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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"No" Says Danielle, her eyes glowing blue, She tried to break the glass, she summoned all the power she could and forced it ahead of her.
It works -- the screen shatters, and a moment later Akira seems to have escaped the strange substance and can be seen floating opposite Danielle once more.

"I didn't even go near it!" cries the fusion. What's strange, however, is that the unusual substance has kept its shape and...also seems to be crying.
"What?" Asks Danielle, looking at the crying object. "....whats this?" She asked before getting closer, cautiously. "Hello?"
The Akira shaped mass looks up. Its eyes are the most clearly defined, despite it being statuesque in texture.

"Stay back, Danielle! It attacked me!"

,,¡ǝɯ pǝʞɔɐʇʇɐ ʇI ¡ǝllǝᴉuɐp 'ʞɔɐq ʎɐʇS,, The voice sounds strange, but is clearly coming from the odd creature.
This had Danielle back up a few paces. "C...can you here me?" She asked, was it 'Mon or machine she wondered.
,,¿ǝɯ ɹɐǝɥ noʎ uɐƆ,,

The others have arrived by now.

"What manner of Pokemon is that?" asks Liese.

"It's not a Pokemon...analyzing..." says Balaa.
"it attacked you Akira?" she asked, the response sounded strange, but not like gibberish.
,,¿ɐɹᴉʞ∀ noʎ pǝʞɔɐʇʇɐ ʇᴉ,,

"Well...it wasn't a proper attack...this hose reached out and grabbed me, and I suddenly found myself covered in this goop -- but then it started to take my shape, and no matter how I struggled it kept up with me -- and then I could smell it and taste it and hear it...it was horrible!"

"It appears to be a sort of incomplete lifeform," says Balaa. "My guess is that it was attempting either to absorb or emulate Akira for its survival."
Danielle walked to her friend to comfort it, rubbing her head against them. "well apparently I doesn't speak our language... can you understand what it's saying father?" She asked.

,,¿ɹǝɥʇɐɟ ƃuᴉʎɐs s,ʇᴉ ʇɐɥʍ puɐʇsɹǝpun noʎ uɐɔ ˙˙˙ǝƃɐnƃuɐl ɹno ʞɐǝds ʇ,usǝop I ʎlʇuǝɹɐddɐ llǝʍ,,

Akira shivers, but begins to calm down as Danielle comforts them.

"It's attempting to emulate your speech pattern," Balaa nods. "I'm not sure it knows any of its own words."

Liese frowns. "If it really is alive then it must be suffering greatly." She gently approaches it.
"Be careful Liese, it may be in pain, but that's also when sine become most desperate." She said, however not stopping her because she wanted to do the same, but she needed to be with Akira.
Liese holds back. "This poor thing...I can't just...just let it suffer..."

"Nanite conversion prototype," says Balaa finally. "It's a nanite conversion prototype."

The creature begins to rock back and forth, holding its head.
"What exactly does that entail, do you know?" She asked her father, while looking at the strange gelatinous, crying creature.
"If it is allowed contact with an organic creature over an extended period of time, it will convert said creature into an electronic equivalent."

"I don't fully know what that means," says Liese.

Akira shakes its head. "It sounds bad...really bad."
"Convert, that would mean it changes things right? So it transforms people, that doesn't explain why the poor thing is crying." Danielle said, resisting the urge to get closer and help the poor thing.
"Right...it would drastically change whatever was near it. It's-- it's crying because it's in pain..."

Liese watches with increasing horror. "Poor creature..."
Danielle watched on. "How.. can we help it?.... Does it need a host of some sort to live?" Danielle asks, starting to fidget, needing to be able to help the pain wracked creature.
"Yes..." Balaa says hesitantly. "In order to exist for long it needs to be combined with another creature."

"That explains why it seemed to be holding onto me for dear life," says Akira. "I didn't know it was suffering."

"I...I can help," says Liese. "I...I can combine with it."
Danielle nearly asked at her no. But she couldn't help but feel bad for it, whatever monsters created this being deserved to be punished harshly. ".. You might be forfeiting your free will.. But.. I can't stop you." She would have done it in a heartbeat, but she couldn't risk leaving Akira unguarded.
Liese nods. "Then if you allow it -- I will take the risk, if it might save a life..."

She steps closer to the weeping mass and offers her hand. It looks at her, shies away. She nods, and offers it again. It seems to shudder...but finally reaches back -- and then Liese is covered in the same pattern Akira was covered in earlier. A few cries can be heard from inside the mass, but the voice seems to be shifting.

"I'm so sorry," says Akira. "I didn't know! I didn't know!"
Danielle watched with fascination at the two interact, the smaller seeming to be shy? Once it actually accepted the hand she sprang back, but expecting the asked if it.

"Liese? Liese!? Can you hear me?" Danielle asked, shocked by the cries.
There's no immediate response, but the gray patterning is beginning to vanish -- and something else is beginning to emerge.
Danielle got closer, slowly waking towards her. "Liese, are you there?" She asked. She didn't knew how to help.
The Pokemon doesn't reply -- but something different is certainly beginning to exit the mass. Two red lights look up, almost surprised expressions in them as they look at the others.
Danielle continues to crawl closer, now close enough to touch. Not sure what to do she waits for the other to act first.

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