoken "please, if I may return, the king with not take drastic measure and end the heir. The princess would not be titled princess if that happens."

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"But won't will not come. It's to dangerous for the king. People are out to harm Princess Cassie and if they follow him here, Cassie will be killed." He tried to explain.

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"Leave for your home country, if you return here unannounced without a letter from your king, I'll have your head understand?" King Victor commanded.

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"I will you majesty. Thank you." He bowed as he slowly stepped away. He left a letter on his chair for the princess.

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Victor was angry and unwilling to trust anyone at this moment, he stormed back into his office to prepare to leave for the summit the next day.

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John raised sighed as the criminal. "Sire shall i return to the princess?" He asked as the king walked back into his office.

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John bowed before walking back to Cassie's bedchambers he sat in the chair looking at the broken door he probably should've told victor about.

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Lady Katherine listened in on the conversation that transpired between the king, guards and the 'criminal'.


She quietly returned to her chambers and attempted to fall asleep. However, it was difficult considering she was concerned about the safety of her and her father.

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